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Week 5 from seed, healthy or sick?


Bought a pH - from Hesi yesterday, and a pH meter... measured the tap water I was watering with again, it said 8.0.

I watered a little yesterday with water's ph being 6.2, hopefully it was the source of my problems with growth and symptoms of illness... I'll post pictures when changes occur.


Status update:

bought SensiGrow (A+B) today, already watered'em, dropped 16ml(a bit less) of A and B in 4L buckets(each part gets it's own bucket), waiting in anticipation for the next few days, they should start growing quickly as it is my 7th week now from seed, and they do not look big for that much time :dance013:

tube dude

Your soil looks to be a bit heavy. Next time you might want to add some perlite. Your lights could be allot closer too. 2 or 3 inches from the top of the pants would be fine.If your soil feels moist don't water.


This is the state they're in today...

Right one is topped, thinking of taking 2 clones(each main stem) because it's getting to be too high for the rest of the plants, they are not getting as much light as the topped one, would this be a good move?

This is beginning to be an issue of all the plants, it's most visible on the topped one, the drying of the leafs is random, there's no pattern like it's coming from the bottom up, or going from the top down...just random drying, one thing is common to all the plants, the ends of the leafs are slowly drying up, one leaf after another.

The left one has very weird leafs, parts of'em are just missing, and the structure of them are incomplete.. The top right one seems to be doing just fine though, not much drying, if any...

It seems almost like I've got a caterpillar on board, but when I scoped each leaf...nothing...

Symptom of deficiency of something?


Turns out, I WAS over watering... the one with the weird looking leafs was topped late and I guess I must have cut the leaves..anyways...I left'em one day for a good week, before that I watered'em with Sensi Grow A+B, and they started looking better.

So now, I have 3 females. 2 are in flowering, 1 is in veg.



#3(in veg again)

My question now is..
Was it a good move, to put the #3 back under 24/7? It has been in flowering for a good week, and it started to show sex. Because I do not want to wait for the seeds to sprout and do the whole thing all over again (with chances of them being male), I put it in veg again, was this ok or should I just let it flower?

Other than that, thank you all very much for you help, I'll post pictures as the flowering continues. Not expecting much yield, but for my first grow, I'll be happy if I get there in the first place :)


Why don't you just take some clones? You wont have to worry about males.

I thought it was self explanatory when I put the #3 female in veg again, that I was gonna use it for clones, sorry I'll be more precise with my intentions next time :)

That being said, I am now just wondering if it's o.k to go from vegetative to flower, and back to vegetative for the plant?

tube dude

Yeah but you might get some strange looking leaves growing for a week or two until she adjusts back to veg. This is normal.


Update time!

And an enthusiastic one, at least for me :)



After all the troubles I've had, there's nothing I'd be happier about than to see these 2 ladies flower(don't care about the yield, as long as I make it to it)! From the looks of it, I think I'm on track :)

Cheers and thanks to however read this thread :thank you: