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Wearing Masks

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Active member
how doesnt lockdowns and masks work? austrailia for example is now maskless and back to normal. the entire country had 16 new cases for December 27th compared to the 11,000 new cases on Dec 26th in NY alone. Melbourne was one of the hotbeds of covid over there in australia. it now has not apparently had a new case of covid since Oct 30th. New Zealand is another

it also helps when these countries have universal healthcare and functional governments. people arent losing their healthcare or their incomes in other places like the US is due to covid.

Covid is somewhat seasonally affected (much like the flu)

Australia and New Zealand are in their summer (so we would expect a downturn in cases and fatalities)
Also mask mandates have been lifted in some areas of Australia for outside (but not Inside)..
Also restrictions on how many people you can have in your home per week have been upgraded (ur now allowed 14 people per week).
Totally back to normal (except for the mask mandates and restrictions on travel and who they can have in their home)...


Active member
No I haven’t found confirmation on this yet either.
It’s Possible I was misinformed...
(Australia did purchase 200 million in Chinese made pcr tests that they aren’t using (for what reason Exactly I havent been able to find out)

I’ll update if I find confirmation either way.


Active member
We're not sure about that yet. But we know that SARS and MERS is still an issue in the middle east. And not just seasonally.

Ya that’s why I said somewhat seasonally effected.
And the data clearly shows this to be the case....
Doesn’t mean cases go to zero in the summer but all things being equal it does mean cases will be higher in the winter months vs. summer months


going near others without a mask and without their consent

and justifying it with statistics ... "only such and such percent will die, you sheep"

reminds me of putting one in the cylander, pointing the muzzle at a stranger's head and pulling the trigger

"you sheep, there's only a 16.666% chance of a bullet flying out of this barrel!"



Active member
Ya that’s why I said somewhat seasonally effected.
And the data clearly shows this to be the case....
Doesn’t mean cases go to zero in the summer but all things being equal it does mean cases will be higher in the winter months vs. summer months

It certainly seems that way. If it’s weather correlated, I would expect it to be regional. Possibly the lack of vitamin D.


Active member
Issue with covid is that it affects the ace2 cells that are in different organs, liver, heart, lungs, kidney, blood vessels, inside the nose and more. It’s not just the 2-3% mortality that is the issue, although that’s nothing to sneeze at. It is a roulette situation, with odds a lot worse than 2% because 48% of population have pre existing health issues.

According to stats from Statista;

Patients with no pre existing conditions had a 7.6% chance of hospitalization, 1.5% chance of going to ICU, 1.6% chance of death.

Patients that had underlying conditions had 45.4% chance of hospitalization, 8.5% chance of going to ICU, 19.5% chance of death.


Issue with covid is that it affects the ace2 cells that are in different organs, liver, heart, lungs, kidney, blood vessels, inside the nose and more. It’s not just the 2-3% mortality that is the issue, although that’s nothing to sneeze at. It is a roulette situation, with odds a lot worse than 2% because 48% of population have pre existing health issues.

According to stats from Statista;

Patients with no pre existing conditions had a 7.6% chance of hospitalization, 1.5% chance of going to ICU, 1.6% chance of death.

Patients that had underlying conditions had 45.4% chance of hospitalization, 8.5% chance of going to ICU, 19.5% chance of death.

Avi Schiffman's COVID-19 Dashboard site has a risk calculator. It takes into account existing rates of mortality, and divides into gender, variety of related comorbidities or variables, and age.

In terms of quality analysis or credible tools, my primary complaint with Avi's site, which was one of the first, if not THE first Int'l clearing house of sorts for COVID-19 data, is that his age groups are approximately 20 years; too broad when considering the typical health differences between, for example, a 40 yr. old male, and a 59 yr. old male, or a 60 y.o. male and a 79 y.o. male.

