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Ways to increase yields in an organic soil setup?


Active member
Hey, people can grow great herb with peat.......I just think it's a problem for me. Why don't you like coco in soil mixes?


you didn't give any information on your grow. Organic can yield extremely well

Without knowing your setup, I would say try two things: more light, better soil mix. I have found cannabis to be demanding with soil requirement. It needs a very light, aerated soil.

The typical consumer-level soil mixes are usually for outdoor vegetable raised beds or mega-containers, not indoor. All the ones I've tried are far too heavy for cannabis indoors. Most indoor soil mix for commercial greenhouses comes from one of two companies, either Promix or Fafard.

I would try one of the lighter mixes from these two sources and don't use one with bark, peat-based only with lots of perlite.

This is not it. I make everything that my plants get. I believe my limiting factor to date is canopy management, and veg time.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey, people can grow great herb with peat.......I just think it's a problem for me. Why don't you like coco in soil mixes?

coco seemed to rob the nutrition from my mix, but that was adding coco to an already very successful mix (at 20%) so maybe that put the coco at a disadvantage.
other than that i liked what it did to the mix structurally..



Active member
Not to hijcack the thread, but ya I agree. Coco is good for the structure & has no nutrient base what so ever. I like the compost I have, needs very little 'spice' & has good structure.


I use a peat based mix with 30%ish compost/ewc with plenty of amendments. I actually just did a tweak on my mix, and it burnt my plants for the very first time ever. I must be going in the right direction because once they over came the jolt they are growing like crazy. If I let it compost for a bit it would have been fine. That being said I just recycled the soil in one of my rooms so I guess a hot soil will be a thing of the past once I implement this in all rooms. We shall see. :)


Active member
VG what brand of peat do you use? I'm stumped finding a good brand Ive looked all over the online gardening forums and they all seem to get a pretty poor comments I looked at moorland gold but its like £15 for 40 ltrs fuck that for a laugh Id rather stick to my coco for that price but I want to get some good peat to add a more diverse microbe population more than anything, I do love my coco but wanna give peat a try


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
you can still get the big 80L bags/blocks of irish moss peat from some of the bigger garden centres, which is what i prefer to buy. Using peat is somewhat looked down on in Uk as its a somewhat limited resource. my stance has always been - i'll stop using it when the Irish stop burning it in their power stations. ;)



VG pretty much said it all. from seeing some of the quality ganja you conjure up, i don't really think it's a soil issue. my opinion would be to veg longer and set yourself up a scrog. going to be tricky with growing different strains with height and all that, but it's possible to setup perpetual harvest where you can harvest one plant per month, regardless of strain. going to take a bit of thinking and scheduling (taking clones at the right time, correct number of mothers etc, etc), but for sure would be possible. would need to be on a modular setup similar to VG, each with their own scrog. from there, you can veg plants as long as you like, (goes back to your correct scheduling) time frame.

would need to know the size of your growroom and all that, but maybe you could re-layout and think of different chamber locations, running different light schedules to gain the maximum possible yield for every inch of your growroom? oh and i'd switch to 5 gallon pots as well.

post some more info and let's see what we can come up with


Active member
what brand tho mate westlands or something like that? I know there is a bag thats called "shamrock" but scotts make that who makes miricle grow I duno if the quality would be any good? suppose it would be ok if it's got nothing added or heat treated like some dummies do with it
The thing that stuck out the most for me was the size of the pots that you are using. Bigger is better here...and less work at the end of the day.


The Mad Monk
Genetics. Dialed environment. Veg time. Root space.

edit: Is there a way to shut off these silly pop-ups on certain words?


Well-known member
^think your system is infected with spyware or something rasputin.

No pop-ups or anything over here.

If running a windows machine I'd suggest running SpyBot Search & Destroy along with AdAware. These two programs should eliminate spyware. After that run Spyware Blaster for protection and as a preventative measure so that you don't get it again.

Stop using Internet Explorer and use Firefox as a web browser.

^all should be free from download.com and will make your windows experience much less problematic.


East Coast, All Day!
he is referring to the definition pop-ups of certain words. and no I dont think there is a way to turn it off.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
what brand tho mate westlands or something like that? I know there is a bag thats called "shamrock" but scotts make that who makes miricle grow I duno if the quality would be any good? suppose it would be ok if it's got nothing added or heat treated like some dummies do with it

yeah i buy the shamrock stuff, didnt know it scotts - its just un-ameneded peat hopefully even they cant F that up.. seems good quality its just finding places that do it. most of them just do potting compost now which may be 90% peat but then its hard to know what they have or havent put in there

I agree fully with canopy management. If at the very least use objects like buckets, empty pots, milk crates, etc. to raise and lower plants to create an even base canopy to train from.


maybe try some different training methods on a few plants i have some strains that don't mind being topped and chopped but I also have a couple that do not appreciate being hacked up so i just bend them over and tie them to themselves and get big ol happy bushes rather than a few unhappy colas. I do this with all my plants now(bending over rather than topping) just seems to work better for me.


Well-known member
he is referring to the definition pop-ups of certain words. and no I dont think there is a way to turn it off.

Not to derail a thread, but I'm still unsure of what you guys are referring to?

Is this an Internet Explorer thing?
I get no definitions or pop-ups browsing this site with Firefox or Safari.

Might want to try a different browser. This site is very clean for me. No pop-ups, suggested links, etc over here.


Active member
It's true that topping takes away time that could be spent on developing more. I only top if the plant is getting to huge for the outdoor spot.


Active member
Of course coco is good also, for a base material, along with peat. It's also excellent for providing aeration.

Peat sucks - That's pretty funny. Never fail to be amazed at how little knowledge there is here and how some people love to flaunt it.

the whole cannabis growing thing doesn't have to be mysterious, just do some research into what the professional horticulture industry does.


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