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WBK White Berry Kush **Test Grow**


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in their 9th week the defoilsperiment is coming to an end...

i know i officially ended it several weeks ago but if it were still going the defoil plant would still be losing, only by a greater margin.

these plants don't seem to gain any benefit whatsoever from removing all the fan leaves, and instead the opposite seems to be true and this is a huge detriment.


i'll let you guess which one is which.





they're about done as can be by this point. i'm just gonna ride out another week and see if they will swell any more. trichomes have been 50%+ cloudy since like week 5. seeing a tine amount of amber at the tips of the bud leaves.


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sorry 40 these were the best dry shots i could take. the light in here sucks. i'll try and get some better pics from the next batch i'm taking down at day 70. ish. tomorrow...today...


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
do a smoke report! my WBK came on immediately and lasted 4 to 6 hours ~not quite "couch-lock" but i ended sitting on the couch doing nothing a few times for like lost amounts of time ~oh yeah, off 1 hit from my grace bong
flower WBK_top.jpg


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i'll do a proper smoke report once the last batch is dry. but quickly, WBK#1 is very sativa in it's effects, quite surprising considering it looks done about day 50. it comes on pretty fast, within a minute and it's a real buzzy creative high where you can "focus-in"tm on whatever you're doing. but you can also get lost down the K-hole quite easily. i started reading threads the other day after smoking a bowl, i went to smoke a second bowl after about 2 hours and i forgot to load the bong and proceeded to read for like 2 more hours before i remembered. even then i still didn't really need to smoke again. very long lasting in it's effects.

WBK#2 is pretty fast hitting, has a nice social fun high, real mood lifter, i smoke that shit, go to work and i'm smiling for at least 5 hours before "these costumers are pissing me the fuck off now".


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wish i had better pics sorry 40. :(

smoke report (i'm so high i said smoke in my head and only wrote report at first)

so anyway.

i decided that WBK#1 is the keeper.
a.) its more sativa which is what i like and
b). it actually yields more than WBK#2 despite appearances. also goes longer.
c.) more sativa also
d.) i just smoked #2 and i'm having a really hard time remembering how to type right now.

wbk#1 is a real sativa high which is what i'm all about. goes longer thank the wbk#2. you could cut the #2 at 50 days and on its ready it's real fast, the trichomes just about start at partly cloudy from week 2 on. #2 is more relaxed , still mostly sativa in effect very up but also very calming and mellow. long lasting too. smoke a bowl before work and i'm smiling well past lunch.

#1 is more sativa in effect very up high, starts off mellow like the #2 evens out to, but goes less body and more head over time. real energetic frenetic stay awake all night kinda high. not making me feel like i have or want to do anything. but i could if i wanted to.

they both have a "hazing" effect as i'm going to call it. after a while when you're doing something you get zoned out, but it's not just regular focusing zoning, if you see the edge of your vision it's like really cloudy and hazy like you're in a room full of smoke. like it's only you and whatever is right in front of you.

as far as highs go, i'll classify #1 as work weed, get shit done pure caffeine haven't slept in days type of high, and #2 is a more party weed type of high. #1 starts slow and just keeps going, whereas #2 starts high gets really high then at the end goes way down into the body.

don't really know 100% what people mean by ceiling but keep smoking either and you will get higher to a point. with #1 you really are just wasting your time, with #2 you're gonna be a lil sick and then comatose real soon.

as for structure they both grow 100% identical till about week 5-7 single cola with small golfballs on alternating nodes. the #2 however will branch out the middle to low section of buds and make a lot of decent sized nuggets. BUT they are all show. overall the buds on the #2 are pretty "hollow" and light and dry out to almost nothings. the #1 however has similar sized buds as the #2 but they're solid rocks. both plants have hollow stems, but they are so fucking sticky they take forever to dry. like 2 weeks later in open air the #1 still felt like they weren't fully dry when i smoked em. they were dry by then, they were dry after a week for the most part, but you really gotta wait a long little while for the curing to kick in. even bone dry you can't put em in a grinder it's just too sticky it feels like the buds are still wet. they're just gonna roll up into a bit sticky clump.

they both smell like fruity berry lemony scents up till about week 8. then the #2 gets really fruilty and sooooooooooo lemony i had to use the many o's. like seriously an hour later im smacking my lips going...why do i taste fucking lemons. people say OGK is supposed to be super lemony, i think you may have captured it sir, it's almost to the point of annoyance.
i touch my plants before work and it smells like lemons around me all day.

