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Water retention tricks

are there any setbacks on water chrystals? im wudnt think so but idk. wut material are they made of most commonly in any supply? how much a benefit are they? are they a waste of your time and money? ide think not seeing all this work with them. they wont mess with my roots will they?
i was wondering if you can put considerably more consistant amount in the top quarter of your soil in the hole. tell me what think


Well-known member
I've avoided polymers for many years, frankly, because they are plastic. This year I found a product called zeba quench that is cornstarch based. Soil microorganisms break it down over the course of many months. In the meantime, it absorbs 400 times its weight in water and (reading from the package) will not water log the soil and only releases water to the roots when the soil has been tapped. We'll see how much good it does.

On the subject of rootmass: if you don't mind transplanting tall plants, grow them out a bit lanky. Denude the bottom several inches of the plant and plant deep. Like our friend the tomato, the buried portion will respond by sending forth roots. This makes it so that the main root mass is in cool, moist soil also.


king of the dinosaurs
Dignan said:
Line the bottoms of your holes with 15-20 sheets of newspaper, if possible. Holds moisture very well, and yet will drain so the roots aren't smothered in the case of ample rainfall.

interesting idea... makes alot of sense to me. i think i might try this out this year. im growing in the canadian shield where its tough to find good soil. rainfall is hit and miss but it seems like even if you have a wet season the newspaper wouldnt do much of any harm

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Dignan said:
I humbly disagree, but we already have a big long thread about it all.



I'm confused... you disagree? I mean, its well documented information with multiple case studies... I just don't see how you could disagree... :confused:

Now, if you mean that it wont cause any problems for people because its used in the soil... well that is debatable. I believe that many things we use are systemic and can be absorbed by the plants.


The Soapmaker!
Mr Celsius said:
I'm confused... you disagree? I mean, its well documented information with multiple case studies... I just don't see how you could disagree... :confused:

Now, if you mean that it wont cause any problems for people because its used in the soil... well that is debatable. I believe that many things we use are systemic and can be absorbed by the plants.

I participated heavily in the other water polymers thread last year and stated my case there. You're a topnotch feller, Mr Celsius, but I'm not going to rehash the polymers debate here when it's already been hashed out (somewhat painfully). LOL :joint:

That thread was a good one, though. Worth digging up for sure.


Hindu Killer

Active member
Here's a olg growers tip for you....Jello.....yes jello! Mixa couple boxes in the hole. And bam...polymer action...plus sugars and such to speed micro creatures.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Dignan said:
My first advice to new outdoor growers online is the beware of any advice that someone seems to be universally applying. The situation, methods, goals, limitations, climate, geography, topography, security concerns... they ALL vary greatly from one individual to the next....
Very wise advise!!!