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Watering... Better in the morning or at night


Weed Robot
Water in the morning because at night plant dont use up water insted they breathe oxygen during off hours.so you are right not to feed before light goes out because the water just siting in soil and plant take up less air in roots.plant use co2 during light hours and at night they switch to useing oxygen and produceing co2.with water on roots its harder to use fresh air oxygen in roots.hope that helps

Again from DG


I agree with dg i water soon after lites come on also i like to monitor my plants after i water just in case of to much additives problems are delt with faster i leave them alone at nite


New member
I say start the watering process in the morning and continue to mist through out the day. Misting them keeps them cool especially allowing you to get away with running high temps in the 80-84 range keeps them comfortably on the edge, it will also keep the humidity up if you have excess ventilation. Wet cold and dark are a bad combination in any circumstance.
Okay . Watering when the first 2 inches is dry is bull ! Water when your pot feels light.Your soil should never dry out completly , I mist the top to keep moist and water when the pot is light.And yes a plant is like a water pump but it doesnt shut down at night .Leaves transpire excess water at night . I water at my "dawn" time .


Active member
i prefer before lights on or when they are on. if you water as the lights go off, it seems to get more humid in there.


The stomata are open the furthest during periods of high light intensity and high humidity. Which would occur at the early morning hours. When roots detect the lack of water the stomata will begin to close to preserve turgor pressure. This shuts down all gas exchange and hence carbohydrate production. Therefore you want to maintain a constant, but healthy level of water. You don't want to drown your plants though so be careful. If you see the soil pulling away from the edges of the pot you know you have let them dry out too much. I tend to water after a few hours of light on. I refuse to water just before the light goes off b/c there will be a good amount of moisture at the surface of the soil which will affect RH.


Excellent post Tokin.........So few people know anything period bout when the stomata are fully open and the plant`s are suckin juice from the roots and transpiring/sweatin out through the leaves for a completely dialed system with high RH , explosive rootzone AND foliage growth.......the circle of life at it`s finest.......

I always ran 70% humidity till the stretch was over and the bud building process began.........Then I tried ta keep it as low as possible through swellage and harvey/chop , but livin in Hell down south 80% + is normal.......

I managed 45-50% with dehuey`s and ac`s runnin 24/7 but it was NOT easy........Yields were dialed though and that`s what mattered.....



Excellent post Tokin.........So few people know anything period bout when the stomata are fully open and the plant`s are suckin juice from the roots and transpiring/sweatin out through the leaves for a completely dialed system with high RH , explosive rootzone AND foliage growth.......

I always ran 70% humidity till the stretch was over and the bud building process began.........Then I tried ta keep it as low as possible through swellage and harvey/chop , but livin in Hell down south 80% + is normal.......

I managed 45-50% with dehuey`s and ac`s runnin 24/7 but it was NOT easy........Yields were dialed though and that`s what mattered.....


Humidity between 40 - 50% is safe for flowering. Just try to keep your environment clean and you shouldn't have too many mold spores floating around. Remove all dead or dying foilage from the room and dispose of it. They act like stepping stones for diseases and other organisms to attack the plant itself.


Growin in basements for 15 yrs with moldy/mildewy conditions already present allowed my OCD ta kick in for laboratory conditions , so no Tokin , I never experienced mold or mildew in my setups from due diligence.........

And yeah........Flowered in 45-50% RH for lotta yrs and was scared ta death for the first couple but got over it......Heath Robinson gave me a tip many yrs ago bout exchanging your room`s air twice per minute and it allows dehuey`s and a/c`s ta work less and last longer......

Never ran CO2 but rather used the supply of free CO2 in the inherent air that was circulated with active intakes and exhaust/scrubber combo`s.........

Take care....DHF.........


Growin in basements for 15 yrs with moldy/mildewy conditions already present allowed my OCD ta kick in for laboratory conditions , so no Tokin , I never experienced mold or mildew in my setups from due diligence.........

And yeah........Flowered in 45-50% RH for lotta yrs and was scared ta death for the first couple but got over it......Heath Robinson gave me a tip many yrs ago bout exchanging your room`s air twice per minute and it allows dehuey`s and a/c`s ta work less and last longer......

Never ran CO2 but rather used the supply of free CO2 in the inherent air that was circulated with active intakes and exhaust/scrubber combo`s.........

Take care....DHF.........

I assumed you did take care of the room, the comment was for the general public. :D

I generally try to never go over 100% exchange in 5 minutes. Anything less is better unless the air you are pulling in is very humid. Then I would slow it down a bit so the dehuey isn't killing itself trying to keep up.


I had lung rooms that I conditioned air with a/c`s and dehueys so the flip rooms were pullin in the bare minimum RH and exhausting through the scrubbers to be conditioned again once they exited said rooms with plants in late flower.......

The reason I did that was to keep from having to mount a/c`s and dehuey`s thru the walls and seal em up so as to keep the heat generated from both appliances out of the rooms holding vertical bare bulbs.........

Just made sense to condition the air "outside " the rooms so each flip room would suck in optimum conditions and what left through scrubbers would be re-conditioned and pumped back through once re-mixed with the lung room air....


Edit:.....What Tokin said bout waitin lil bit after lights on for a feed schedule to allow excess humidity and moisture to dissipate from lights off before feeding again is just simply the voice of experience........take heed......


id say at night, just cause the more i think the more i figure a plant doesnt persperate much at night, so it can hold and use the water and feed more efficiently before photothynsethis starts when the lights are on and they sweat...just my 2 cents!


with my organic vegetable & fruit garden outdoors, I learned that it's best to water in the morning. Watering in the mid-day sun will waste a lot of water since the plants are in security mode, as they have already retained water to fend off the sunburn. Also, watering just before dark, or after dark promotes fungus growth.
I'm not sure if this will relate to indoor growing.


Anytime, I just dump a 5 gallon bucket into my blumat res.

I always did early in the light cycle when I hand watered so the soil would dry up on top MUCH quicker then when the lights are out. When the lights are on for me the room is about 13 degree's hotter, and there is alot more air circulation that will allow the top of the soil to "dry out" faster.

rick shaw

The morning,when the lights go on.The plant is transpiring water and nutrients because of heat and photosynthesis.You don't go all day hungry and eat before bedtime.



is it better to leave plants dry for a day or that they are soaked real bad?

and one kind of offtopic question but i'll try anyway:D

when the lights are on i have 40-50% RH in veg. i think this is ok or should it be higher?
and allso i was looking for some info on PH but i cant find anything in search cuz word is to short. I ssaw somewhere that in veg ph should be 6,5 and in flo 5,5-6,0?
