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week 8 flower -- some buds shooting out new pistils, starting to look 'lumpy' .... he


New member

some buds on the main cola are just about done, but some other ones are starting to shoot out tons of new pistils. the pistils near the bottom of it are all red but the ones nearest the light are super fresh, green, hairy. i couldn't find any bananas, i popped open some of the calyxes at the internodes, there was a tiny white squishy thing in there. now i understand these are normally supposed to be green..... should i pull my plant?



Active member
did u add light?? or using a specific nute? i remember.. when i use fox farms TRIO.. the additives.. if i use the one that makes buds grow bigger . at the wrong time in flower.. this happens.. or if i add light during late flower..

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Kind of odd. The first thing that comes to my my mind is heat stress from being so close to the bulb. It looks like it's starting to foxtail but weird that it has fresh pistils all over it. I would just go by the average trichome color over the entire plant, especially the lower, more finished looking stuff.
I was told too much Phosphorous. Not sure the validity of it. I made a really hot soil batch and I am having this problem, so it could hold true. I asked at the grow shop today


Active member
I was also told too much phodphorous for late in flower by someone on here. For me it meant that flower was delayed for 2-3 weeks but the yield increased. If the tops are ready you can harvest them and leave the rest to finish up.


Active member
more info on ligths , fert and hours of ligths on ? If they have a lot of sativa genes may help going to 14/10 and low on ferts , specially N

Bless BH


I'll toss my guess into the hat...

genetics. Not bad genetics, just a characteristic of some strains/phenotypes.

Sativas have long growing/flowering seasons. A hybrid may contain one that doesnt fully mature for 14 weeks or more. It may also contain genetics a from short flowering indica. What you're seeing may be the result of the cross.

I have one (sour kush) going on 10 weeks with the same characteristic.

Budley Doright

Active member
I'll toss my guess into the hat...

genetics. Not bad genetics, just a characteristic of some strains/phenotypes.

Sativas have long growing/flowering seasons. A hybrid may contain one that doesnt fully mature for 14 weeks or more. It may also contain genetics a from short flowering indica. What you're seeing may be the result of the cross.

I have one (sour kush) going on 10 weeks with the same characteristic.

I totally agree.....

Budley Doright

Active member
There is at least one alternative to this situation.....

The plant is just in survival mode..... in order to make some seeds it needs fresh pistils....

It might just have easily started to produce some nanner flowers.......lol.....


It is called reflower!
It is a complication that may arise in the end of flowering. It may comes from the genetics, the excessive or changed light, or too muck fertiliser. I 've heard that nitrogen is the element that in large doses in the late flowering can cause elongation of maturing or/and reflowring. Especially with sativas.
If you feel it will be a never ending grow,i 'd suggest to reduce the hours of lighting to 11 or less if its needed...
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Budley Doright

Active member
It is called reflower!
It is a complication that may arise in the end of flowering. It may comes from the genetics, the excessive or changed light, or too muck fertiliser. I 've heard that nitrogen is the element that in large doses in the late flowering can cause elongation of maturing or/and reflowring. Especially with sativas.
If you feel it will be a never ending grow,i 'd suggest to reduce the hours of lighting to 11 or more if its needed...

Its called foxtailing.... A term Ive hear many times.....

Check utube.... and google....plenty of examples.....

Its caused by genetics.....IMO unless you have some sort of link...

The only time Ive heard the word reflowering....is associated with revegging....


I know what foxtailing is dude.
We use the word foxtailing dude to describe the total shape of the bud even though there is no problem with the maturation. It is just structural...
Here we have regenerating pistils and delay of maturation but not foxtailing yet.
It is called reflowering and its a known term. Nothing to do with reveging or flowering two times the same plant. Check this out dude.

I ll try to find a link if it helps...
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