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Weed, during times of grief


One thing I have learned over the years is that during times of your life when you are experiencing greif, loss, or extreme sadness that weed, is the last thing you need.

Pot has always seemed to act as an amplifier of grief for me. It seems to intensify negative feelings, and compound problems.

Its been three days for me since my girlfriend of 4 years packed her bags and left our home. I knew right from the start to put the stash away. At first I turned to alcohol, but now I realize I need my mind clear to get through this.

From experience, I dont use pot to escape from pain. Alcohol yes, but even that is destructive and eventually hurts you in the long run. You must face your problems sober, so that your mind can heal in its own way.

Its a roller coaster of emotions right now. But Its necessary for the healing process. The next time I light up a joint, I will be at peace with my emotions. Besides, how can you prove your love for someone thats feelings have been hurt and destroyed when you are stoned.

Time to shit or get off the pot has new meaning. Ive got a girl to win back.


You go get em tiger! Don't let anything hold you back.

I'll smoke one for you, my friend.


I guess my view is differant. Surely some will disagree but i say let her go. Plenty of woman out there. I never stress over looseing a woman. I move on. There is a new model born every year.:2cents: I would smoke a bowl with my buds and enjoy life. Don't let a woman get you down!


The Hopeful Protagonist
Unless you're purposely not telling us the whole story, which really is no one's business but yours, something doesn't jive right with your story man....

Sorry for your hard luck just the same....we do have the power to change things in our lives though :2cents:


All day everyday means all day everyday. Atleast for me.

"Besides, how can you prove your love for someone thats feelings have been hurt and destroyed when you are stoned."

The same way you can sober. Lulz


sorry to hear

...did she leave you because of weed?

No, she left me because i took her love for granted, and treated her as such.

Not trying to preach here gentlemen. Just expressing my feelings about when I smoke and when I dont


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
One thing I have learned over the years is that during times of your life when you are experiencing greif, loss, or extreme sadness that weed, is the last thing you need.

Pot has always seemed to act as an amplifier of grief for me. It seems to intensify negative feelings, and compound problems.

Its been three days for me since my girlfriend of 4 years packed her bags and left our home. I knew right from the start to put the stash away. At first I turned to alcohol, but now I realize I need my mind clear to get through this.

From experience, I dont use pot to escape from pain. Alcohol yes, but even that is destructive and eventually hurts you in the long run. You must face your problems sober, so that your mind can heal in its own way.

Its a roller coaster of emotions right now. But Its necessary for the healing process. The next time I light up a joint, I will be at peace with my emotions. Besides, how can you prove your love for someone thats feelings have been hurt and destroyed when you are stoned.

Time to shit or get off the pot has new meaning. Ive got a girl to win back.
cannabis is not for everyone, perhaps it's not for you.......



Yeah mabye it isn't for you.. It always helps me out in times of grief. I thought this thread was going to be the other way around. When I smoke I relax my mind of alot of life's troubles and I have terrible insomnia which is bad enough as it is but in times of grief it's twice as bad and weed helps me sleep. It's a great anti-depressant for me. I guess you are just different though.. Alcohol just makes me twice as pissed when I am worried about something, you should definally lay off the booze.

K Double O

Yeah you seemed to be a bit "whipped" No disrespect intended....


Oh another thing, Mary Jane is not a "grief amplifier" MJ eases the pain of heart ache... Seriously. Don't blame MJ for lack of ability to handle problems....

Anyway, we all know the drill, you gotta be strong when ur lady walks out.... If the love is gone... The love is gone....

BUT! One thing is certain, and two things are for sure....

First, women out number men like 13 to 1, so chances are you will find another.... Probably better... Second, you have (re) entered the single world.... Prepare for lots of action... And last, but not least.... Hopefully you have learned a great deal from this previous relationship to help you in your future relationships.... Most important..

Good luck to you...
i agree with many view points here.

1. Applies to me at least... and a few others here. Weed is always good. When i became disabled permanently for the rest of my life. Weed was the ONLY thing that kept me from putting the 9 to my head and blowing my brains out.

2. Women getting you down? there are more important things to worry about than chicks dude. to quote eminem (not my favorite of people but he got this right) "I do know one thing though... bitches they come they go"

PLenty of fish in the sea my brotha. and in my experience everyone of my girls ends up being way better than the last... (hotter too) lol.

3. If she leaves ya cuz you a dumbass. Leave her be. you had your shot, and you fucked up by being retarded. Learn the lesson, change your ways. but move on. You already took advantage of that shit. and if that's the best thing that was in your life... sorry mate, you fucked up.



