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Wearing Masks

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I do have a coherent thought in regards to vaccines or any other medical procedure...
A person should be able to opt out of whatever procedure if they so choose.
Consent matters
Mandatory vaccinations will be met with hostility.
Bet that.

did i say i wanted mandatory vaccines?

i'm aware there will be plenty of morons that refuse to get vaccinated for completely stupid reasons, i was just curious about your take on vaccines themselves, not the hypothetical laws that surround them.


Well-known member

did i say i wanted mandatory vaccines?

i'm aware there will be plenty of morons that refuse to get vaccinated for completely stupid reasons, i was just curious about your take on vaccines themselves, not the hypothetical laws that surround them.

:good:Mo will be back in a week to answer your question, in the meantime, carry on!


:good:Mo will be back in a week to answer your question, in the meantime, carry on!


well, here's my take:

the cdc, dhhs, ncbi, and any other serious medical institution (johns hopkins, etc) are in unanimous agreement after a long history of vaccine research, development, and large scale implementation:

modern u.s. given vaccines are incredibly safe.

like one in a million chance of severe reaction. help me out if anyone can find a death attributed directly to vaccines in the last 20 years in the united states (not india polio vaccine... u.s. vaccinations so as not to complicate the discussion with unfounded conspiracy theories and what not)

let's compare that one in a million chance of severe reaction (not even death) to other common things we do every day.

car accidents account for something like 40k DEATHS (or slightly under) in the u.s. every year (national safety council)

unintentionally falling causes a yearly death toll a little under that (35-37 thousand) according to the cdc

national weather service says about 50 ppl per year die from lightning strikes. according to the cdc, you have a 1 in 500,000 chance of being struck in any given year. you are twice as likely to be struck by lightning than you are of having a severe reaction to your vaccine.

Has any country actually even mentioned mandatory vaccination?

no foot to stand on about vaccines, avoid it by moving the goal posts in an attempt to red herring us away from the original topic.


ICMag Donor
the cdc, dhhs, ncbi, and any other serious medical institution (johns hopkins, etc) are in unanimous agreement after a long history of vaccine research, development, and large scale implementation:

modern u.s. given vaccines are incredibly safe.

Amen, and right on!!

I can understand trepidation of the "RACE FOR THE VACCINE TRIALS". I had a brief phone consult with my Dr. yesterday. She's not in favor of running out and be one of thousands upon thousands of vaccine. Rather than the Pfizer subzero storage that really is a risk management crash if storage isn't properly adhered to, other vaccines are taking the moderate road towards approval and wide spread distribution. That's my practitioner peer's logic/reason and I concur. Vaccines are needed as you mentioned, nepalnt21.

Pfizer leaves rural communities again (CO-19 testing, supplies were not adequately available outside of urban areas) are largely left out due to logistics, administration and staff performing the vaccine.

So, in the meantime, remote work, and careful visits to necessary businesses. And of course, rote message: masks, hand washing, physical distancing.

Thank you, nepalnt21, AOH, and others to clarify hostile, caustic, incorrect and incongruent rants. Much appreciated from an informational and personal standpoint.
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G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Weird how the anti-vax thing was fringe if it existed at all, until they started talking about adding the HPV vaccine to the list of required shots for kids.


The Tri Guy
I must admit, I am nervous about these quick vaccines. The rate of success on them is predicted to be about the same rate as people who suffer no serious illness from getting covid. However, the EU is offering for tender an AI system to track what they state as "expected large scale serious side effects from the vaccine". Couple that with legislation to protect the manufactures from litigation from affected patients, and you have a situation where the govts. have little faith in them. Then you see a multi tiered approach where the rich are getting one vaccine and everyone else is getting a different one. It all seems a bit suspect to me. I've been looking forward to a viccine, but now I'm not so sure its going to be a good thing to be in the front of the que.


ICMag Donor
Great, Boogie....Herd Immunity is a great roll of the dice!! I wish you luck!!!

