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Active member
I grow in very secluded places. Never been ripped before. You could make boobie traps for the rippers. 12-guage shell & a mouse trap work great. According to the law you can protect your property with lethal force, but the law also says you can't grow weed. Our laws in the US are really messed up!

There is a huge difference between protecting your property from trespassers and using booby traps to protect your illegal weed crop.


Hurting a human being (or animal, for that matter) who comes across your illegal weed patch with shotgun shell booby traps is incredibly stupid. You just went from illegal cultivation charges to attempted murder charges. Not to mention how it reflects on the entire weed growing community. Don't be an asshole. Deadly booby traps on your own property is just as stupid. Even though protecting your property with deadly force is your right, it does not allow you to deploy landmines for the purpose.


I just have one thing to say. Crazy Americans with fire-arms.

Weapons isn't something even worth considering.

Make love, not war.


a buddy of mine got ripped years back and came up with a plan. he planted in the same location that got ripped before. he waited in woods for the ripper. after a week of watching his plot he captured the ripper in the act of ripping.my buddy then putt cuffs on the dude and presented himself as a cop. he preceded to cuff him to a tree.my buddy then left the ripper cuffed and made a call to the local cops and gave them the gps cordinates to the cuffed guy with a 20 plant plot.needless to say it took that cuffed dude months to clear his name in the laws eyes and alot of $. my buddy would bring the paper with the arrest to my place and get a chuckle and so would i.he never hurt the man just set him straight.pretty sure that fucking dude is done ripping and is telling all his friends about his experience.now thats how you fix a ripper just set him up.
I just have one thing to say. Crazy Americans with fire-arms.
I'm sorry your country took away your right as a human to have a weapon to protect yourself. Reminds me of Rome, and Nazi Germany. Lets see, in Sweden you have to have a license to own a gun, and it has to be for hunting or sporting purposes. What if I am a landlord that owns property in lower income areas and people pay me in cash a lot? This means I get to walk around with thousands of
kronors on me with no way to stop a criminal that has a gun? You know in Germany right before WWII they took their citizens guns away.

Sorry, I get fed up with people from socialist countries trying to say that americans are crazy and stupid for having guns. FYI this world is not perfect and the gov't isnt always your friend; That being said, the best defense against tyranny is a well armed populace.

If your stuff is getting ripped up maybe a more secluded place is just what the doctor ordered.


Freedom Fighter
I have been growing in my back yard for about 4 years...up until now, all I had was a shade-cloth fence around it-- Well about a month and a half ago, someone stepped in, and cut one plant that was almost ready (I veg indoors, and force-flower...so I have plants in different stages--) and took another one, pot and all--
The next night, they tried to come back, but my son heard them, and chased them-- We are pretty sure who it was, and I confronted them...they denied it...but they also understand I don't believe them!!
What they don't know...is I now have a 6 foot chain-link fence inside my shade-cloth, spent $600 on a 4 camera security system (with motion detection)...and I have trip-wires all over the place!!
It is not "bullet proof"...but it will be very difficult to pull off again--
Because I am 100% legal, and they are creeping around my house with my family home....if I catch them, I will press charges for Residential Burglary!!
I ain't even gonna play their game--:mad::noway:


That's exactly the purpose not to have the right to own a gun for other than sporting or hunting.
They can easy fall in to the wrong users hands.
Limit the number of weapons available and it becomes less a risk for a criminal to buy one.

If you often carry around a lot of cash, reinforce your vehicle and put a safe in the car.
If you get robbed by someone still, too bad. But rather I would rather choose that over a country flooded with firearms.
The police still has a chance to recover the money, and to capture the criminals.

There must be a reason why so many people get killed in USA.
Sorry for getting off topic here

No matter how illegal you make guns, criminals will have them. The highest rates of crime and murder in america are in cities that have outlawed gun possession (New York, Chicago, Washington DC). So until you know anything about gun control and the impact it has on crime maybe you should do some more studying and a little less judging.

As for having a safe in the car and reinforced car etc... what does that help when hes walking into the houses and out of them? And if it gets stolen, "too bad"? Wrong. I live in the midwest of america where every other house has a gun. I never fear walking down the street and I have never seen a murder or even someone getting shot. Ive never even known someone that was murdered. And on the day that someone DOES try to rob me or worse I pray that I have my .38 on me.

I don't know why im even arguing this. Point is: Americans will never give up their RIGHT to owning a firearm. Its how we gained our independence and its how we will keep it.


If you need a gun to protect your grow you shouldn't be growing. Killing over weed?
I've got a story for all you geniuses that want to shoot someone.

In Madison, Wi a few years back (you can look it up) 3 kids went over to a growers house. 1 stayed in the car as a getaway driver. The two kids who went to the grow didn't know that the house was rigged up like Tony Montana's house. The grower shot the two kids. Then he shot himself, and his wife was left holding the bag.
Was it worth it or should he just of let himself get robbed?
True story folks....