But aside from his overly generous parameters in his breaking down or grouping age as a factor, he's an impressive young feller, who taught himself how to code, and when Seattle got hit really hard, early on last year, he was all about his dashboard project; no school, lots of time, smarts, and a desire to help out.

Anyway, his COVID risk calculator is at the top, toward the left side of center, to the right of some of the other functions.

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Covid is mostly an affluent disease. Poor folks rarely leave the house except for work because they can't afford to consume/travel. Hence the hysteria.

Also, for many upper middle class working people covid has largely improved their quality of life.

Consider the life of the average childless, city dwelling "woke" woman in her 40's. Let's say she has a standard fake job in the diversity industry for Chicago-based Shlomo Incorporated. Her title is Vice President of Human Resources or some bullshit like that.

Post-covid, she no longer has to remember to take her zoloft, xanax, wellbutrin, and Paxil with her because she doesn't have to commute. She can now be talked out of suicide by her Zoom therapist during lunch break because she's microwaving Weight Watchers dinner from home. She doesn't even have to put pants on because she tilted the webcam in an upward-facing direction. In the early morning she's always constipated from too much boxed wine and needs her coffee laxative, which, at the office, was a constant problem because she gets explosive diarrhea after her 3rd cup of joe...now she can say "brb" in chat and just walk to her personal toilet. She can cry randomly throughout the day and nobody will know this time. Etc.

Covid is great for these people.

EDIT: I was trying to be funny/comment on the sad state of normal society, not be mean-spirited. I suck at communicating on forums lol.
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sure are a nice fella, i can feel the love.

edit: it is funny and true on a second read. just sharp, which is fine imo.
mucho aloha fella
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Well-known member
Covid is mostly an affluent disease. Poor folks rarely leave the house except for work because they can't afford to consume/travel. Hence the hysteria.

Also, for many upper middle class working people covid has largely improved their quality of life.

Consider the life of the average childless, city dwelling "woke" woman in her 40's. Let's say she has a standard fake job in the diversity industry for Chicago-based Shlomo Incorporated. Her title is Vice President of Human Resources or some bullshit like that.

Post-covid, she no longer has to remember to take her zoloft, xanax, wellbutrin, and Paxil with her because she doesn't have to commute. She can now be talked out of suicide by her Zoom therapist during lunch break because she's microwaving Weight Watchers dinner from home. She doesn't even have to put pants on because she tilted the webcam in an upward-facing direction. In the early morning she's always constipated from too much boxed wine and needs her coffee laxative, which, at the office, was a constant problem because she gets explosive diarrhea after her 3rd cup of joe...now she can say "brb" in chat and just walk to her personal toilet. She can cry randomly throughout the day and nobody will know this time. Etc.

Covid is great for these people.

EDIT: I was trying to be funny/comment on the sad state of normal society, not be mean-spirited. I suck at communicating on forums lol.

Perhaps the scenario you described is closer to the truth than some would like to admit, maybe?

There are those who are not comfortable when life gets too real though, shrug.


Boreal Curing

interesting article about Covid's effect on the Human Brain.

They describe the patient's developing psychotic symptoms but I would say the truly psychotic are those using their Official positions - e.g. Fauci - to withhold effective Covid19 care from these patients.

Oh great. After Covid, we get drafted as cast members of "I Am Legend".

Half the world with psychotic thought scares the crap out of me.


Oh great. After Covid, we get drafted as cast members of "I Am Legend".

Half the world with psychotic thought scares the crap out of me.

Pssst!! Don't say you heard it here, but I've thought for a fairly long while that well over half the population is already psychotic, and the news each day tells me I was right, not to mention the exchanges in social media and forums.

Maybe after sufficient mutations, COVID-19 will become that virus that sees a serious benefit in not killing the host, not making the hosts so they can't properly function, and, if it really evolves/mutates in a more helpful way, it might leave us as an enlightened species finally, and include a Starbucks Gift Card next Christmas.

Hmm. That didn't read as a really coherent post.... Could it be.... ???
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