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weed and martial arts


Active member
this is a BBC documentary on Chinese "internal" Martial Arts - Tai Chi, Hsing Yi, Ba Gua

a good friend of mine studies in the Cheng Ming school - very similar to this -
I love watching this as much as anything for seeing pics of Taiwan back in the '80s - not so different from now, still quintessentially Taiwanese

I don't know much about Hung I Hsiang, but certainly Cheng Ming and his student Wang Su Chai, were/are truly skilled fighters and would tour and and take on all comers from Japan, Thailand etc.

the very linear forceful style you see being practiced is Hsing Yi - the Bao Chuan ("canon punch") move was a favourite of Cheng Ming's for keeping fights nice and short

truly skilled boxer's of old - Western, Thai ec. - will use jabs in this way too - springing forward with the whole body weight behind the punch, also countering, attacking and driving forward at the same time ... Buakaw will do this a lot, beginning with a very heavy jab

to be honest though I doubt there are many practitioners of internal martial arts these days who know how to use most of it a fight - the systems may well be full of great ideas, but being able to put them into practice in a fight situtation has to be altogether another thing... a competent Thai boxer would probably walk over 99% of Hsing Yi students

edit btw - some of the info in part 3/4 is a little misleading - esp. about the I Ching and Ba Gua - the commentator cannot even pronounce "Ba" - right (he is saying "Pa" - rather like the mistake which lead to "kung fu" being pronounced as it is in the West... instead of "gong fu" ... and I'm not sure the guy who scripted it even realises "ba" just means "eight"... oh well)
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Well-known member
I practice Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and am planning on starting up on some Chen Style Tai Chi (Chen Style is the system that actually focus on the Martial Arts aspect of Tai Chi, not the shitty watered down stuff they teach nowadays). Always blaze up prior to training BJJ at least, no way I could survive Muay Thai while stoned.


Active member
nice selection of styles - studied a bit of Chen family Tai Chi myself ... just to be clear, all forms of Tai Chi can be used for combat: Yang, Li, Sun etc. etc. ... it's just that they are seldom taught as such nowadays... and more to the point: of those people who do claim to teach Tai Chi for combat, I would think very few are genuinely able to use it

Chen is often known as the combat form of Tai Chi simply because the practise speed is often harder and faster than the newer family forms - it's more obviously martial, and generally reflects older traditions

I should add also that some people are a little dismissive of Chen Xiao Wang and the tournaments in which he has fought - though for all I know the doubters could be wrong

here's Tai Chi being put to use in a publicised fight
1970 - the fella in the t-shirt is about 61, the other is a younger wrestler in his 30s

Buakaw Por Paramuk - aka "Heavenly Blessing of White Lotus Blossoms"
wondering if his opponents saw it that way lol? aaargh
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The Anchorman said:
My Roor is a black belt. It knocks me the f**k out everytime I spar with it.

hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahah


When i was heavilly into the martial arts in the 70's i obtained a copy of a book called secret of the golden flower? Anyone ever hear of it? Its a book on taoist meditation and breathing techniques. Translated by a german around 1900. Pretty wild stuff about walking on sand and not leaving footprints etc.. you have to be celibate apparently so i guess thats why it never worked for me... lol


Active member
ah yeh, it's by a Taoist called Tung Ping Lu, haven't read it, but you probably had the Wilhelm translation - there is a newer one by Thomas Cleary

not that this is directed at you, but if you ask me, as a general note for someone thiking of learning martial arts, reading transaltions of Taoist texts is a great way to completely confuse yourself - the language is tough to translate, very vague, cryptic and poetic ... very likely with all the talk of "chi/energy" to give readers a completely distorted set of ideas and expectations about what is going on when they practise

and generally speaking, another issue raised is that practising breathing techniques from a book without the guidance of a good teacher is risky and unwise

styles like Yi Chuan and schools like Cheng Ming often drop the chi concept completely for the purposes of teaching, because it can confuse new and advanced students completely, even Chinese, to the point of being counterproductive


Well-known member
heh heh heh, I thought i was the only one who would think to combine these two passions.

I hope to get back into Martial arts soon.... and I haven't been more than a few hours without medicating in years, so, ;-)


Someone please post the Gomi vs Nick Diaz fight (I don't know how). At the time Gomi was an absolute beast and Nick was brought in to feed the beast. This is an incredible fight where the outcome is changed to a no contest due to Diaz testing positive for marijuana. The doctor ring side said that he believed that Diaz was high during the fight because of how he reacted to getting knocked down although I haven't heard Diaz confirm or deny.
The full fight is available on youtube.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well many of us have seen the Jackie Chan movie "Drunken Master" after hearing this talk of weed and martial arts I wonder if there's such a thing as Stoned Monkey or Stoned Master style of Martial arts? :D

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