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I could go searching e-bay but im not too keen on buying from people on there.
I dunno way call me crazy but id rather buy it from a vendor or business.
Ill do some more looking around but im almost positive im going with them.
I have talked to a member of icmag and they got there light within 4 days after ordering.



Im only posting 1 picture this time the rest have been uploaded to my gallery for your viewing pleasure.

I just love the color of the tops of my plants.
I like it so much i made it my desktop background lol.


Ok ok i finally decided to start flower as of ........TODAY!

Dont ask why i just figured they are ready for it and i should be seeing much stretching here shortly.

Im going to keep tieing them down until the stretching is over then release them from the ties to flower.








Ok heres yet another update from the grow closet of Rabbitt-420.
They are 4 days into flowering and looking good so far.
I decided to flower them this early because they looked like they could handle a little stretch.
Yet i havent noticed that much stretching at all.
But then again they are 4 days into flowering lol.

Plus many of you have nnoticed that i am going to be a father!
Yes we are awaiting our first child.
So i would like to get a few grows in before (he) is born.
That way i can focus all my attention to (him).
Maybe one day youll see a Rabbitt Jr. on here lol. Now that would be interesting.
I dont know what to do or anything anymore since i found out.

Back to the plants.
I need to get a bigger light but its not looking like ill be getting one before next christmas lol.


Hey rabbitt-420, nice looking plants. The one with the double main stalk is awesome. I've been told that some plants from seed will continue to veg even if the photoperiod is changed to 12/12, though I've also seen small, from seed, plants flowering just fine.

Congrats on the becoming a father.


Thanks for the kind words Anhedonia.
I have also heard they will continue to veg so if they feel like it then they have every right to.
Im hoping to get a little bud from these plants but im not even sure if they are females yet.
Only time will tell i guess.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
congrats on the new family member to be : I promise it will be the best time of your life :)


Update coming soon

Update coming soon

I just returned home from a week out of town and have come home to some much bigger plants then when i left.
Ill be getting some pics sometime today and will properly update this then.
Needless to say we are down 1 plant and the other 2 are here to stay it looks like.
I need to figure out a way to raise the light or bend the stems cause they flowers are bruning up being so close to the light.
More to come.....








As promised the other day.
The pictures above are what i came home to pretty much except for the bending and tieing down.
The tops were very close to the bulb and burning the pistils up.
Ive also noticed that they are drinking a good bit of water or maybe i just didnt water them well enough when i got home.

I have no clue as to how much longer these are going to take.

So im left with 2 females after my little vacation and they seem to be doing good except for the one has some burn on the leaves or maybe its just not getting enough ferts.

No idea but heres my newest update and more to come for sure.


52 days old as of today with 26 days into flowering.

They are small for being that old i think but i dont have alot of room to grow bigger.
Im hoping to harvest around 50 days flowering and get my next ones going.
I think im going to take a chance and germ 2 Skunk #1 beans and 2 c99xswt3 beans and hope for 1 girl of each.
Ill have to look around for the c99 beans though im afraid my wife might have thrown them away by mistake.
Im going to get some pics this evening and throw them up.


Ok 27 days into flower and pictures will be showing up shortly today.
Im sorry to say but i have lost my 9 c99xswt#3 beans i was given by a kind person here at icmag.
So ill be doing my next grow with skunk #1 which should be interesting seeing as i only have barely enough room for a indica dom strain.
Ok im going out to get the camera and take some pics.


Rabbitt, looks like everything is goin' good. Nice pics you got of 'em! :) Can't wait to see 'em in a few weeks.


Thanks man i cant wait to see them either.

Tonight we made a ghetto hydro setup and i have thrown a skunk #1 bean into a paper towel for this ghetto system.
Im going to be starting a new thread over there for it once its ready.


Im going to be doing a transplant before i water them again.
Im only transplanting the bigger one seeing as how the smaller one doesnt look very good and it would be a waste to transplant the smaller one into my bigger pot and leave the bigger one sitting there.
Im closing in on the home stretch here with theseplants even though the smaller one has almost no pistils showing.
It looks like it took itself back to veg mode but im not too sure.
The bigger one is doing wonderful and she is pushing those pistils out everyday and gaining some mass.
I cant wait to see her in a few weeks.
She is almost 5 weeks into flowering so not too much longer for her to go.
Ill be getting some new pics up here later tonight when my wife returns home with my camera.


Ok i know its only been 3 days since i last updated this but today is 5 weeks in flowering for my plant.
I cant believe its been 5 weeks since i switched the lighting over.
I went back and came up with her being 66 days old today also so thats 31 days of veg and 35 days of flowering for you non math people.
I figured id put some new pics up of her just for kicks.
the first 3 are great pics of the pistils in action or at least i think they are great.

Click for Larger Image

Click for Larger Image

Click for Larger Image

I forgot i cant put them bigger then 600 pixels wide or i would have made them bigger so you didnt have to click on them but i dont feel like resizing and re-uploading them for that.

The next 2 are just my plant in general.
The first is her in her warm and cozy home which she is going to be leaving in a few weeks time.

Click for Larger Image

And the next is her just getting her posing for the camera outside of her safe zone.

Click for Larger Image

And the last pic is a picture to go along with my question of the day.
Should i transplant her into this bigger pot before she finishes or just leave her in the one shes in ?
Its hard to see but you can kinda compare the pots.

Click for Larger Image

Thank you that is all for today children now run along and play.


Also i notice very small specs of trics on my plant but nothing like the trics that ive sen on other peoples plants at this point in life.

Maybe this bagseed just isnt a tric producer who knows but its going to be tough to know when to harvest her without her having some trics to look at lol.


Thanks for the words of encouragment H.O.G.

Id like to think i have done well for myself with only a 70 watt hps and some flouro's.
This plant was vegged under the hps only though seeing how i didnt think my flouros would fit in my closet.

Yea if i had a bigger light id be better off but not everyone can have what they want.
Maybe ill get a small mh system sometime in the next month or so for vegging purposes.
Dunno it would be tough to decide on a small mh or a bigger hps.
I think the mh would be beter becasue of the extra boost in veg but then my 70 watt hps wouldnt be big enough to handle a plant of a bigger nature.
Im just stuck either way lol.
Na ill get around to saving some cash up and getting a bettr lighting system and maybe even getting a small hydro system up and running.
Something better then my ghetto one.