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weed causes teticular cancer?


I looked it up on google because i wanted to see what it said, i dont get how anyone can put the blame solely on m.j., when i am aware of the fact that our tap water, food, chemicals in fuels, and cleaning supplies, yadda yadda,things we come in contact with every day, all have been proven to cause many different types of cancer, how can any cancer be proven to be caused strictly by marijuana?

"Frequent or long-term use of marijuana may significantly increase a man's risk of developing the most aggressive type of testicular cancer, according to a study by researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. The study was published today in the journal "Cancer."
Researchers found that men who smoked marijuana at least once a week or since adolescence had twice the risk of being diagnosed with testicular cancer than men who had never smoked pot".


Updated: They found what they call a correlation between the two. This is the same as saying 400 of the men with cancer drank tea regularly. The answer to this question is no. Smoking Marijuana does not cause testicular cancer, however a lot of the people who have it smoke weed. On top of that, a lot of people in general smoke weed.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Does_marijuana_cause_testicular_cancer#ixzz1ZMBbJjYT


lol 'a lot of people who kill people have been inside a hairy vagina, up to at least once'


Game Bred
having testicles is the number one cause of testicular cancer!!!!

100% of testicular cancer patients when asked "did you have testicles before the diagnosis?"
responded yes!!!!!
added to the FACT there are zero reports of persons w/o testicles having the disease(no women)
there is only one conclusion to be drawn..
testicles are the cause.

go to your doctor to find out if you have testicles today!!!
a simple exam is all it takes.
you can even do a simple prescreening at home!

just form your hand into a flat plane. now pull your cawk to the side with the other hand.
in a hard and rapid motion slap the area beneath your cawk seven or eight times.
if you find yourself with a major pain in your belly all the way to your throat you may have testicles.

please go immediately to your family doctor to confirm the diagnosis and talk about removal options....


Active member
Lmfao Dag, funny as!, gives you genital warts too, so i wear condoms 24/7!

rule of thumb= dont smoke Cannabis only once a week(at least) & masturbate as often as possible lol! reduces build-up!
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I would not be surprised

I think our testicles will eventually fall off or dry out


Active member
Na, a good tug will keep the juices flowing & the balls strong, tugg n puff mate, tugg n puff! leave em to their own devices with no service & their bound to go anerobic-septic! look what happens to water lol! Benn trying to educate the miss's for ages on this issue¬)

She wants them to dry out n drop off im sure! thank the lord for tinternet! 20 year relationship takes its toll im affraid!

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Interesting. A long time ago it was found that chimney sweeps had a higher rate of testicular cancer, evidently because of the compounds left behind by wood smoke.


they say that cannabis has feminine energy

and i'm not talking about the fact that it comes from female plant
maybe there's link I dunno


"Tibet freedom"
go to your doctor to find out if you have testicles today!!!
a simple exam is all it takes.
you can even do a simple prescreening at home!

hey i´m doing my testicle test of my ball , and all good at the moment:tiphat:

Guest 48988

I always thought a high freaquency of masterbation would purge any cancer causing toxins from building up to a dangerous level...... Not that id amitting anything here. Just something i read ...


Active member
heres to jacking off regularily then! :D puff.


yes, thc possibly cure´s cancer .. but it causes testicular cancer.

how? lol

this is just utter bullshit!
some fucko´s with an agenda.
the only possible connection is that people with cancer, tend to smoke cannabis.

sooo... you smoke it, but no, it does nothing to your lungs..

nooo, it gives you testicle cancer! it bypasses all the body, just to give you testicle cancer..

anyone see the stupidity of that?

plus, if this were even vaguely true and not easily pulled apart , this would be allover the news.


every single male born all over the world, castrated at birth, or as close to birth as possible..problemo solved..:)


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
lol i would only believe that if the study was sponsered by phizer or merc...

which im sure it was... so i HAVE to believe it 100%

There are no real scientific studies on weed besides the ones weve done on yourself... I will never believe a study until it comes from a pro MJ stance with scientist that are totally unbiased and the money they get to do the study is also...

propaganda machine is large and in charge believe nothing what you read and only half of what you see...


"Tibet freedom"
lol i would only believe that if the study was sponsered by phizer or merc...

which im sure it was... so i HAVE to believe it 100%

There are no real scientific studies on weed besides the ones weve done on yourself... I will never believe a study until it comes from a pro MJ stance with scientist that are totally unbiased and the money they get to do the study is also...

propaganda machine is large and in charge believe nothing what you read and only half of what you see...

in charge believe nothing what you read and only half of what you see.

is the same in spanish


I was fortunate enough to have my balls examined rather thoroughly by a nurse with no gloves and a sonogram.."Why are you sweating?" she asked me as she pushed one of my nuts so hard I almost passed out...:)So all they found was a swollen testicle and no cancer...all I can say is always wear a cup when you're jumping dirtbikes...25 yrs of smoking weed and no cancer here yet, this thread brought back the fond memories of that nurse without gloves...I will admit to one permanently swollen testicle, it's called a hydrocele...bummer.:)