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Water and its properties


I remember when I was first reading about growing, there was an article that said that if you play classical music to your plants it can have a very positive effect. Not sure if it is true or not and how exactly it can have a positive effect but I just saw a documentary about water. What it said was that water is influenced by us people and our actions, so when we act bad (cursing, being agressive) around it, it changes it structural form to a bad structure. But when it is treated nice and positive things are said and done around it, it has a nice structure which has positive effects on people and plants. They also showed the structures of different samples of water that were played different music and the samples with classical music where structured like snowflakes compared to the sample of heavy metal which looked like a blob. In the documentary it showed that plants treated with structured water get ripe earlier than plants treated with normal water. Just wanted to put this out there, also in the documentary there are various tests done to prove its true (scientific experiments). All the scientists who were interviewed were from different countries which showed different but the same perspectives.

The documentary is called "magnetic water documentary" but it doesn't talk about water being magnetized ( various informations are saying that if you magnetize water it will give it miraculous properties, not saying it is not possible but from what I've been reading it not very likely to be true) BUT THIS DOCUMENTARY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT. It talks about the waters structure and our influence on it.


Please express you opinions on this and what you think about it. Maybe you will treat your water nicer from now on? :)


Active member
Good positively charged water is not only good for " plants treated with structured water get ripe earlier "

I believe such plants are a better smoke over all


Makes good sense to me.Suppose it becomes like holy water charged with positve energy.
i'll read a secret mantra before i foliar feed and see what tune they dance to...peace


Active member
everyone needs to get informed on structured water. what they believe is up to them. the basic premise is that the geomagnetic energies on the surface of our planet have greatly diminished over the last 100-1000's of years. water molecules need this energy to maintain the molecular composition called "pristine condition; how it's meant to be.

due to low surface magnetic energies water now has a tendency to clump. clump water is bad. clumpy water has lower hydration capacity for living creatures to utilize ( including plants). contemplate the importance of proper hydration to all living creatures including our plants.

structured water simply is clumpy water returned to its pristine condition.

volcanic rock dust ( since it comes from deep inside the earth's mantle) still retains higher energies and helps structure water in any soil that uses volcanic rock dust.

i use a water vortex magnitizer for personal drinking water. it breaks down the clumps. it also activates the ormus in seacrop that i ingest dilluted in 2 8 oz. glasses of seacrop/wvm water i ingest every day.

i suffer from leg cramps and i read that structured water can help alleviate the dehydration i suffer from excessive morning coffee usage.

structured water eliminates my leg cramps by allowing me to get water in my system better at re-hydrating my system.

i'm an od grower. streams naturally restructure water so no need for my outdoor girls. rainwater is also pristine in it's structure. tap water and pond water need to be restructured per my research.

Water Vortex Magnetizer


lost in a sea

yeah im sure snow flakes geometric shape can be affected by the change in ice crystal caused my what energy is directed at them,, this was shown in recent studies but has been suspected for millenia,,

vibrational energy/resonance are all apart of the electromagnetic scale, and the frequencies projected at water changes the angles of the atoms alignments in the bonds,,

since plants are mostly water the same principles affect them in a big way..

surely a wetting agent like those found in yucca would help with the surface tension issues of the bonding,,

everything comes down to electrical forces at the end of the day,, this used to be what science was the study of..

the neutrons/protons and electrons in atoms are held together by electrical attraction and the bonds between atoms in molecules is the same,,


Makes good sense to me.Suppose it becomes like holy water charged with positve energy.
i'll read a secret mantra before i foliar feed and see what tune they dance to...peace

I don't know if you took a look at the video but buddhist prayer seemed to have the best effect on the water.


everyone needs to get informed on structured water. what they believe is up to them. the basic premise is that the geomagnetic energies on the surface of our planet have greatly diminished over the last 100-1000's of years. water molecules need this energy to maintain the molecular composition called "pristine condition; how it's meant to be.

due to low surface magnetic energies water now has a tendency to clump. clump water is bad. clumpy water has lower hydration capacity for living creatures to utilize ( including plants). contemplate the importance of proper hydration to all living creatures including our plants.

structured water simply is clumpy water returned to its pristine condition.

volcanic rock dust ( since it comes from deep inside the earth's mantle) still retains higher energies and helps structure water in any soil that uses volcanic rock dust.

i use a water vortex magnitizer for personal drinking water. it breaks down the clumps. it also activates the ormus in seacrop that i ingest dilluted in 2 8 oz. glasses of seacrop/wvm water i ingest every day.

i suffer from leg cramps and i read that structured water can help alleviate the dehydration i suffer from excessive morning coffee usage.

structured water eliminates my leg cramps by allowing me to get water in my system better at re-hydrating my system.

i'm an od grower. streams naturally restructure water so no need for my outdoor girls. rainwater is also pristine in it's structure. tap water and pond water need to be restructured per my research.

