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Weed block cloth for gnat control


Active member
:tiphat:Hey out there..

Can see you also got those Gnats-i done it at those way..
take some kind of textil under the lay of sand-they can breath through those textil--it,s something you also can use in your garden..Not the best in English for explaining..also have those Textil in the bottom..therefore 2 pots in each other..
For Holding those textil up to the bottom at the first pot.there the plant is in..so it also easy-to remove again..
Hope it give an idea mabye and also only waterring from the bottom..it,s not normally sand-it,s for fishtanks-so it,s not to fine at the "corn" sand corn . ) --take care
I took a few sample pests to an entemologist and was instructed to soil drench each container with a residual non-systemic material in order to kill the larvae which is attacking the roots.
I did. I have no gnats now.:)


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Ok, I'll bite. What "residual non-systemic material" did you use?


Kiss My Ring
comeback kid, enquiring minds want to know...

i suppose i'll just have to bing it...


Cultural changes. Watering affects houseplant pests in a couple of differerent of ways. Excessively moist soil favors the development of problems with fungus gnats. However, plants placed in very hot, dry sites are prone to problems with spider mites.

don't believe me...


I know, everyone of us wants to blame other vectors, when we are the most likely one.

reconsider your plants water needs...imho about 200ml per plant in veg, and 300ml in flower per day...depending on your pot size. i shoot for no runoff and use 13 litre pots/cans.

put a dunk in a piece of panty hose, tie it up, chuck it into a spray bottle full of water, shake and spray on soil and around bottom of pot/can.

i'm using some cloth right now with moderate success, the water goes right through, but i suspect the gnats have a more difficult time.

i'm loathe to put insecticides into play...guess it's time to clean up my act!

good luck...
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