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Watch those dealers!


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ICMag Donor
My wife and I went to her favorite coffeeshop, over the weekend. As she found us a seat I waited in line, to buy weed, with 3 male tourists in front of me. I usually watch dealers and how they weigh the herb. The 3 guys in front of me each ordered 3 grams. I watched the dealer take the plastic container from the scales and the digital display read -41.86, once the container was removed. He put the container back on the scales and the display read 0.71, then he quickly proceeded to add the weed to the container, and weigh out the 3 grams. I watched him do this for each one of the 3 customers. The tourists paid no attention to what the dealer was doing. If only 1 gram had been ordered, I'm sure these tourists would have noticed the difference.

When it was my turn to be served, I watched him try and do the same thing to me. I asked him to zero it out after he put the container on the scales. He just looked at me kinda funny and zeroed it out.

My point is, watch those dealers when they are weighing your purchase! I dont know if what I witnessed was accidental or not. I tend to think not by the way he looked at me. Be careful out there! Peace.

(I purposely did not give the name of the shop cause I think this could happen anytime, anyplace; by accident or not)


ICMag Donor
yeah i seen the same thing happen on several ocasions puffin

so yeah everyone keep your eye on the scales



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
good eye! way to be on the lookout... I to pay attn to stuff like that... peace..



thats fucked up man.

shit like that (fucking with weight, depending on how much) can put you in sticky situations in the US with drug deals...i know people personally who got shot for shortin' sacks..


Registered Non-Conformist
I say he knew it. That is his job. To zero it out.

But, shooting someone for a short, or a scale mistake....?? That's Today's America... Mostly attitude... but, Anger Management failures are legion.

Apologizing for anything, being gracious, or even polite is now considered weak in the American West. Welcome to hell. It is moving east. Like many things do.

Watch those dealers wherever you are...


Active member
thats fucked up man.

shit like that (fucking with weight, depending on how much) can put you in sticky situations in the US with drug deals...i know people personally who got shot for shortin' sacks..

Which proves that our current drug policy is nothing more than a miserable failure.


ICMag Donor
and the reason can go two ways:
1. Shop Policy- fleece the tourists and unaware.
2. Counter boy is doing it on his own for his personal head stash.

either way watch the scale at the coffeeshop and the butcher.


Active member
yeah i really dug the GREY AREA and the main guy is from the States. they have great kief and get the temple shoes hash (ask for it may not be on the menu) you won't be able to walk.


yeah i really dug the GREY AREA and the main guy is from the States. they have great kief and get the temple shoes hash (ask for it may not be on the menu) you won't be able to walk.

Yah man, when we went, Grey Area was some of the most legit in the area. The dude at the counter was American, with a long haired musician-hippy fashioned look, one of the nicer budtenders to do business with.
Also next to him was a stout man dressed in biker gear with arms folded - friendly security?

anyway, this was the only place i found kif by the gram - SO tasty and nice to look at in a big box filled with kif balls and straight up yellow dusty kif.

A+++++ for grey area, I would expect this more from dampkring, greenhouse or barney's. Some decent buds in those places, but they also carried some nasty dispositions towards americans. Hopefully it wasn't amnesia or abraxas, I enjoyed both and would put them up right alongside grey area. Didn't get to stop by katsu or kadinsky which i hear are great too!


I`m Afraid of Americans with their fake power tripp rap thinking they are the superior being in this world with their hollywood crap. Enough already, got to GAY AREA.


Active member
I`m Afraid of Americans with their fake power tripp rap thinking they are the superior being in this world with their hollywood crap. Enough already, got to GAY AREA.

geez Hughesy, don't judge all of us by the actions of a few. yes, America has it's problems, but doesn't every nation? I don't judge all Europeans by the likes of Arjan:2cents: i've never been to Europe, but i would like to someday and i would hope that when i arrive, i'm not looked upon as such.

gotta agree with you on one thing though, hollywood is crap, everyone is so fake it's sickening.

to stay on topic though, short me on my weed, and there will be "Trouble--Trouble"*(Bernie Mac's character Chicago from Players Club..lol)*:fight:


yea that's a good tip bro.

Another is alwways count your change. bought some papers the other day handed the girl a 20 (distracted by her cuteness) I did not count my change but when I got home I only had 6.00 instead of 16. Don't know if it was on purpose and I don't want to go there but learned a lesson. ALWAYS COUNT YOUR CHANGE esp if the girl is hot and you are distracted.


Active member
(I purposely did not give the name of the shop cause I think this could happen anytime, anyplace; by accident or not)
Sorry to hear of your experience.... that wouldn't have happened if I had been the bud tender.

After just a week or so it should be ingrained for them to zero out the scale before every session. That's what any honest and ethical business that weighs product does, why should meds be any different?

You know it wasn't a mistake if they neglected to check for 3 customers in a row, that's a sloppy shop and you should definitely give out the name. Appreciate the heads up at any rate. :D


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
a pearl of wisdom for you coffeeshpp visitors ..

tram 1 or 17 to surinaamplein and then got to BoerenJongens or Bij (both owned by same ppl about about 30 seconds walk apart..

some of the best weed you'll fnd in amsterdam but also at sensible prices

Jungle Haze at 6.50 and White Chocolate at 6.50 just cant be beaten.

I've mentioned this before, but as I didnt mention barneys or GH ppl think I must be tapped (lmao)

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
In Amsterdam, anything can happen. :) Many coffeeshops give you some great "service" if they dont like your face, usually this happens when you only need a gram or so...wtf, they don't give testers to every customer of everything from the list so it sounds very reasonable to me to buy just a gram to test the weed before buying more. Dunno if theyre just too used to sellin scwhag to tourists that just dont give a fuck if their 3 grams is really 2 grams and they dont know the difference between sativa, indica etc so my advice is to take the train to Haarlem, great hash, weed, service and waaaaaayyyyy cheaper than Amsterdam. Just my 2c


pure dynamite
Many times they tried to give me change for 20 eur instead of 50 or for 50 eur instead of 100. And I bet they were doing this because they were thinking I'm way to stoned to realise, and they only tried it when the shop was crowded.

Try to use small bills and watch the change also! :2cents:


Most of the tourists are wasted so people behind the counter take advantage of that. Had the same issues with a shop in Mestreech and at a certain point I got so pissed off I asked him to take it out of the zip lock, tar the scale and weigh the bud directly on it. To my surprise it was indeed 1 gram.
What I really dislike is the wet, uncured buds sold in shops.