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mrwags said:
treb buddy I to thought the same thing BUT:

The lower is the spoiled LK the upper is after the new nutes were introduced.

All is green now and all will be well just held me up a month to reveg.



every time we feed the plant pbp it fucks it up and looks identical to that picture. Wow this saved me a lot of time. Everytime I flush the soil with pure water it boosts back up again.


might be why my flora nova hasn't ever given me good results, but I'm sure it came bad because of that fact. I've always stored nutes in dark cool rooms inside cabinets.


Joint Date: Today.

sorry to hear you had some handicap but its nice to hear it got fixed ASAP.good job

peace bro


the stuff i use is called an " asymbiotic live culture" which means there are live organisms in the solution and it doesn't tell you on the pack what temperatures to keep it in . it just sais do not expose to exessivly high temperatures & do not freeze other than this there are no special handling requirements. but i do not know what degrees "exessivly high temps" are.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
budrezin said:
but i do not know what degrees "exessivly high temps" are.

The man at American Agritech told me that any organic based nute starts to break down when temps rise above 80 degrees and that most have a 2 year shelf life. I asked if he suggested keeping nutes in a fridge and he said that it would help but if kept in a dark cool place all would be fine BUT if temps were EVER in question the fridge is the way to go. Of my mess I had the Liquid Karma was the first to go bad and as we all know is by far the thickest.

I'm sure one of our fine scientist will chime in to let us know what EXACTLY goes bad but I can say from experience the smell is not what gave it away.

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the organic stuff i use is not a nutrient, as i use the canna hydro nutrient. this is by "Nulife technologies" & is called "power active" the tech sheet states that this is a solution of live microbes in suspended animation. but where i store it i know the temps have been as high as 90. i hope it hasn't killed the live microbes.
this stuff is just so the roots can be colonized by beneficial bacteria which suposedly has a whole host of benifits to the plant.


also what you have to take into consideration is that your liquid nutrient solutions contain a lot of chemicals which will react with each other when they are in concentrated solutions, that is why the liquid nutrient solutions contain sugar syrups. the sugar syrups like molasses act as chelating compounds which keep the concentrated chemicals from reacting with each other and forming insoluable solids which drop out of solution as soon as the nutrient liquid is diluted with water. over time and at higher temperatures these chemicals will react inspite of the chelating compounds. that is why the the dry nutrient labels all say not to make solutions at greater concentrations than full strength.
This happened to me with a bottle of organic fish ferts. You're lucky, it killed an entire round of seedlings on me.

But it makes sense. You wouldn't open a drink(introducing oxygen and bacteria), seal it, and leave it at room temperature; then act surprised when it goes bad.

It's amazing how much I've learned about human health and biology, from being so obsessed with a plant.

Seriously though, you can make a lot of great comparisons. I always compare my intestinal system to a root system.
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New member
That is pretty funny.. all started a year ago.. changed nothing to my setup, but added more light. Grow after grow deficiencies were showing up until finally my plants weren't even vegging anymore...

I thought i was doing really good and bought a pack of Grape Krush right around the time this started to happen, and lost 9 out of 10 of those babies before they ever got to taste life...completely stunted and malnurished. :badday:

Would organics include such soil mixes as say.. FF light warrior instance?


motaco said:
what about dry guano and stuff? will that go bad in the heat?

dry guano shouldn't go bad becuase it doesn't have any live organisms in it. it should last as long as regular dry chemical fertilizer.
IHNL: I recycle my soil mixes endlessly (as long as there are no diseases). I've never had a problem with the soil mixes going bad, as long as they get proper aeration.

Motaco: I don't believe dry stuff goes bad nearly as easily, as long as it's kept away from any moisture (I keep mine in a small cabinet along with a bucket full of DampRid as a dessicant).


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Anyone know if this happens with chemical ferts and how long are they good for?


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
It would be sweet if people learned to drop the word 'chemical' when talking nutrients. Once you've aquired a basic understanding of chemistry, you know that it is by definition the science of properties of matter. A chemical substance is a substance/material with a definite chemical composition, organic, non-organic or synthetic. Therefore, using the word 'chemical' as a definition for non-organic nutrients is pointless, since organic nutrients are also 'chemical'.
It's called mineral-based or salt-based nutrients, because that's what it is.

Mineral-based nutrients do not decompose or degrade as organic nutrients do. As long as they're protected against chemical reactions that can alter their composition, such as high temperatures, reactions with oxygen or water, they stay good.

stevr59 said:
I got bottles of flora nova and GH 3 parts and I had been trying to grow tomatoes… And I have had nouting but problems… GH web site said the self life is only a year, and one question is, if the store had the ferts for over a year before they sold it…

The Flora Nova has a shelf life of approximately one year, but the 3 part nutrient can theoretically be stored forever. This is what GH say (taken from their web site, in the FAQ section):


Answer: Properly stored (cool environment, out of sunlight, sealed container) they should last indefinitely.


Answer: Properly stored (cool environment, out of sunlight, sealed container) the FloraNova series should last up to one year without any problems.

The reason why Floranova has an approximate one year shelf life is that it contains organic substances. At least GH are honest enough to announce the real shelf life of their organic products, you can't say the same for many other organic nutrients.

Any "best before" date printed on your organic nutrients? I wonder why...

mrwags said:
The man at American Agritech told me that any organic based nute starts to break down when temps rise above 80 degrees and that most have a 2 year shelf life.

Perhaps the logical follow-up question should be, "how can any organic product have a two year shelf life?"

Remember, all organic products decompose in a bacteriological process, organic nutrients too... unless you add conservatives that delay the process.
Also, organic decomposition affects the ph of the substances, which is not acceptable, since a stable ph is required. Therefore, buffering products are added to your nutrients, more in organic nutes than mineral-based ones, since it is more complicated to stabilize the ph in them.

It ails me to see organic growers believe that they're more in tune with nature by using organic nutes, while in fact they often contain more 'chemicals' than mineral-based nutes.
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That seems really logical that the organic nutes will break-down or deteriorate sooner than non-organics. Also you guys are right on about the


well,first,good thread.......

i wouldent be storing ANY LIQUID NUTES in a warm place,its fairly obvious that this will happen.but its good that we have this for those who wouldent think about it.

this would also mean that,one should buy the smaller bottle if you dont need the extra.

and one should ask,or look at when it was made.


I find that the larger mini fridge will fit four gallons of PBP product. I store Grow, bloom, Liquid Karma and sweet in there. The Cal-mag Kicks it out of the fridge, as I figure this would be the most stable of the bunch
damn this is not cool, i got a old school house and it's hard to keep any part of my house below 80 during the summer time.. I can't even run my lights right now because it's so damn hot my a/c doesnt keep up with the heat!!!!

Can you store everything in the ice box? additives, two parts, even other companies? h&g AN, etc etc


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
damn this is not cool, i got a old school house and it's hard to keep any part of my house below 80 during the summer time.. I can't even run my lights right now because it's so damn hot my a/c doesnt keep up with the heat!!!!

Can you store everything in the ice box? additives, two parts, even other companies? h&g AN, etc etc

It might help ya to change your cycle to run at night. In the summer I 12/12 from 9pm - 9am and saves me a fortune in dead plants and energy.

My Penny

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