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water quality


i have been using ocean forest for over two years now and heir recently it does look different toodles is right it is a overpriced mix although i still use it as a part of my mix this is what i am using right now 3 gallons ocean forest 3 gallons coco 2 tbls per gallon fox farm pom fruit and flower 1 tbls per gallon pom bat guano 1tbls per gallon pom starter and 2 tbls per gallon lime and 1 gallon ewc mix that with a no fert lcs mix 6 gallons 2 tbls lime per gallon 1 gallon of ewc mix all together things look better than using just ocean forest and perlite.


lock out.

lock out.

toodles said:
How they hanging Hammerhead?


You have been doing this a lot longer than I have...and I respect that experience. I've also seen many of your posts elsewhere. You are probably right about those plants having a Mg problem.

My question to you is: What's he going to do about his pH problem? How does using Epsom Salts, CalMag, whatever, help from now to the end of flowering? If he doesn't solve his pH problem, what will his next nutrient issue be?

If you look closely at post 28...the middle plant in front in the green square pot. That plant looks like it has some leaf problems already. Look at the leaf edges. The one left of it may have some slight yellowing on the leaf serrations too. I can't tell real well from that picture. Watering with CalMag might help those too, but to me....that is treating the symptom, and not the cause. IMO, the underlying cause of his problems is lack of Ca and Mg in the soil. Adding lime before planting his plants in the mix would probably have eliminated the problem before it began...by providing the Ca and Mg from the gitgo...as well as providing the pH buffering needed.

Maybe Hammerhead can take some pics of each plants leaves for us.

My point is if the soil mix is screwed up, he is going to continue having to screw around applying this, that, and the other to keep his plants healthy. IMO, that is totally unecessary.


Yes, I was wondering about that also.

any word yet?



Non Conformist
Well let's take a look...

Well let's take a look...

Hammerhead said:
I don't see a PH problem? Those plants look great! The only thing I see in those newer plants is new leaves that are alil lighter green than the older leaves, in time they will darken up too. This is normal. I can't see the serrations in the leaves tho, I'm not sure how you can either? lol If this were a PH issue, it wouldn't jus affect the older leaves in flower. It would affect all the leaves, all over the plant, all the time.... Some plants jus use more mag in flower than others. I have a C-99 and a pheno of DSDv2 that will do this. The rest of the strains I run have no problems with lack of mag in flower..... This soil has humus and a microherd in it and will buffer the PH. I don't own a PH meter nor do I add lime. I have never needed to. This could change at any time I spose ( nothing's perfect ), but in all the years I've used it, I haven't needed lime.... Maybe HH can get some pics up of the new ones leaves, so we can get a better look. But from what I see now they look very healthy, vigorous and hardy!.... You know these other strains may have no problems at all with mag in flower. Every strain is alil different. If ya grow a variety of strains you will come across this too. That's my outlook and opinion on this. later, BC Btw it's good ta see ya around SW, I hope yer health has improved.


i think rocketomylife or sub 1 of them did a good thread not sticky on water quality and ph and things pertaining to this subject. i think in the organics forum and i give props to anyone who can grow in ocean forest without using lime i cannot. and to those who don't add any perlite, i guess when you get really good you can grow in just about anything.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
B.C. said:
I don't see a PH problem? Those plants look great! The only thing I see in those newer plants is new leaves that are alil lighter green than the older leaves, in time they will darken up too. This is normal. I can't see the serrations in the leaves tho, I'm not sure how you can either? lol If this were a PH issue, it wouldn't jus affect the older leaves in flower. It would affect all the leaves, all over the plant, all the time.... Some plants jus use more mag in flower than others. I have a C-99 and a pheno of DSDv2 that will do this. The rest of the strains I run have no problems with lack of mag in flower..... This soil has humus and a microherd in it and will buffer the PH. I don't own a PH meter nor do I add lime. I have never needed to. This could change at any time I spose ( nothing's perfect ), but in all the years I've used it, I haven't needed lime.... Maybe HH can get some pics up of the new ones leaves, so we can get a better look. But from what I see now they look very healthy, vigorous and hardy!.... You know these other strains may have no problems at all with mag in flower. Every strain is alil different. If ya grow a variety of strains you will come across this too. That's my outlook and opinion on this. later, BC Btw it's good ta see ya around SW, I hope yer health has improved.

