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Water Quality in the UK ....

Big Eggy

Active member
Yeh that and places selling brewing supplies or the chemist but they might think you want it for something else lol...Peace

My two hobbies growing and brewing and not a specalist shop for 20+ miles.

Maybe i should open a Grow/Brewshop lol


Vitaman C powder is another option. If you get really stuck you could go to your local needle exchange they normally include a pack of citric acid in them.

Big Eggy

Active member
^^ I dont think they would belive me.. i live in a big viliage/very small town where everyone know everybody.

will try the Asian food store near my work.



Thats the best bet i got a big bag from my local Indian store.


New member
northeast ec 0.2 ppm120 ph 7.0 7.5 more 7.5 asian food shops usally sell 2 kinds of citric acid large cristals or small grownd i would get large you can pick them out drop them in one time if needed as putting ltl pinches in


I'd dissolve a set amount into a little water first. You can add it drop by drop then if need be.


i hadnt ran the taps for a few days in my op and i went into fill the bath so it was standing
for 24hrs and the water was lime green/yellow with green specks at the bottom of the bath.
so i wonder if this is something comming off the pipes or out of the main tank?
i let it run for a good while and it did clear up to its usual cloudiness.

Dr. D

Active member
Just wanted to add cloudiness isn't always a bad thing if it clears after sitting then its tiny air bubbles that looks like a contaminant, obviously if it doesn't clear or it settles then its a contaminant..Peace


do you have a water softener fitted to your system?

no, the water presure is very high so im wondering if the pressure
is cleaning the pipes as it flows.
it looks like it could possibly be particles of oxidised copper or something?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
my waters not too bad, 0.2 and ph7.0 spot on every time, vita link sw brings it usually to between 5.8-6.2 depending on how strong a soloution.
I keep meaning to phone the water up and ask em if they use chlorine or chloramine.
I havent tested the water at the new spot but growing in several places in the locality its been the same.


Overall I'd say the waters pretty good in this country never come across tap water I wouldn't drink. ph fluctuaction seems to be the main problem. I've tried leaving water to get rid of the chlorine but never found it makes any difference.


my best mate works for the water company round here he says every spring they flush the system with loads of different chems depending on what rain fall we have had over the winter and what algea is growing b in there test tanks, just so happens the stuff they add makes the ph rise by 4 points sometimes, they only do it early spring.

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