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Weed wars soil mix


I always add water to our perlite before mixing it, helps keep the dust down and even eliminate it. Breathing in any solid particles is bad for your lungs....

We use a cement mixer to mix our soil.


B) because it's slightly better than 18-6 and 24-0, making it technically the BEST and CORRECT flowering schedule, and i believe once more people see the results it will soon be thought of as the normal schedule, just like it is in the rest of the flower growing industry...

It sounds very interesting but it would never be practical for me to employ the condescending light schedule in flower because I have 5 grows in there all at different stages. To do this I would have to build 5 separate flower rooms....

I like staggered grows because they help me keep my weight limit in check. Also allows me the time to harvest my crops with only the help from my wife and vise verse.

Circumstances play a big role in how we set up.


Where can I find a grow log from an experienced grower using this method? Sounds really intriguing and I am tempted to go configure my MDT1 but are there any reliable grow logs on the 12-1?

Perlite's cheap and it keeps my coco beds from compacting they're 12 inches deep and straight wet coco weighs a lot!


Active member
i forget the guys name who is making it popular, i first read about it earlier this year in skunk magazine*edit*-i dug up the magazine, his name is joe pietri, google his 12-1!*edit*...the guy that is advocating for it was one of the biggest hash smugglers and a top grower as well, there are several threads on it in every weed forum on the net but it hasn't progressed out of the experimental forums yet. we must remember this is a very expensive crop, and not many people are willing to risk what could be thousands of dollars to test new methods that are very different from the norm.

basically it goes like this, in veg you give your plants 12 hours of light, then 5.5 hours of dark, followed by an hour of light, then 5.5 more hours of dark. that one hour in the middle of the dark schedule is enough to keep them happily in veg and they grow just as fast as plants vegging in 18-6 but with less electricity used. the magazine states that commercial rose and other flower growers have been using these schedules for years, as they produce the best results while saving the most money. it even stated that they could be kept from flowering with a strobe light if you had the odd urge to do that,lol not sure how well it would work, i think it was just to show that we need a lot less light to get optimal growth in veg than we used to think.

for flowering i switch to 12-12 like normal, getting rid of that extra hour interruption makes them jump into flowering quite quickly, for instance right now i'm at day 9 of flowering and all of my clones are starting to push out hairs, and my seed plants are only a few days behind the clones(they were vegged 12-1 for 3 weeks ). it's at least as fast as switching from 18/6 if not a little faster.

after the first week you subtract 15 minutes of light and add 15 minutes of dark each week, with your plants finishing at 9 hours light 15 hours dark. it also works almost as well to take half an hour off every 2 weeks but my timers go in 15 minute increments so i elected to do it by 15 minutes each week, as it's a bit closer to nature. the key is you want to finish at about 9 hours light, i start at 12-12 because that gives me 12 weeks, which is how long i need for my strains, if you were growing an 8 week strain you would start flowering at 11-13 and so on.

i know it sounds like it would reduce the yield but it really doesn't seem too! i bested my earlier yields with my last grow since switching and this next crop seems even bigger yet...that's of course me getting used to my new cab and strains, not the lighting, but it does illustrate to me that it's not hurting my yield at all and helping me ripen a week quicker, getting denser, more plump and sugary buds, with a stronger taste and smell. this is because it's closer to the schedule they spent millions of years evolving too, and they ripen much better with gradually shortening days than they do with the exact same daylight length throughout the whole season.

Interesting. Gonna try and do some more research on this. If it truly works, realistically you can add more lights without adding more money to your power bill.

Thanks for the Sunday afternoon project!!!

Bunz :D
wow that doesnt make any sense but i want to try it. but im so high and lazy il never be able to set the timer to do that crazy light schedule.


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:tiphat: love bag of fox farm ocean forrest soil and 1 - 12 quart bag of black gold perlite mixed into it. my plants suffer no ill effects and grow quite fast and healthy. been usen FFOF w/perlit added about 6 yrs now