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Water and its properties

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Good positively charged water is not only good for " plants treated with structured water get ripe earlier "

I believe such plants are a better smoke over all

Not for me.

I believe what is happening is certain vibrations in pattern cause cells to line up in their natural fractal pattern and form stronger bonds. just as wind helps form stronger branches.

^Earth’s Most Stunning Natural Fractal Patterns

Even if I listen to my headphones and sing along when I work the plants are healthier over all, and so am I. everything coexists in an Eco system and they all thrive, fail, and evolve together, nothing changes when you build your own Eco system.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
i am convinced that we don't know shit about the nature of water.

ever since i have read some of Viktor Schauberger's works (1885-1958, austrian forrester and natural scientist) i've come to the above mentioned conclusion.

his ideas are too complex to reproduce here in a few words, but the vortex-movement of water (what he called "planetary movement") is a cornerstone.

to anyone interested, i urge you to pick up some of the books by Callum Coats, who has translated and organized his scattered works. (findable as pdfs on the net, in case you want to "try before you buy")

schauberger was an incredible genius IMHO and his findings just make sooo much sense.

IMHO many latter-day water "wizards" (like grander for example) have taken much of their knowledge from schauberger.

non-schauberger related:
check out the 1973 book "the secret life of plants" (also pdf-available) which i read recently. while not everything might be true, there are some mindblowing findings in it about the true nature of plants. you'll never be able to look at your babies the same way again.

and as always: beware of DISINFORMATION!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
although i nearly turned it off in the first minute when they said 'water is the only substance able to exist in 3 states' (thats bullshit, most substances can exist as solid, liqud and gas) i watched most of it and i thought it was a load of tosh.




dispels some of the ridiculous claims.

I am pretty sure the link you posted has NOTHING to do with the video. (i have been to that site before) Because like i posted on the first page its called magnetic water documentary (or something like that) but it doesn't talk about magnetic water (like i said on the first page). I personally dont fully believe that if you put a magnet in water it will have better qualities but I have yet to try it. Idiit said it helped him with his leg cramp condition (magnetizing water) and it makes me have a positive perspective on that matter but that is not what the video is about. Did you even watch it? lol Nice grows by the way, when i look at them it helps me make a mental picture of how I want my grows to be in the future.
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although i nearly turned it off in the first minute when they said 'water is the only substance able to exist in 3 states' (thats bullshit, most substances can exist as solid, liqud and gas) i watched most of it and i thought it was a load of tosh.


You probably didn't wanna watch it because it didn't have a lot of views :D but anyway if you have some rice at home try the rice experiment and tell us your results


i am convinced that we don't know shit about the nature of water.

ever since i have read some of Viktor Schauberger's works (1885-1958, austrian forrester and natural scientist) i've come to the above mentioned conclusion.

his ideas are too complex to reproduce here in a few words, but the vortex-movement of water (what he called "planetary movement") is a cornerstone.

to anyone interested, i urge you to pick up some of the books by Callum Coats, who has translated and organized his scattered works. (findable as pdfs on the net, in case you want to "try before you buy")

schauberger was an incredible genius IMHO and his findings just make sooo much sense.

IMHO many latter-day water "wizards" (like grander for example) have taken much of their knowledge from schauberger.

non-schauberger related:
check out the 1973 book "the secret life of plants" (also pdf-available) which i read recently. while not everything might be true, there are some mindblowing findings in it about the true nature of plants. you'll never be able to look at your babies the same way again.

and as always: beware of DISINFORMATION!

I believe I also read about Viktor Schauberger a while ago (randomly came across him) and there were some truly amazing things that he was able to understand just from observation, in our fast paced life we don't really have time to observe and learn things "naturally" thanks for postin :)


I believe what is happening is certain vibrations in pattern cause cells to line up in their natural fractal pattern and form stronger bonds. just as wind helps form stronger branches.

^Earth’s Most Stunning Natural Fractal Patterns

Even if I listen to my headphones and sing along when I work the plants are healthier over all, and so am I. everything coexists in an Eco system and they all thrive, fail, and evolve together, nothing changes when you build your own Eco system.

True that toootally agree. From what I have read strongest vibrational patterns are produced by love. So if you love your plants they will probably be doing much better than just plants you grow for bud. Thanks for the post


Active member
Ok my SFV will get 2chainz and my Purp Beethovan will post reusults . LOL . Sounds intresting TPIMP , i will give it a go ..


Active member
Dude don't be lazy, for real, its not that hard to try. I would be like ok sure if I knew that you had a physical handicap but even a physically handicapped person wouldn't be that lazy. Just do it :comfort:

Get fucked.

Stop being lazy and show me a peer reviewed study on this subject.


Active member
McTaggart describes research which suggests that water is one medium of this coherent communication system especially in living plants and animals:

"This would mean that water is like a tape recorder, imprinting and carrying information whether the original molecule is still there or not. The shaking of the containers, as is done in homeopathy, appears to act as a method of speeding up this process. So vital is water to the transmission of energy and information that Benveniste's own studies actually demonstrate that molecular signals cannot be transmitted in the body unless you do so in the medium of water. In Japan, a physicist called Kunio Yasue of the Research Institute for Information and Science, Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama, also found that water molecules have some role to play in organizing discordant energy into coherent photons - a process called 'superradiance'.

This suggests that water, as the natural medium of all cells, acts as the essential conductor of a molecule's signature frequency in all biological processes and that water molecules organize themselves to form a pattern on which can be imprinted wave information. If Benveniste is right, water not only sends the signal but also amplifies it."

I have written a couple of articles which expand on this subject. They can be found at:

Homeopathic Resonances and ORMUS

Living Water, Vital Air


paramagnetic rock ( volcanic rock dust is a source for paramagnetic rock) is high in ormus. the ormus is what structures the water in the soil mineralization supplements.

tons of good stuff on ormus and structured water in links provided in above posted subtleenergies link.

everyone gets to choose what they believe in. i hope this topic can be fun as i find it quite interesting and definitely on the woo woo side of what we don't yet, but should understand better.