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Washing Outdoor Weed

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
This was a lifechanging experience for me, i wanted to share it with other OD growers.

This year, like years past, I have a number of jars of weed that are just almost unsmokeable because of harshness or nasty taste or something. It can be the strain itself but ive seen different jars of the same strain have this problem. It all cures the same, but it doesnt come out the same.

Most of you have smoked the type of weed im talking about - when you smoke a joint the whole thing is greasy, you have shit on you lips and teeth and youve hacked and wheezed your way through it?The taste is similar to sucking on a corroded penny dipped in rubber cement? A Good buzz just nasty getting there.

A buddy stopped by one day and while burning one, i told him about the weed and said i thought i would make some bubble from it or something. He told me he could fix the weed and make it sweet and tasty.
I thought, "Yeah, right".

He asked for a jar of the weed and i gave it to him. He walked into my kitchen, got a bowl from the cabinet, dumped the weed out of the jar into the bowl and then filled the bowl and weed with tepid tap water!! He said he preferrred distilled water with a few drops of vanilla added but tap water would make his point.

He instructed me to let the weed soak for 4 hours, and that i should come by a few times during that period and dunk the ball of weed and gently stir it a bit. Not to hard, be gentle. After the 4 hr soak, drain the weed, rinse it, let it dry and then try it. He told me to save the water that I poured off of the soaking weed and look at it later. Then gently rinse the weed in clean water.

I did as instructed feeling stupid. I thought he was nuts.
After a couple of hours, i noticed is that the soak water turned piss brown and nasty. My first thought was "im not smoking anything that's been lying in that nasty water". I poured that water off, saving it as instructed and then rinsing.

After redrying the weed over a few hours in front of a little forced air heater, i gave it a try. The effects were unbelievable. The smoke was smooth as air with a slight sweetness to it.

The potency is not effected in even a tiny way. Zero effect on potency

The next afternoon, my buddy came by to "show me the soak water". He brought his fancy jewelers loope and we eyed the sludge that had settled in the bottom of the soak water. What i saw in that soakwater was astounding.

Sludge contents:

7 entire bugs about the size of a pinpoint
Lots of other bug parts, legs, wings etc.
A gooey brown substance. My buddy tells me that is a combination of insect feces, bird feces, sulfur dioxide, arsenic (pollutants), dust and dirt that settled on the plant during the outdoor growing season. Along with chlorophyll, terpines tar and god only knows what else.

I cant believe ive been grinding that stuff up and smokiing it for years. Know wonder the smoke is awful. Take a close look at what most of us have been putting in our pipes for years and you'll understand.

I wont ever again touch outdoor weed until it has been soaked and washed. When one jar runs low, i dump the next jar and let her soak.

I havent awakened in the morning with a cough, i dont hack and wheeze any more and i would encourage every grower reading this to immediately undertake this behavior. You wont go back. Vanilla or cherry extract can be added to the rinse water that adds a sweet flavorful to the smoke. What a find.

Just sharing.
This process is similar to water curing. I think I might give this a try for shits and gigs. Thanks for the info on this experience.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
hey DS, thats interesting.

How much does it effect the smell and the appearance of the buds?

Would it effect those less if the rinsing was done before the buds were dried?


Active member
i never had that problem . water curing made my buds look funny. wont try it again.glad my buds are fine as is. DAVESNOTHERE

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
StickyFingaz, the guy that showed it to me said it was his version of water curing. He said it was easier to do one jar at a time after the bud has cured rather than during the curing process. I've really just learned about it and dont know much yet.

Sam, The soak takes away the green, sometimes piney type smell and replaces it with no smell. The weed has a nuetral, hayish smell. It also causes a dull green homogonous look- no pretty green w/red hairs. All dull green/gold.

Since its my personal weed, appearance isnt quite as important. For a trade off, you get a miraculous smoothness and the real taste of the weed is allowed to come through. The weed also rolls easier and burns much more evenly after its soaked.

I cant emphasize enough the improvement thats seen by doing this. I have one fruity strain and soaking has allowed the fruitiness to come through into the taste. The better tasting the weed is, the more soaking it makes that taste come through. If u have some tasty weed, soak it and try it.

Plus, the ease of the smoke on the lungs. This smoke is so much easier on the bod and you can tell it. Ive quit waking up in the mornings gagging and choking.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Ill put out a challenge.

Take a 1/2 oz of weed, soak one half as described and leave the other be. Pick your worst tasting most unpleasant smoke.

After the soaking and drying. Roll joints out of both lots. Light 2 joints, 1 each. At the end of the test, get back with us. By the time you get through those 6 washed joints you will be a convert. You wont ever smoke unwashed outdoor ever ever again.

I know this method sounds odd and honestly, i would have never thunk it, but its true.


If your smoking unwashed outdoor no matter where in the world you are or what kind of weed your smoking or how long youve been growing. You get yourself a mouthful of grasshopper puke, insect shit and bug carcasses and nasty chemicals and dirt with every single tasty toke you take without exception. Ive looked at the soak water. Your sweetly manicured weed is nasty as hell, you just cant see it. Out of sight, out of mind?

