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Watering multiple pop bottles, Dr.Bud method


Well I'm 6.5 wk into flowering and the cab is getting full. Currently have 11 bottles going and watering takes some time. I've been trying to think of ways to water several at the same time. Currently doing two at a time, I found out today that a 20oz bottle will fit snug into a plastic 44oz cup. I figured I would set 4-6 cups out, push the bottles in, and fill with nutes mix. Wait a couple minutes pull and drain . . . Then pour the left over nutes into a few less cups, in order not waste.

Therefore I only have to water a few sessions rather then two at a time. If anyone else has ideas please let me know.



Yeah, I got an idea.

Water 'em all at once.

Then drain the excess with a sump pump.

Done son.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Anyone else remember taping 3-4 pencils together when we had to write 100 times "I will not get caught and be forced to write something 100 times"? Oh what a laugh we had with that one.


While drinking and posting the other night, I forgot an important detail. You need a basin/watercatch to catch all the excess water. It would be easiest if you use a water wand or something similar and just watered away. Then let the bottles drain and pump out the excess water. That's how I'll be doing it. I'll put a pic up once everything's going. If anyone else has any ideas, I'm open too. Good luck Squeeky.



That's wonderful, great idea OldBastard. I didn't consider watering from the bottom, but that's a great method. It forces the roots to grow down, in search of water, and geet deep rooted as a result. It sparked another idea in my mind.

I have pondliner and I was gonna build a frame (out of 1 by) to hold it up and act as my water catch.

But now, I'll make the frame moveable, and it will serve as the catchment that can be raised and lowered for watering.

And just fill the basin with water and let the plants soak in it. This will be helpful because I will be fertilizing with organic teas. I can let the plants just steep in the organic brew and then pump it out when done.

This could also be a fixed system with rigid trays and an automatic (or hand) pump water reservoir (5+ gallons) could be like an ebb and flow, but not hydro, just the fertz/ water.

I can just hit the pump button (or hand pump) to fill the trays up or suck the water back. I think this could be further improved by also providing built-in water filtration. And a seperate area for the organic tea fertilizer brew (that can be filled and injected at whim (or watering schedule ie. fertilize every 3rd watering, etc.) I'd just to have to make small batches of organic tea for every scheduled feeding.

This sounds a bit complicated, but in the end. This idea of mine can help simplify the growing life. Just think, water right next to your grow, all filtered and ready to go (my grow is in an office, PITA to carry water through the house). Fertz are real close by. Keep it sterile and you can grow your own organic fertz. and required bacterias right in the res it stays in (kinda like on demand organic fertz. I'm seeing a rack to place the organic ingredients. And the ultimate would be running a water line to the reservoir. That way it's right there.

I know, I'm rambling, but I've just been brainstorming my watering situation. It's a detail that I've yet to finalize for my soon upcoming grow (about 1 Week away) but I think this helps a lot and makes it easier in the end.

Thanks for starting this thread Squeeky. We're gonna be doing the same style of grow, so this helps a lot.




No worries, we're all rambling about cannabis here.

I had a talk with Dr. Bud in chat a few months ago,
that was basically how he explained how he watered his new setup.

He used the large plastic tub that held all the plants,
pumped his compost tea or nute mix into the tub slowly,
then pumped it back out once the plants had a good soak.

You could even drill holes in the cab to run fixed hoses.

Keep brainstorming,
I'll be posting some pics of my setup once icmag 2.0 is more stable.


I meant to reply to this a few days ago, but shit happened.

obZen, yeah I was toatlly thinking of just having the hoses for the rez and the drain pump both mounted in the trays. It'd be like an Organic ebb and flow.

Except, it would be Organic Tea instead of synthetic chemicals. And it wouldn't be watered every day either.

I just got a really good picture in my head of the design. I'm gonna draw it up and post it on here once I'm done.



