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ways to stop plants from tipping over in aeroponics?



whats up guys i just got an aero system and the plants were way to big when i strarted flowering them. now there like 4 feet tall and tipping over. i know its too late to do something about it now so im pretty much just gorilla taping everything up using yarn. i need to be prepared in the future incase this happens again.

is the only thing i can do is use those nets that people use? what are my options? im doing 33 plants in a 4 x 4 space with only net cups and neoprenes. just a heads up id rather do something that doesnt destroy the walls. thanks
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you should change your name "TREE KING"

^just playing, lighthearted joke(thought it was ironic considering your problem in this thread)... you being here since '05 you could probably figure it out but at the end of the day it just comes to down to what you have laying around or funds.... most people are going to suggest some pvc trellis frame but im sure you know about those... my buddies have a grid on the ceiling and they string everything up. do whatever works for you, its not complicated and can be done 101 different ways. you dont need someone to hold your hand, man up and live up to that awesome username


you should change your name "TREE KING"

^just playing, lighthearted joke(thought it was ironic considering your problem in this thread)... you being here since '05 you could probably figure it out but at the end of the day it just comes to down to what you have laying around or funds.... most people are going to suggest some pvc trellis frame but im sure you know about those... my buddies have a grid on the ceiling and they string everything up. do whatever works for you, its not complicated and can be done 101 different ways. you dont need someone to hold your hand, man up and live up to that awesome username

i dont have anything laying around but i have funds though. just cause something is easy for you doesnt mean its easy for everyone else i started this thread for a reason if i knew what to do i wouldnt of started it. i dont know what a pvc trelis is but il try to get some info on google or something.
i apologize dude... i just assumed you've been an active member here for the last seven years(and forgot not everybody grows full time and isolate themselves from society....some people have lifes, like you(which im envious of)). just alot of hand holding threads and i made an assumption about your join date, rep, and username.

my bad for not being helpful, hopefully in me not being helpful i pointed you in the right direction... the pvc trellis is king and standard in most grow rooms

im an ass


i apologize dude... i just assumed you've been an active member here for the last seven years(and forgot not everybody grows full time and isolate themselves from society....some people have lifes, like you(which im envious of)). just alot of hand holding threads and i made an assumption about your join date, rep, and username.

my bad for not being helpful, hopefully in me not being helpful i pointed you in the right direction... the pvc trellis is king and standard in most grow rooms

im an ass

your a funny dude knifewrench its all good brotha. fuck im dealin with a damn nightmare right now shits tippin over everywhere. i wish there was something i could do right now other than using yarn and gorilla tape. you guys think its too late to start messin with pvc and a net with these 4 ft plants that are already there? i got a feeling im not gonna be able to keep these plants up without them getting destroyed and tipping over every other day. fuck the future im in a mess right now is there anything i can do right now or can i only setup this pvc and net before the plants start growing? i got like 60 plants in a 4 x 8 space to keep up i shoulda been prepared for this ahead of time


passing the gas
yarn no, too fuzzy. tape, i'd rather not, personally I use wire ties and chicken wire on walls and ceiling mostly. filter that thread and you can skip to where he trellises. awesome way to do it with no holes in the system!! I've tried dropping nets around a tent full of droopy buds but it can be done if you are carefull. you will lose a bunch of trichs. defoliate as you go.


mate u can either run a horz or vert trellis netting over check out this link very documented aero grows https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=237140

what are these tall skinny sticks this guy is using in that thread dark helmet?
im guessing if i can get ones that are tall enough like 5-6' i could set them up on the floor all around my system and gorilla tape them up to the side of the trays and build something that will work


There just bamboo or just wood stakes . Run to Home Depot an grab some.

thanks i just called home depot and they have the 6' ones. is there any way i can use a drill and screw these together with small screws or something or will that not work? this is about to be so ghetto i got no idea what the fuck im doin i suck at carpentry. the only thing i can think of is gorilla taping everything lol
That is what they make cages for....they work well you just need to find a way to adapt the method to your grow room and specs. Easy peazy......

Guest 150314

Are you growing in aero tubes or buckets or what? Bamboo stakes are going to be no use, they will split if you try to put a screw through them.

if your growing in tubes what I have done is put screw hooks in the wall on both ends of your tubes and run a length of air craft cable from one hook to the other, you can train the plants around the cable with twist ties or tomato clips, or just let the buds flop over and the cable support them. hopefully that makes sense

if you dont want to wreck your wall it would be pretty simple to build a frame out of pvc or wood to screw into
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Active member
Think a few people suggested that already an thats fine. But twisty ties on stakes like Aerokraft is simpler it is a trellis an u want have to feed the colas thru the net . And Guerilla tape is the shit .


Think a few people suggested that already an thats fine. But twisty ties on stakes like Aerokraft is simpler it is a trellis an u want have to feed the colas thru the net . And Guerilla tape is the shit .

what i planned on doing until next crop was using the stakes and gorilla tape instead of the net because its gonna be impossible to get the net over the plants the way things are right now. what is this Aerokraft your talkin about though? i cant find anything on google


Active member
Aerokrafter he's a member here who also does aeroponics , The table with the stakes u were asking about ? Thats him .


Aerokrafter he's a member here who also does aeroponics , The table with the stakes u were asking about ? Thats him .

haaaa lol my fault wasnt paying attention i thought you were talkin about a substitute for bamboo sticks or somethin. thats exactly what im gonna do for now thanks