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Washington State Medical Cannabis Patient Beaten and Robbed (Murdered)


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
that's absolutely terrible...

how sad and disgusting the way the cops handled it... :(


New member
yeah it makes my stomache feel like it's in a knot just knowing how law enforcement officers can treat civilians. They deal with the lower class individuals in society and it makes them loose thier hospitality. We need more government officials and law enforcement officers that have better morals and do what's right for the people. Thats something the us constitution supports, for the people by the people, but our laws are governed by people. People have emotions and egos and usually, some more so than others, we let our emotions cloud our judgement. People shouldn't take things so personally, and realize everyone has his/her own situation, but we are all human beings and imperfection is oblivious.
I hate to hear events like this. It happens way to much now and it has happened way to much in the past. It's something I've noticed our government has done since it was founded, and I'm only 23. Human degradation is something human beings have down for millenias. Some of us think we are better than the man/woman next to us. I mean think of slavery and prohibition, that's discrimination bigtime. Prohibition and a fragile economy doesn't mix because any war cost money, and a lot of it. I mean think there was a natural disaster. We'd be fucked because it would take every last dollar of gevernment funds and then it still might not be enough. Human evolution for our survival in the longterm has a long way to go imho.
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