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webbed genetics ...



hye stoners , thought id share some pics from my gallery with you .. heres some of the webbed cannabis ive been playing around with a while now and having a real fun time with ... some have thought the webbed leaves is the main attraction , ive long gotten over that aspect and my favourite part of them is the smoke it produces .. just fantastic stuff and a joy to smoke ... often after a pipe of ducksfoot , just as i blow it out , a smile appears on my face , an involentary action to the taste and high ... yep shes happy weed theres no doubt about that , ive never experienced paranoia with it ... the taste and smell of ducksfoot leaves most other stains in its dust , extremely tastey and smelly ...
the webbed indica i obtained from a chap in hawaai , and is a pure indica ... short plants , very fat stalks and leaves , a different kind of webbing on the leaves and th e stoned is knockout .. definaltey a couchlocky thing with a lovely strong and lasting taste .. first up some ducksfoot leaves ...



honey oil addict


trippy man , you have two totally different webbed breeds now!!!?<> funky far out nice pics, thanks.


yes an indica and a sativa , cool ay .. wanna see the result of the cross of the two .. ?? well here it is , webbed hybrid ... needs a little work before id consider it a viable strain , but the smoke off it was amazing .. the bubble was incredible and you should smell the stench .. and yes it has webbed leaves ..


thanks med breeder , itll be a bit yet , that was the first test cross to see if it was viable , .. showed heaps of promise , now i will have to go back to the drawing board a little and find the best parent stock to use .. good t hings take time , ... it showed to be only suited outdoors aswell , none went well indoors ... but ill get there before too long ,,,.. in the meantime i have a few other things im working on that you may also be impressed with .. ill show ya soon when we have something worth showing , shouldnt be too long , gonna be a good breeding season this one coming .... look out for it ....


Active member
Hi WallyDuck.

I just have a few questions if you don't mind. Has there been a cross using duckfoot that you know of, where the webbed trait was passed on to the offspring?
Here and over at og i have seen many grow threads of growers hoping to pass that stealth trait on to i.e a long flowering sativa. Yet none that i know off has acheived it yet. I know it's just a matter of time and countless trials.

And my last question for now is

of all the duckfoot crosses that you have personally done or witnessed which one is your favorite?

Which one of the duckfoot crosses out there would you give your seal of approval too, if there is any that you would even give your seal too.




I just have a few questions if you don't mind. Has there been a cross using duckfoot that you know of, where the webbed trait was passed on to the offspring?
>>>Yes i have had a few that have , normally i have crossed with the duck twice to achieve this and the ratio was often low of webbed plants , recently i have had a few that showed webbed in the first cross to a normal leaf plant ... the norm would be webbed x webbed will be webbed ....
Here and over at og i have seen many grow threads of growers hoping to pass that stealth trait on to i.e a long flowering sativa. Yet none that i know off has acheived it yet. I know it's just a matter of time and countless trials.
>>> yep thats what itll come down to for them , and unless they grow a reasonable amount of thier offspring they may even miss the webbed ones that show up, nice to see the interest though ...

And my last question for now is

of all the duckfoot crosses that you have personally done or witnessed which one is your favorite?

Which one of the duckfoot crosses out there would you give your seal of approval too, if there is any that you would even give your seal too.
>>>well i ve seen and grown a few , blueberry x , sweet tooth x , panama red x , blue haze x , webbed indica and some i cant recall right now ,,, most of them passed the taste of the duck on nicely and were lovley plants and great smokes , i think the most hard hitting one is the cross with the webbed indica , im smoking some of the f2 of that one now and its a real kicker , tastey as they come and bites real hard .....ive seen some successful grows with the blueberry cross , and someof the first plants we were growing when we grew the first ducks were something to see aswell as choof ... thanks for your interest mate , and hope ive answered your questions ...

Kenny Lingus

Active member
Aye Wally!

Aye Wally!

I'm mighty impressed with your webbing.... But what I'm really writing for is a question that I got watching a reality-TV show a couple of nights ago...
-The show was called "The ECO-Challenge" and is a very hard team contest where they ride bikes, paddles, swim, mountain/jungle trekking, climbing, etc.... And this was in some far-out area of Borneo.
Funny thing was I'm pretty sure I saw the tops of some Ducksfoot' growing in a slope right beside the trail. It was only visible in a few of the camera angles though.
-So question is actually: Do webbed leafed drug cannabis grow wild in your part of the world?

Where is it best to go hunt for "New" genetics BTW???

Hope you get a ducksfoot for the far north soon Wally;)