the #2 however went a different route. it's smelling lemony and fruity in flower but towards the end it has a real nasty smell, like sewage under all those lemons, and when dry that goes away but it's still under there. when dry it's like lemons and berries and garlic. when you smoke it it's all garlicky stenchy funkyness. tastes like kush by which i mean that unique kushy earth coffee grounds kush flavor. but smells like garbage if i'm being honest, and lemons. garbage and lemons.

the #2 smells real fruily and lemony in flower, dries to smell like rotting ass meat. and garlic. burns real lemony.

the #1 smells like lemon and assholes and artificial grape flavor in flower, and dries to a fruity lemony smell, burns like ass meat.

imma keep both for now, but when they're both hanging from the edge of a cliff and i'm losing my grip and i need to let one go, imma tell the #2 i love her very much and i'm going to pull #1 back up.





Active member
i wa gonna post the pre chop pics at 10/11 whatever we're at not weeks but i smoked too much andi think i might pukeif i don't pass out first. good job dude, this#2 isn't rellally my type of gigh but i'm sure someone likes it.

feelin much better now, dunno if all that was the weed cuz i was drinkin a little also, but even when i'm not drinking there comes a point where everything is too much and i get dizzy and nauseated and i just need to go pass out.

that day has come, when this thread is at an end. i laughed, some of you cried, i laughed even harder. fun were had by all.


WBK#2 on left WBK#1 on right.

#2 seems like the most but #1 is very dense. even with staking it's just about to snap off at the top. in fact it did snap in half when i was trimming the leaves off. held horizontally by the base of the stem where chopped em, the #2 sticks straight out while the #1 hangs down at a 70degree angle.






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#1 left/#2 right


#1 left/#2 right

after about 3 weeks in the jar the smells are really strong. #1 ends up a berry scented skunky aroma. the #2 is very lemony and menthol with a reeking garlic undertone. real nauseating. when i'm breaking some up or as is really happening making little sticky balls of weed the arome from the #2 is so strong it will actually make you tear up. it's that strong.

as for taste i think the #1 retains most of the blueberry flavors of the mother it's real fruity. the #2 is really earthy "kush" flavor and i think it's lemony, my friends disagree. i think it's like licking lemon peel that over lemon taste on your tongue. kinda numbing.

the highs are similar in both. the #1 is really high in the head sativa type of high smoke enough and your vision gets kinda cloudy. the #2 is a more even body head high. it's like the #1 but smothered in a couchy relaxing high. both are good for daytime smoke, but you can smoke a lot more #1 before you NEED to go sleep. my eyes feel so dry after about 5 hours of smoking a bowl every 2 hours or so. i simply must go lay down after i've been smoking the #2.

all in all both are really great. very easy to grow and resist a fair amount of abuse. i abused the shit out of these plants. you should see the one clone i'm reveging. sooo abused.

the #2 pheno was ready about 60 days. if you want max yields i would say go at least 75 days. next time around i'm gonna take em to 90. the #1 pheno needs at the very least 70 before it's gonna be good. it's decent at 60 but those extra couple weeks really make a difference. it looks small and weak but those last few weeks it just packs on the weight and the frost. these pictures are quite frankly shitty. i wish i could capture the difference between how frosty these are. they look about the same under these lights. but the #1 is i'd wager anywhere from %65-100% more frosty. i mean the shit looks white.


#1 left/#2 right





i'm gonna keep both for now and give em to my friends. but as far as sticky frosty goodness goes. #1 pheno hands down. sooooo glad i kept both for a second round. they're both ridiculously sticky though. taken this long for them to properly dry out to a point where it doesn't still seem moist. i could take a bud and leave it sitting out for 3 days, when i go to break it up with my fingers it just ends up mashing together into a sticky mess. i just started peeling off layers and rolling little sticky balls to put in my bong.

anyway this thread is now officially over.

see ya space cowboy...


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Week 5. i'll assume i've been calling these mid week, i really don't remember which part of the week i started counting on. it's either beginnings or ends. lets just call it midweek with +-3 in either direction.

the plants are better. been really cold lately as you know if you live anywhere in north america. so i let the pots go really long before watering again. all that moisture fucked the roots a bit and some roots dried out during the following drought. but we're good again. greened up a lot, either the foliar feeling of the kelp or the warmer temps in the rootzone. but it wasn't the mites. those seem to be only feeding on dead/decaying matter much like the molds and fungus i see eating my leaves and turning them back into compost.

first up is the defoilisperiment...name is a w.i.p. on the left is the Defoil and on the right is the Control.