Its disheartening to know that for years, ive been grinding that nasty stuff up and sucking it down. No wonder the weed is so harsh, its a wonder we all dont get some kind of disease..

At the moment, i have some soaking and i have some cherry extract to put a few drops in the rinse water.


Ill put out a challenge.

Take a 1/2 oz of weed, soak one half as described and leave the other be. Pick your worst tasting most unpleasant smoke.

After the soaking and drying. Roll joints out of both lots. Light 2 joints, 1 each. At the end of the test, get back with us. By the time you get through those 6 washed joints you will be a convert. You wont ever smoke unwashed outdoor ever ever again.

I know this method sounds odd and honestly, i would have never thunk it, but its true.


If your smoking unwashed outdoor no matter where in the world you are or what kind of weed your smoking or how long youve been growing. You get yourself a mouthful of grasshopper puke, insect shit and bug carcasses and nasty chemicals and dirt with every single tasty toke you take without exception. Ive looked at the soak water. Your sweetly manicured weed is nasty as hell, you just cant see it. Out of sight, out of mind?

Its disheartening to know that for years, ive been grinding that nasty stuff up and sucking it down. No wonder the weed is so harsh, its a wonder we all dont get some kind of disease..

At the moment, i have some soaking and i have some cherry extract to put a few drops in the rinse water.

Don't believe him he's a DEA propagandist, out to destroy your weed! :xmasnut:

Did you notice a difference in weight after drying again?
Surely all the dead bugs are a good natural filler, and full of vitamins too.
We don't eat enough of them anyway!


New member
interesting thread. i thought it would damage the potency at least some.

got any pics of before and after?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
It doesnt effect potency at all. Thc isnt water soluble. You can knock off the trichs if youre not gentle. I gently fill the bowl and then just occassionally bob the wad of weed up and down. Gently. Rinse gently.

NO reduction in potency. Not even a little bit. In fact, with a weed that is harsh or bad tasting, it actually improves the stone because now, you can focus on the high.


I highly doubt that any of the natural organic shit that gets on your plants is going to be too harmful for you. What you are seeing in the water is left over nutes, chlorophyll and dirt. Only a very small amount of that is probably what you are worried about most likely.

If you care about the flavor/smell you should NOT wash/cure buds. The terpenes are water soluble while the THC is only negligibly water soluble. So when your buds are done, they will no longer smell as is and when smoked. Also, the bud will be be stronger, not more potent, in that there will be the same amount of THC in that bud but less of the other shit that you just washed out. I.E same thc, less weight = higher ratio of THC for the same bud you started with. Best of lucK!


Sounds good to me. I've always wanted to try the ol' water cure. This was the encouraging push I needed to give it a shot. I just removed my batch from it's bath. Used a drop of vanilla extract. Waiting for them to dry:) I'll post my results when my research is dry enough to test.
On a side note. Have you any idea how many insects and other random goodness we consume daily in every other thing we eat/use? Think about all the bits gathered in the process of collecting grain and other farm/field products.
Food for thought:)

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I highly doubt that any of the natural organic shit that gets on your plants is going to be too harmful for you. What you are seeing in the water is left over nutes, chlorophyll and dirt. Only a very small amount of that is probably what you are worried about most likely.

If you care about the flavor/smell you should NOT wash/cure buds. The terpenes are water soluble while the THC is only negligibly water soluble. So when your buds are done, they will no longer smell as is and when smoked. Also, the bud will be be stronger, not more potent, in that there will be the same amount of THC in that bud but less of the other shit that you just washed out. I.E same thc, less weight = higher ratio of THC for the same bud you started with. Best of lucK!

Those "leftover nutes" have hairy legs and shells stausquo!! You will be shocked at what was living hidden inside that big beautiful outdoor bud when you picked and dried it. "
Harmful" is subjective. Ive heard that you can survive for several days by drinking your own urine. I wouldnt want to have that in my mouth either but its not really harmful.

Your statment doesnt at all reflect what i have experience over the last 2 months. I just dumped my 6th jar this morning and very little of what you stated has occured .
Your statment is precisely how i would have responded had i not actually experienced the results.
Try it before judging it.

You are right about the smell of the soaked weed but dead wrong about the taste or potency. It actually allows the taste to come through and really lets you notice the potency, not the coughing.. If the weed has a little sweetness or fruityness, then after this it will truly tast e fruity or sweet. This process actually highlights the taste of the weed. THC ISNT WATER SOLUBLE


I liked it. :)Smoother smoke, less harsh, same taste.I Like the more earthy less green color but not the neutral smell. Seemed a bit smaller or lighter than before and also seemed to burn slower. I'd do it again with the most harsh buds of my PS but never all as the terpines are key in some strains. Thanks for the words DS Toker


Active member
Yeah, I've heard of people doing this, but with indoor buds. They had problems with mildew and mites and apparently washing the buds after made the buds smoother. My outdoor buds seem quite clean and smooth, so I wouldn't bother doing this. I think the rain actually makes outdoor buds cleaner than indoor (indoors you have the dust accumulation, possible mite infestations). I do know that I can get full melt dry sieve easier with outdoor bud than indoor, so that leads me to believe the indoor is more contaminated.


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