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weak smelling grass to grow



hey guys,
i'm new to this site,so first of all,howdy!

im looking for some seeds to start growing my own.had a look on seedbay and there's some good looking shit.
i'm looking for something that wont smell too strong when growing.i live in a block of flats,with neighbours above,below and on three sides of the flat.

can anyone recommend any?
i'm also a total novice when it comes to growing(i thought all u needed was soil water and a light bulb,lol),so any suggestions of strains thats good for a beginner to start with will be much appreciated.

cheers guys


Active member
Low odor strains is what your looking for, do a search, I've seen many threads on them here.
I read the thread title and thought you wanted a strain that when other people smelled it in a bag they would say "WTF? This smells weak" lol.


cheers ddrew! i just noticed the strains board.i have to admit i can be quite the twat at times!


C-99 pops up a lot as a low odour but extremely good strain to grow.

There is a thread on here somewhere that has been active recently about low odour strains. It shouldn't be too hard to find.


cheers guys!i think i'm going with c-99,we'll see how i get on.
i have to say this site is shit hot,wish i had found it a long time ago.


Take A Deep Breath
"Low odour" is, of course, a relative term. Any strain of ganja will smell like, well, growing ganja to a certain extent, the more and bigger plants, the more and bigger the smell.

5 or 6 plants in flower of any strain will be very risky in a flat if you don't have some form of odour control.

Safety first, my friend.


I hope you plan on using low-odor strains as extra security on top of your carbon.


New member
Right, Not trying to hijack your thread, but my question is very related, and thought that people might be able to help on this thread rather than opening up a new one!

Right I have a 4-5 week old White Widow that is starting to stink like fuck!
It is in a room that other people use, and was put in there, as it was thought that the plant in Veg would not stink.
It Stinks Like Fuck!
This was a regular seed, and this plant hasnt been sexed yet, although if it was a male, surprise would be on the table big time!
So problem is, other people use this room, and the plant needs to be there for 2 more weeks. Just went out and got one of those electric plug in to the socket air freshener things, have tried that , and it definetely covers up the smell, but the scent that that thing puts off doesnt smell particularly nice, and is very obvious as well! Just doesnt smell like Ganja! Incense, small bottles of essential oils are also at my disposal!

The main thing is that really want to avoid having to kill this plant as it is looking very nice, and is quite big, and will be killer size to throw into flower in a couple weeks!
Would cloning the hell out of it help at all? Seeing that the clones would be in the clone dome rather than on the plant>?
I cannot have this month old vegging plant found and/or killed, it would be a complete waste of the whole month!
What can I do to mask the smell?
Plant is in a makeshift pile of cardboard and stuff in the corner of a room, it is lightproof, but when there is no air flow in the room for about 12 hours, or even less I suppose and you go in there you can smell it!
Any suggestions/help please!
Carbon filter setup at this point is not possible, but will be in place for flowering!
Please tell me if I should move this to another thread or start a new one!

rocket high

Active member
if you are in the uk try a product called (ona block) it neutralises the smell by absorbing it instead of masking it with an Oder ... it works well just place at the inside of the door ....good luck :)


Dont forget your ventilation. A good extractor fan with carbon filter is just as important as your light. In a flat its not so much the smell as the carbon filter removes this its the noise of the extractor fan which is usually the problem.


New member
Havent shelled out the money for the ONA Block or gel yet, got some air fresheners which are a bit too stinky, as well as some stuff that is like ONA but called Neutradol, and only 77p , basically just got 7 more days of this situation, and then can start worrying about extractor fan and carbon!

h^2 O

durban poison is a sat with no smell whatsoever - if someone were to take the SUCK out of the strains potency they'd have an odorless

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