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as you can see in the pic the defoil is clearly anorexic in comparison to the control. they both seem to have their buds in the same places and the same amount of frost and levels of ripeness. but the one with the leaves is almost 2x as full looking as the defoil.

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Defoil Budshot

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Defoil Closeup

not too shabby right? ok...

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The Control Budshot

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Control Closeup

It's only week 5 and we have been suffering some issues, still got least 4-5 weeks to go by the looks of things so... it's impossible to call right now.

when your not doing DeFol Properly .. its not going to work.. it will actually fuck up your yield bad.. lol.. plus even the control doesnt look as healthy as it could be.. thats where people get it wrong.. in order for defol to be benefitual .. u wana make sure plants are super healthy.. and ontop of it.. those plants dont even need defol.. defol is for plants that are super leafy and bushy with tight internode spacing.. so that light penetration is going as far down the plant as possible..

but great try at it.. i am in no way trying to call you out.. or cause any issues.. i just want people to realize..that defol is not ment for every situation.. nor does every plant react the same to it.. i have 1 strain if i defol it doesnt yield shit.. but the sativa hybrids i run. will gain soo much yield with a defol it needs to happen or i lose yield..

its all about the plants themselves.. and how packed your room is.. but as u can see.. your lights arent penetrating far enough down.. or those side branches on each plant would be much larger..

dont give up on it.. some strains love it some dont.. and some growing techniques work better then others with different genetics..

but all in all great work.. i hope everything works out for you.. and i hope this doesnt cause any drama.. im just trying to help.. all my advice is from experience.. and not from just reading other people doing it. so i try to get my opinions out there..

thanks and good luck.

with CFLS.. DEFOL isnt really the best thing for an entire plant.. only if the lights not reaching the areas.. but in your case.. you could just add a few more bulbs.. lower into the canopy. and this will help overall yields..

but great buds for a small operation man.. love it.


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thanks for stopping by, at first thought you might be some dickhead bumping up a 4 month old thread to tell me how to properly defoil.

but seems like you might have read some of my words.

both plants were healthy in the beginning, that's how they grow. i wasn't defoiling to get any yields specifically it was just a personal test to see if there is any benefit. for this plant. no it is actually a detriment. i don't really care much about yield, i'm all about my qualities. one of these days i'll go for yield and use all the techniques.

i have designed my box well. the light is positioned exactly 11 inches from each wall. even with my 70whps the minimal lumens at 11 inches is over 6000 lumens. the amount of lumens is exponentially increased the closer you get to the bulb. so everything closer than the outside wall of the growbox gets more lumens as it gets closer to the bulb. lighting is not an issue.

defoiling isn't for every strain. that i'll agree with. but there's nothing wrong with my setup.


some plants have few budsites....


some have a lot. - before trim




light hits every corner of the box. 4 weeks flower and solid nuggets all the way down to the soil. some strains grow one way, other strains grow another. one day i hope everyone realizes that.


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ya man.. no im not like that. im not a drama person. lol for me. being honest and trying to help others is all i want to do.. and in the process if u can teach me something i dont know.. then THATS AMAZING.. because i love to learn. and try new shit.. all the time..

but ya man.. ur shits looking proper.good work not giving up.. been seeing lots of people give up because of 1 or 2 not to heavy yields..

but ya man if u need anything let me know.. im here to teach/learn and be supportive of the community.. i want to see quality in this Country.. GO WAYY UP.. i dont wana see anymore MIDS or REGular. i wana see THE US.. the BEST nugs in EVERY SINGLE TOWN OR CITY lol..

another thing.. when ur growing small.. utilize your light to the best of its ability.. go grab some Mylar or Reflectix.. and put that on the walls.. theres alot of people that say flat white works just as good.. but i saw a huge increase in my side bud and lower buds size and yield went up. by spending a little on some mylar/reflectix. both work great especially for vert.

nothing wrong with anyones setup who grows and has successful crops.. but a perfect environment will change the quality soo much more then u could ever imagine.. good luck
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those are good options, but flat white paint is actually better. you should try it side by side. i put mylar on the door...i dunno why it's always something i just did. the rest is flat white...well this time it's flat yellowish, it was fifty cents so i ain't trippin. close enough to white to get the job done.

oh yeah i'm with you, i don't go for yield i'm just trying to find the best weed. when i find it i'll just fill up my box with it. best weed i ever grew didn't yield for shit.