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we are TRYING here in TN...


Well-known member
legislators are pretty sure that Tennesseans are ready for legal cannabis. polls show it over & over. Jeremy Faison, a state rep, keeps introducing bills RE medical cannabis etc. the last one (which was voted down) was merely to hold a non-binding referendum seeking public input. but, our state legislators are so scared of the big bad federal wolfpoodle that they won't even do that. Faison is still confident, however, explaining that even the GOP members in the state legislature realize they need to move, but that they want cover from the federal govt by removing cannabis from the narcotics scheduling entirely so they are free to legislate RE cannabis here. basically, they want the feds to legalize so they can tell the bedrock Baptists in their districts that "hey, our hands are tied. the feds legalized it...don't blame ME..." when the feds finally roll over & do the right thing, i expect we will have some counties banning dispensaries etc, just as there are still "dry" spots in the state over alcohol sales. you can't fix OR educate stupid, you just have to let it die of old age...🙄

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