The Hopeful Protagonist
No, she left me because i took her love for granted, and treated her as such.

Not trying to preach here gentlemen. Just expressing my feelings about when I smoke and when I dont

Hey bro, wasn't jumpin' your shit or trying to get in your business maing....

Heart-ache is heart-ache, whatever the reason.....

Just make damned sure that getting her back is really want you want in your heart, and not just a play to see if you can do it.....

4 years and you didn't make a move (marry her) should tell you something....jmho :2cents:

Me...I'd have a blunt party with about 4 chicks with my new found freedom/bachelor pad :D....but that's just me.


Gro :joint:


Yeah you seemed to be a bit "whipped" No disrespect intended....


Oh another thing, Mary Jane is not a "grief amplifier" MJ eases the pain of heart ache... Seriously. Don't blame MJ for lack of ability to handle problems....

Anyway, we all know the drill, you gotta be strong when ur lady walks out.... If the love is gone... The love is gone....

BUT! One thing is certain, and two things are for sure....

First, women out number men like 13 to 1, so chances are you will find another.... Probably better... Second, you have (re) entered the single world.... Prepare for lots of action... And last, but not least.... Hopefully you have learned a great deal from this previous relationship to help you in your future relationships.... Most important..

Good luck to you...

Hey man, I wasant bashing weed, nor blaming weed for my problems. It was just a thought that occured to me, and I wrote about it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Yeah you seemed to be a bit "whipped" No disrespect intended....


Oh another thing, Mary Jane is not a "grief amplifier" MJ eases the pain of heart ache... Seriously. Don't blame MJ for lack of ability to handle problems....

Anyway, we all know the drill, you gotta be strong when ur lady walks out.... If the love is gone... The love is gone....

BUT! One thing is certain, and two things are for sure....

First, women out number men like 13 to 1, so chances are you will find another.... Probably better... Second, you have (re) entered the single world.... Prepare for lots of action... And last, but not least.... Hopefully you have learned a great deal from this previous relationship to help you in your future relationships.... Most important..

Good luck to you...

easy does it bro, he's just down on himself for a bit and weed can act as a depressant under different circumstances; there were times in my life that mirrored Ripshot's feelings under different pressures and weed did not help me to feel any better, in fact as it didn't make me feel better it did make me feel worse in those times. Depression is a very dark and private corner of anyone's mind.......

Mom always told me after a bad breakup that "there's plenty of fish in the sea" and she was right, so I'd bait my hook with a big juicy worm and get on with it again. But in case you'd really like to know the truth before you say something like that in public and embarrass yourself (again) here's the real dope.

the ratio of men/women worldwide:
From 2007 statistics:
MALES: 3,360,742,758
FEMALES : 3,310,483,706
This means that for every male there is a 0.985 woman

It's 50/50 unless you're Yummybud and then the chances
of mating get into algorithms and exponential infinities.......



Active member
Yeah you seemed to be a bit "whipped" No disrespect intended....


Oh another thing, Mary Jane is not a "grief amplifier" MJ eases the pain of heart ache... Seriously. Don't blame MJ for lack of ability to handle problems....

MJ affects different people diff. ways... I know MJ can in fact increase certain negative feelings or emotions in myself.


dude i know what this feels like and believe me it sucks!

I had a GF of 4 years who just shit on me and cheated on me and believe me i thought that my heart had been ripped out, i know a lot of people say they dont let women get to them and i can understand this as there are natural defence barriers but once you have been with someone for a number of years (in your case and also mine 4) you build a relatioship with the person and you also basically become very close to this person so when something like this happens you feel as if you cant go on but believe me mate you can!

I since have been with another girl who loves me more than i can say and even though i have pu ther through a load of shit i can honestly say that i know that she will never hurt me or do anything a cross me, and i also know that she is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

I am not saying this to show off what i have got mate i am just saying this to show you whats possible even when you think things are notg so basically what i am saying is hang in there, do things that makes you happy no matter what that is and dont think that your out of the game yet! I believe that you have to go through shit to find the light at the end and basically find what makes you happy and believe me mate you will find someone else that you will suite better and you will be together for a lot lot longer if not for good mate!

Hope you get over this shit soon and you always know that your toking brothers like me and everyone else on here are here if you want to talk about anything dude!



Don't wait !! Find another chick, fire up a fatty with her get a piece and let go of the emotions. Life is really short don't waste your time on the past. JUST LEARN FROM IT.