The Atlantic
Since Americans do not yet enjoy herd immunity against COVID-19, free riding is impossible, and getting the vaccine helps protect the health of each individual patient. The sooner you get immunized, the earlier you can go about your life without the risk of contracting a very serious illness (or passing it on to your friends and relatives). Though some people will, against all reason, choose to endanger themselves and their loved ones, the selfish case for getting a COVID-19 vaccine will be much more compelling.

Uncontrolled transmission in younger people risks significant morbidity and mortality across the whole population. In addition to the human cost, this would impact the workforce as a whole and overwhelm the ability of healthcare systems to provide acute and routine care.

As for your "aluminum comment", aluminum salts are used in DTaP vaccines, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and hepatitis B vaccines. Aluminum adjuvant containing vaccines have a demonstrated safety profile of over six decades of use and have only uncommonly been associated with severe local reactions.

I wonder how much you are ingesting, Boogie, by drinking beer, soda in a can, SPAM and other potted meats. It's everywhere.

Acetone (or its partner MEK) gets a mention occasionally as a gun cleaner- Hoppes #9. They are very dangerous solvents used in confined spaces. They are highly flammable and have a very low flashpoint. They are toxic in similar way to chloroform but are very good cleaners.

Hoppes # 9 contains:
Ammonium oleate (CAS#544-60-5) 5.0 oz
Amyl Acetate (CAS#544-60-5) 8.5 oz ("banana oil")
Nitro-benzene 2.0 oz (the racing fuel additive)
K1 Kerosene 8.5 oz
Neutral Saponifiable Oil 8 oz

Breathe deep, Boogie....don't wash your hands after cleaning your precious guns!

And you are adamant about micro amounts of aluminum in vaccines?

Think again.:gaga:


Well-known member
Great, Boogie....Herd Immunity is a great roll of the dice!! I wish you luck!!!

The Atlantic
Since Americans do not yet enjoy herd immunity against COVID-19, free riding is impossible, and getting the vaccine helps protect the health of each individual patient. The sooner you get immunized, the earlier you can go about your life without the risk of contracting a very serious illness (or passing it on to your friends and relatives). Though some people will, against all reason, choose to endanger themselves and their loved ones, the selfish case for getting a COVID-19 vaccine will be much more compelling.

Uncontrolled transmission in younger people risks significant morbidity and mortality across the whole population. In addition to the human cost, this would impact the workforce as a whole and overwhelm the ability of healthcare systems to provide acute and routine care.

As for your "aluminum comment", aluminum salts are used in DTaP vaccines, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and hepatitis B vaccines. Aluminum adjuvant containing vaccines have a demonstrated safety profile of over six decades of use and have only uncommonly been associated with severe local reactions.

I wonder how much you are ingesting, Boogie, by drinking beer, soda in a can, SPAM and other potted meats. It's everywhere.

Acetone (or its partner MEK) gets a mention occasionally as a gun cleaner- Hoppes #9. They are very dangerous solvents used in confined spaces. They are highly flammable and have a very low flashpoint. They are toxic in similar way to chloroform but are very good cleaners.

Hoppes # 9 contains:
Ammonium oleate (CAS#544-60-5) 5.0 oz
Amyl Acetate (CAS#544-60-5) 8.5 oz ("banana oil")
Nitro-benzene 2.0 oz (the racing fuel additive)
K1 Kerosene 8.5 oz
Neutral Saponifiable Oil 8 oz

Breathe deep, Boogie....don't wash your hands after cleaning your precious guns!

And you are adamant about micro amounts of aluminum in vaccines?

Think again.:gaga:

When I was a kid I was forced to take ritalin for being "too hyper". I was a very happy outgoing kid but It turned me into a antisocial mute who hated everyone. They kept upping my dose of ritalin until I just stared at walls all day. I don't trust doctors, I don't trust anything you have to say.


Well-known member


ICMag Donor
When I was a kid I was forced to take ritalin for being "too hyper". I was a very happy outgoing kid but It turned me into a antisocial mute who hated everyone. They kept upping my dose of ritalin until I just stared at walls all day. I don't trust doctors, I don't trust anything you have to say.