I have a sm802 and always ph the water to 6.5 6.8 after Ntrients are added. Here are pictures the first one is BOG LSD and has 1 leaf that has yellow spots. the second picture well you guys take a look. The 3rd plant has nothing on it anywhere.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Breeder : Sensi Seeds Purple Haze
Environment : Indoor/Outdoor
Seeds Per Pack : 5

This vigorous cannabis hybrid expresses the best features of its parent strains — a soaring Haze high combined with the thick resin production of the best Indicas. While not tall enough to ‘kiss the sky’, plants are statuesque and beautiful, with long, running buds that possess pleasing density and a sticky coating of trichomes.

Purple Haze is darker than most Sativas — closer to the deep green of Afghanis than the lime green of equatorial strains. When exposed to low temperatures near the end of flowering, leaves and calyxes can rapidly change colour from dark green to lavender or violet.

The Haze smell is subtle when plants are growing, becoming much richer and sharper when buds are harvested and dried.

Feminised Sativa/Indica

new soil mix FFOF with added perlite and some bloodmeal wating for lime and bat guano

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
come on guys this is totally unnecessary I appriciate all the help. I do think BC is right about the problems im haveing and will continue to feed mg. That burn could have been caused when I was watering and the leaf got splashed. I will give the middle plant some more food and see what happens


Hammerhead said:
come on guys this is totally unnecessary I appriciate all the help. I do think BC is right about the problems im haveing and will continue to feed mg. That burn could have been caused when I was watering and the leaf got splashed. I will give the middle plant some more food and see what happens


Okey Dokey.

Good Luck with it!



Non Conformist


toodles said:
BC from above....

I can't see the serrations in the leaves tho, I'm not sure how you[Toodles] can either?

Please tell me you were stoned stupid when you said that.
Wow, I reckon I -was- stoned, cause I totally misunderstood what you were trying ta say! DOH! SORRY man, my bad! Suprising how a couple a shots of JD can clear yer mind of stress.... PS I still don't like you tho! LOL! I'm jus kiddin! BC


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
here is a few updated pic with new nutrients I use Sensi MG bloom with Ionic boost 0-5-6 with the PH Adjusted to 6.5 Here are the same plants they look much better to me. i cut off the dead leaves since they will no longer help in any sugar or photosynthesis. I would like to thank Toddles and BC for there help. Toddles I promiss I will lime my next batch of soil and let you know how it turns out



Non Conformist
Hammerhead said:
Dude, these plants went from this ^^^ to what you posted today, in one day?!? These plants look like they've been starved and flushed for a -while-. No need ta feed em any more they've been run completly out of N and are done! There's no way this could have happened in one day. I don't believe the PH would have jus bottomed out all at once either. If there were a PH problem they would have never made it to the size they did in the first place without there be necrotic patches and blotches, it's not gonna lock out -everthing- all at once. That picture must have been taken awhile before yesterday? it jus don't happen that fast. BC
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
remember I did not cut alll of t he bad leaves off and you cant tell the HPS is on. I just cut off the leaves the could not help the plant recover in any way. There are plenty of half yello and green leaves on the plant. but t is he same plant. Im giving it alot of mg and ph of 6.5 3 days now
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Matter that Appreciates Matter
Check recalibrate your meters and give them a ph'ed flush. Be sure to test the runoff.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
BC are you seeing things lol I could take A night pic for ya. Are you sure you posted in the right thread lol. These 2 are the same plant top on is with leaves trimmed



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
3dDream said:
Check recalibrate your meters and give them a ph'ed flush. Be sure to test the runoff.

Meters are calibrated when I use them . I don't usually check the run off. But I'll check it for ya I'm pretty sure it will be 6.8


Non Conformist
Hammerhead said:
BC are you seeing things lol I could take A night pic for ya. Are you sure you posted in the right thread lol. These 2 are the same plant top on is with leaves trimmed
Yeah maybe a night picture would be better. Maybe it is jus the hps? They look yellow as hell! the way I see em now. Remember nutes need to be in balance so don't go overboard with cal mag. If a plant needs extra micro nutes, alil bit more should be added to the rest for that balance. Did you only feed with big bloom at 3 tbls per gal this whole time? They look like there running out of N fast? Btw I am in the right thread, right? lol BC


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Sorry, I meant testing the runoff for ppm and ph(mostly ppm).

toodles: I understand that organics wont register as PPM, but do you think that taking a plant and testing it will cause more harm than good? I like to eliminate possibilities rather than guess at the answers. How can we assume his mix is correct unless you test the mix? I recently had some plant issues and they all stemmed from the fact that my meter was bad.