I'm waiting for those pics, I may go low tech and just use a siphon with a small diameter hose, this was the nutes get added slowly and then I can empty slowly. I'm running 18 bottles in flowering so if I can find something that will hold 6 bottles, I can just have 3 stages, 1/3 Nutes, 2/3 Nutes, and Full Nutes. With even better planning I can just use these as stands as well in order to keep them at different heights.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I've been doing something similar to the 44oz cups but I've been using 2liter bottles with the tops cut off and the 20oz bottles fit perfect in them so I water 2 at a time but would love to find a tray deep enough and the right size like the sterlites DrBud uses..


New member
I was thinking about something like an autopot system, having a resevoir/tray underneath the pots then pouring something like an inch of water/nutes in and leaving it, then rewatering as needed. Or maybe just get a smartvalve, but I think it would work fine until then.


Hey Squeeky,
I drew the design out last night on paper and it'll work great. I'm gonna use it on my next cab. I'll draw it up on the computer and put it up on Monday. It's nothing extravagant or something other people haven't done, but that's fine. I always shoot for simple and reliable.




Can I ask did you find a container that will hold roughly 6-8 bottles tight. I would like to feed from the bottle, and if you had something were they fit really close together. You would be able to cut back on the floating.

I would assume this would hold roughly a 1/2 gallon with the bottles. Mix up your nutes and siphon in with a small diameter hose. This way it fills slowly, then just siphon back out. I also brew beer and very similar to the batch sparging process.

The key is finding the perfect container in order to reduce the wasted nutes. I figure if I can find those containers I would just run 4 of them, one at 1/2 nutes, 3/4 nute, full nutes, and just ph. This would cut back on time greatly, if you did it in a basin you could siphon all stages and walk away. Come back and siphon out.


Can you give me some input either here or by pm. I was gonna try and build something tomorrow but it your design is better I put it off.



Since i can't PM you, I'll just post it :)

I forgot all about the bottles floating. The best bet would be to fasten them down in some way. Use your creativity there. Sorry, I haven't got that far yet. Actually, I have but it's way too detailed for here and involves plastic molding and making your own containers and shit, I'll post that when I get to it.

But besides all that, here's the basic system:

You have a reservoir that is elevated & it has a hose running from it to lower shelves (in my case).

At each shelf (or single grow level) a T runs off the main hose and is attached to the tray that holds the plants. I'm using thick rectangular plastic containers that I permanently borrowed from the back of a pizza chain restaurant.

Then you have a drain reservoir on bottom. Each tray also has a drain line that T's into the main drain line which dumps into the drain rez.

Except for the bottom tray. It is most likely on an equal elevation with the drain reservoir and will need a drain just for itself. Just place a jug or whatever to catch the runoff when you open the drain valve.

Like I said, it's simple.

It doesn't even use power, just GRAVITY! If you wanna use power to run this, you can hook the main line and the drain line up to a timer controlled valve. Or you can just go out to your cab and turn the valve :)

To reduce floating for now though, you could a) slowly add water and or b) also water from the top as you fill the tray, that way the plant isn't so light that it floats. But you can use any tray as long as you get those bottles fastened somehow. If you think of something, let me know. I'll let you know if I do too.



You may soon call me the muffin man. Did some brain storming in the kitchen looking for a snack :)

I had disposable muffin trays that are almost perfect for 20oz bottles, cut the bottom out and this can hold hold them in place.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I have a Pepsi tray that holds 24 20oz bottles nice and snug, you can find them behind liquor stores I just haven't found a tray deep enough to drop that in with all 24...


I would want something smaller, Dr.Bud has what looks to be kitty litter holders cut down. I don't really want to buy a ton of kitty litter. Any idea where I could just get the cartons


Just Call me Urkle!!
Funny you ask, I've been trying to get my buddy to change cat litter! hahaha I almost bought one for $5 the other day thinking trays from the hydro shop are $2 fuck it but something told me not to get it. Good thing I didn't because it was a 14lb Tidy Cat and when I came home and looked at DrBud's and he uses the 20lb ones so I've been looking around the alleys hoping to find one in a dumpster but no luck yet!