As if you were the ONLY person that had a medical hiccup? Sorry to hear they over Rx'd Ritalin. I think we've all encountered a medical mishap...some worse than others. Dr.'s aren't gods...it's a science on a variable faceted human being.

And personally (plus professionally), I don't give a hoot that you don't "trust" me. Pfffft!!
Chain of transmission....chugga-chugga-chugga without masks. Whooo-wooo (train whistle) bullet train spread the virus wherever you go!!

Start gathering articles and tactics for 'Herd Immunity survival tips'. Heard (herd) statistics aren't great. Some will live, others die or have a host of post-CO-19 rehab....vascular, pulmonary, CNS, the whole enchilada. But you already know that.

Or..... find a remote area where all of the herders can congregate, causing less harm to other citizens.

Best o' luck, Boog.


While more research needs to be done on immunity to novel coronavirus, there is currently no evidence to suggest that herd immunity to coronavirus is possible without a vaccine.


A model from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation predicts that around 212,000 more people could die of COVID-19 from now until March. But if 95% of the country were to wear masks, the model shows, roughly 65,000+ of those lives could be spared.

That estimate is based on research from 41 scientific papers, which together suggest that cloth masks — whether homemade or commercially manufactured — can reduce respiratory virus infections among mask-wearers by one-third relative to those without masks.


Active member

Let's assume the kill rate of this airborne virus is 1% when all things shake out.

What percentage of death rate do you need to see in order for masks to become mandatory?

If this version is the practice test we our failing.

Excess deaths since 02-01-20


Well-known member
When I was a kid I was forced to take ritalin for being "too hyper". I was a very happy outgoing kid but It turned me into a antisocial mute who hated everyone. They kept upping my dose of ritalin until I just stared at walls all day. I don't trust doctors, I don't trust anything you have to say.

so, basically you are here to deny everything that you don't already believe? i thought so. welp, "ignore" it is. i can only put up with so much ignorant shit in a 24 hour day...:good:

Cool Moe

Active member
:good:Mo will be back in a week to answer your question, in the meantime, carry on!

This Moe has had enough of butting heads. I'd like to wish everyone in the United States a belated Happy Thanksgiving and use this opportunity to encourage all people to wear masks, wash their hands frequently and practice social distancing as much as possible. And please get yourselves vaccinated when they become available.


Comfortably numb!
As if you were the ONLY person that had a medical hiccup? Sorry to hear they over Rx'd Ritalin. I think we've all encountered a medical mishap...some worse than others. Dr.'s aren't gods...it's a science on a variable faceted human being.

And personally (plus professionally), I don't give a hoot that you don't "trust" me. Pfffft!!
Chain of transmission....chugga-chugga-chugga without masks. Whooo-wooo (train whistle) bullet train spread the virus wherever you go!!

Start gathering articles and tactics for 'Herd Immunity survival tips'. Heard (herd) statistics aren't great. Some will live, others die or have a host of post-CO-19 rehab....vascular, pulmonary, CNS, the whole enchilada. But you already know that.

Or..... find a remote area where all of the herders can congregate, causing less harm to other citizens.

Best o' luck, Boog.


While more research needs to be done on immunity to novel coronavirus, there is currently no evidence to suggest that herd immunity to coronavirus is possible without a vaccine.


A model from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation predicts that around 212,000 more people could die of COVID-19 from now until March. But if 95% of the country were to wear masks, the model shows, roughly 65,000+ of those lives could be spared.

That estimate is based on research from 41 scientific papers, which together suggest that cloth masks — whether homemade or commercially manufactured — can reduce respiratory virus infections among mask-wearers by one-third relative to those without masks.
Wow! I have had adverse effects on medications before, to include but not limited to loosing total use of my legs. My doctor said, side effects only occur in less than 1% of people. I said fine doc, providing you are not a part of that 1%
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