I wont argue with you makedadproud since it's too off topic. But if you get robbed by someone pointing a firearm towards you, will you be able to pick up your gun without being shot first?
I would prefer being robbed instead of the risk of being killed while trying to defend my belongings.

And I agree with Iwheidt, just plain stupid to involve guns with cannabis.


Dudes lets not KILL...I wish i didn't a to grow Ninja Style..But shit happens..I keep all of my grows low to the ground....With things being tough...the rippers numbers are up this year....Just a note to ALL WOULD BE RIPPERS... You know who you are... "Little Fucks".... US growers try to live a peaceful life (Keeping our shit tight & not fucking with anyone... THINK BEFORE YOU RIP... KARMA MIGHT BITE YOU SQUARE IN THE ASS... PEACE TO ALL GROWERS.... Slider 420

Denial N Error

Im only gonna say this once. Booby traps only bring more attention to your grow, if it is discovered. What the hell are people thinking? Lol..


Hey dudes (Lets agree GUNS & POT NOT GOOD....) I just Hate that the true love of growing has become to "FUCKS RIPPING" .. I'm old school.. "LOW KEY"... "SHIT TIGHT"... "NO ONE KNOWS".... "WHO DON'T KNOW" Peace


These punks are just proving the loosers that they are and they know their vibe won't let no plant grow regardless of what it is pot, tomatoes,peppers.so they have no idea.


i got some nice plants in my backyard.I set up a motion sensor aimed at my plants and ran the light into my bedroom.That way i know someones there without scaring him.Then its to my closet for my baseball bat.I got ripped last year and the year before,but not this year!I will break the fuckers legs,and sleep like a baby that night too.You want to steal,then be prepared to suffer the consequences!!!!I know a guy down the road from me(ex biker)caught a kid 3 years ago stealing from him,he cut the kids finger off and held him hastage for 3 days!!!He never got ripped after that!Im sick of being a nice guy,you steal,you pay.its that simple.
Yeah, I've been ripped, too... 3x outdoors, so it's indoors from now on!
Still, I can't condone the biker cutting off the finger of the "kid." That's just EVIL! I was once a wild child, did some really stupid things, but never hurt anyone, other than being a huge annoyance... this kid didn't kill or maim anyone, and really, the key word here is "KID!" As a Mom of young adults, I have compassion for the kids nowadays who can't get away from the constant barrage of media... it's fucking with their heads, literally! Cell phones cause brain tumors and all the invisible waves from computers, routers, navigators, satellites, etc., interfere with our bodies' electrical system. Plus, these environmental and social changes are happening faster than our bodies and brains can evolve/adapt! Evolution takes time! How can kids learn fantasy from reality when they're allowed to spend their time playing violent video games, have virtual online relationships and, don't EVEN get me STARTED on their exposure to porn! Jesus! Parents need to stop putting their selfish needs first and start paying attention to their kids! They're the future! Anyway, I'm not excusing the kid's behavior, but permanently disfiguring a child and holding him hostage is OVERKILL! If he doesn't get professional help to process that trauma, he'll either go nuts or become an angry creepy man and make victims of others! That's exactly how serial killers and rapists and child molesters are born. KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE, PEOPLE! Do unto others... AND GET A GRIP or a BETTER SECURITY SYSTEM! Now, go hug a child and ask them how they're doing. Then just listen.


Active member
a kid at 22 years of age,this is the number 1 reason i dont rip pot off,i easily could,but i NEVER do.its what could happen if a grower finds you at his plot.kid or no kid,a thief is a thief,and once you make that decision,you have wayed out all of the consequences and do it anyways.I just cannot believe that someone would stick up for a thief,and talk it out with them,i dont think so,no way.I am going to make that person think twice about ever ripping again!I say cudos to the guy whoo cut the kids finger off.the kid never ripped again did he?o a lot of people on this forum growing is a way of life and if you get ripped,you have no money for the rest of the year,and thats not cool.RIPPERS BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PERIOD!!!!!!!


:abduct:The Growers Code of Conduct means shit now... Guys just want to walk around being the man!!! :mad:Talking shit "Braggin" about being "Dr.Budz... &The Super Grower.. When the "Little Fucks" RIPPED IT... & wants $100 1/4 with a smile on his or her Faces... Shitty Tramps... Dont Forget "RIPPER CHICKS" :wallbash:Girls do the shit too... A NICE ASS CAN RIP YOU TOO...Just KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOUR OWN FUCKING PLOT..:nanana: KARMA IS A BITCH.. NOW RIPPERS SUCK ONE:moon:...... PEACE:joint:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
rippers...may they all rot in hell. this year i decided to not get a real gun, but a airsoft gun, yes an airsoft gun.

anyone ever heard of a sidewinder airsoft gun? 90 bb's a sec, 5400 a min, can do 750 fps. do a google search or youtube search. this mofo will sandblast the skin off your body and is legal! all you would need to do is a short burst near the person, sounds like a saw, guarantee they will never be back....