Water Vortex Magnetizer


Very interesting thank you for the input I'll check out the link you posted for sure!


yeah im sure snow flakes geometric shape can be affected by the change in ice crystal caused my what energy is directed at them,, this was shown in recent studies but has been suspected for millenia,,

vibrational energy/resonance are all apart of the electromagnetic scale, and the frequencies projected at water changes the angles of the atoms alignments in the bonds,,

since plants are mostly water the same principles affect them in a big way..

surely a wetting agent like those found in yucca would help with the surface tension issues of the bonding,,

everything comes down to electrical forces at the end of the day,, this used to be what science was the study of..

the neutrons/protons and electrons in atoms are held together by electrical attraction and the bonds between atoms in molecules is the same,,

Thanks for the very informational post!


I would think clean water as opposed to tap water or lake water would be a worthy cause but this other stuff is questionable...a $2 plastic device with 4 $1 magnets on it for $35 seems like a rip off to me...buyer beware..


What is this clean water you speak of? The way I see it almost every water source is polluted these days.


Active member
I feel that not many people understand all this though.
when nevil made his return over at mns forum he made a post that i'll never forget; basically we need to re-think everything we do and contemplate how we can do it better if we want to take mj cultivation up to its full potential. he then was the one that posted on the possibilities in structured water and the wvm i use.

i rethought my genetics for my outdoor grows and now perceive the value sites like ace and cbg bring to my od grows.

i rethought summer bud rot and now spray seacrop and em+ on my plants before placing outdoors. i use an already chelated supersoil high in chelated trace minerals catalyzed by high pure calcitic non mg dominant lime as my pivot point supplement. i also chose strains that can go in early and finish late to get well established root-balls that promote very healthy plants to withstand summer droughts and late summer/eary fall blights accentuated by high temps/high humidity (rh) conditions.

i use ormus rich volcanic rock dust supplements for the trace minerals and their inherent ormus rich components to keep the water in the prepared holes structured as opposed to clumpy for better hydration of my little girls during horrific summer conditions. i use archaea to chelate the hard to chelate by indigenous microherds pure calcium lime and volcanic rockdusts. archaea are plentiful in the sea and deep in earh's mantle but have retreated from all known land crusts. the archaea are essential to fast effective chelating of many organic soil supplements per my research.

last year i screwed up humus supplements and suffered the consequences. this year much better results and i've been posting progress report pics.

what i'm trying to say is basically an affirmation of nevil's statement re rethinking each and every component of our growing technique in order to optimize yield and quality of the end product. water is essential and little attention until now has been posted on structured water benefits. google structured water.

ormus, structured water and archaea are imo three new very important frontiers in the organic style of growing.

landrace based genetics offer ( imo) great solutions to tolerance build up and hardiness issues.

edited to add: the necessary cure time for landraces should start at 3 months ( not six weeks ) and re-evaluated after 6 months per my experience with landraces. cure time is another neglected topic of discussion imo. my custom herijuana doesn't need much cure time to smoke at full potential. golden tiger didn't get " narcotic dream land" wonderful ( 6 month cure) until after i smoked most of last year's harvest. not goin happen this year!

rethink everything starting with the water is imo a good idea.


:thinking:thanks idiit very interesting and informational read, ive never really heard of ormus or archaea but I'll look into it right away. I also believe that in order to take growing to another level more areas of nature should be explored. :thinking:


There was a study where they found that water that was meditated on, grew faster and healthier plants than plain water that wasn't influenced at all.

So do a ritual with your water and see how it works.


I would love to read any real studies on this subject.
The stories are fun though.

If you mean a lab report I don't think I can deliver that but the video i posted on the first page (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nIaQWRBQ6E) is very informative and shows what treated water does to plants and also a few experiments its around 30 minutes but I found it a good watch. It is some pretty amazing stuff if more people get around to researching these kinds of small sectors in science a lot can change in the next decade. Im pretty sure this has been around for a while but i don't think it has received the needed attention
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Active member
this is crap. waters molecular structure does not change if you think happy thoughts. waters molecular structure looks like a crystalline structure (snow flake) when it under goes a state change. This is BS.

On a side note. Classical music and its possible positive effects, on wine grapes is under study, by Florence university and the University of Pisa.


this is crap. waters molecular structure does not change if you think happy thoughts. waters molecular structure looks like a crystalline structure (snow flake) when it under goes a state change. This is BS.

On a side note. Classical music and its possible positive effects, on wine grapes is under study, by Florence university and the University of Pisa.

Im starting to get irritated by people coming on here and talking shi*
Dude did you watch the video? There were 3 jars of rice submerged in water one jar the guy said thank you every day for a month, second he said idiot everyday for a month, and third he toootaly ignored for a month. The thank you jar started fermenting and smelled nice and fermenty, the second idiot jar started rotting, the third ignored jar looked like straight shit. I also read some people actually tried the jar thing and said it does work. Thats enough evidence for me. Also they all looked somewhat of a snowflake structure (the samples) but the ones that were "meditated upon" had a better structure than the normal water. so yeah did you watch the video? (its 30 minutes) so if you wanna argue about this at least watch the video and comment upon it. Thanks
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