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We have gone to hell in a handbasket!!!!!

lost in a sea

"I'm RACIST for criticizing Obama.
TERRORIST because I'm not with Bush.
ANTISEMITIC for not supporting Rothechild Zionism.
TEABAGGER for supporting the Constitution.
TRUTH-ER for asking unanswered questions.
TRAITOR for whistle-blowing on my corrupt Government.
CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts.
TROLL for uploading news, videos, quotes and U.S.Atrocities.
ANTI-AMERICAN for supporting Constitutionalists like Dr. Ron Paul."



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Speaking of a slippery slope - aside from the pitiful state of our political scene, I have been waiting to see if anyone posted about the so-called "medical ethicists" associated with Oxford University who are advocating the legalization of "after birth abortions". This is because newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”. “The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual.” Rather than being “actual persons”, newborns were “potential persons”.

He said those who made abusive and threatening posts about the study were “fanatics opposed to the very values of a liberal society”.

I my vote goes to the poster who commented that retroactive abortions should be legal for "medical ethicists". It seems to me that they have failed to live up to their "potential" to become a "person".



weed fiend
Didn't hear about that but check this out. Dems are retaliating against proposed legislation that says an egg is a person by saying sperm is also a person. Any sperm that's not deposited in a vagina for procreative intent would be considered infanticide. Obviously they're not serious enough to shoot their head to spite their foot but a few jack offs are still nervous. :biglaugh:


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
All i gotta say is RT loves talking shit about the USA and i dont agree with ALOT that they have to say. always bashing the USA lol they need to take a look deeper into there own corrupt gov before they say a damn thing about how we run ours.


All politicians are whores, you can fuck them without a rubber, if you pay the right price. They are selling out the country, lining their pockets, and manipulating the shit to their advantage. Hey, on a certain level, I respect their hustle, but then I am painfully reminded of how badly, their hustle has fucked up my life. I have seen President's come and go, and they are all liars........all the campaign slogans, the feel good photo ops, the promises, etc....it's all bullshit.......they are some high end pussy, that we can never afford.

this is exactly what i learned from my teachers in HS back in 91' ! it was true then and it is true now. if they can blow smoke up my ass, to the point that they have solidified blowing smoke up my great-grand kids ass, then why cant i blow smoke up theirs?!?!

my "american" dream as of late is to get a job working at McD's while operating a 2k grow-op and being connected into a system that would allow me to get rid of or sell as much of it as i can/ as fast as i can once its dried and cured.

i would love to have a trailer buried underground, just one, im not greedy. i would have a small home near it (or on top of it) and all the shit i need to run it would be in the basement encased in anti FLIR tarp. only thing these bastards would see is me coming and going, throw a party here and there to seem social, get involved with the community board, go to town meetings and the whole nine yards.

you wanna tax me fucker? take that bullshit from my McD's check and go suck a lobbyist dick! i'll be over here eating brownies, cookies and all types of other edibles that i can think of WHILE i smoke a j parked on your block or in front of your estate. fuck a politician and gov't can eat a dick from the highest bastard to the lowest scum sucker.

i would travel my ass of too! paris, london, rome, italy, africa, china, japan, canada, every damned where! yeah bitch, i may fly coach to where im going but im gonna live like a fucking king when i get there, believe that shit!

ive always had a plan to become a gardener, get a job for any politician and reseed his/her lawn with a grass-seed/bagseed mix and just watch the fireworks in due time!! lmao

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