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Warning new off gassing product!!!!

WOW UGU, You seriously are the fucking man...Kudos to you my friend for being deligent and doing your homework and finally diagnosing the problem....If those assholes won't back up and stand behind their shit products, I hope you own that company when its all over...If you did, ATLEAST that would be 1 LESS shitty product on the streets, making money off the pot farmers....What assholes that company must be....Again....Very nice job man....REP+++++++!


This sucks I am very loyal NGW customer, it now has me questioning my loyalty to this company, have spents lots of money through the years on their products, but that is some shitty customer service, if they don't rectify the situation I might have to boycott them.


Ya you are pretty much right it is just aggravating and the fact they are trying to hide behind federal law. But that’s what attorneys do they find loop holes. It is still not right, if I messed up I would do my best to rectify the problem. It just blows my mind that they would not give me the time of day. They (NGW) would not even shell out the cost for a mediation just to talk. Not even a consolation prize. I was hoping at least for a life time supply of FREE tube ha ha.



If you do remember NGW and sunlight supply are the same company. So both will be on your list. I already have a long time ago. CAP all the way. plus CAP is local to me.

I remember about 4 years ago I had a ppm-2 go bad that was well out of warranty, hell I even bought it used. I mailed it to CAP they fixed and mailed it back at no charge at all. Was back in my room within a week. Now that is customer service.


Also their main concern is not that tube is toxic. It is that I grow marijuana. He even said That I have shown the chemical to be toxic to tomatos, cabage, and lettuce. But I have not proven it to be toxic it marijuana. Well isn't the tomato and lettuce grower who your are cartering too, if you are not selling products to grow weed with. If I had been a tomato grower I would not be getting the stink eye from them. I guess they forgot their roots. We make them they do not make us.
keep fighting U.G.U and if it makes it to court and it gets to the part about the reply have your lawyer rigorously go after them acknowledging that it is toxic to plants but instead they want to try and twist the law and focus on the marijuana. keep doin what your doin man. let your lawyer play the petty law games and you keep growing.


Active member
Someone needs to burn their whole operation down.. Fuck these guys... I lost so much money and with the way the market is and everything it's fucking nuts... I went totally broke this year cuz of these assholes... Will take me at least another year to recover...


Yeah UGU in my opinion it doesnt matter what we grow, the idea is this crap kills plants when they sell it to help make them live.


I am more inclined to put a 6" piece of hose in 2 envelopes and send one to the EPA and one to the USDA with a printout of the test report and a brief description of the havoc its causing in the tomato hobbyist community.

I think this needs to be done too. U.G.U. if you can get the EPA or USDA to say the hose is toxic, your gonna be a lot better off than your own independent lab.

Gov't has big teeth. If the Gov't says the product is toxic, they are fucked; your claim is nothing compared to the 'bigger fish' they could potentially be dealing with (potential greenhouse/hydroponic tomato and strawberry growers, etc).

I still think it is impossible legally to 'recover losses' from an illegal crop (and 'legal' cali grows must be non profit, correct?) the most you would get is 'operating losses'. That is how i interpret that part of the letter. I dont see a 'threat', they were just pointing that fact out. Most growers will obviously be shit outta luck, as most growers dont document illegal sales of their illegal flowers (and that is what they were asking for).

So if NGW = Sun Light Supply, im pretty sure Wormsway doesnt deal with SLS, so i guess Wormsway tubing is safe... Confirmation would be appreciated.
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Yeah they were way out of line asking for info on patients and compensation. Absolutely ridiculous.

I've been making rounds to all my local grow shops informing them about this. I can't believe they will get away with it. They need to issue a recall and refund immediately, then they need to seriously consider compensating losses incurred from the off-gassing.

I always use/recommend SS2 hoods for my 600's. I'm not buying anything from these fucktards until it's resolved.


Active member
U.G.U.== i think you have done a very nobel thing here, you have save a thousand crops over from tons of growers all over the world. you also have done the foot work to prove without a doubt, that this tubing is the casue of seroius un-recoverable crop failure.

also you threw the info right into the face of a bastard company seling cheap and inferior stuff to the people who made the company thrive.

BUT, i just read the Response Letters NGW sent you.

yeah you probably will win in CALI. courts, but you will more than likely recieve minimal monies, and the money or settlement you do recieve will be nothing close to covering the cost of BAIL, the cost of MORE lawyers, and the cost of defending yourself in a federal court for cultivation.

and also, you might end up jeopordizing more growers than just yourself, and the settlement will not do you or anybody any good if you are serving time on a cultivation case.

i hate to be a negative nancy, but i just want to clear the smoke and break down exactly what the "man" will see. a grower(s) who outed themselves to try and be compensated by suing a legal company, for loses from an illegal crop. "These stupid stoners are tripping ober their dicks all the time making my job easier" says one federal marchal to another, while suting up for the raids.

you did your part, i would back off, i know, i know, you shouldn't have to, its only a flower for gods sake, but this flower happens to be HIGHLY FEDERALLY ILLEGAL.

it sucks that based on that alone you have to take it in stride, but thats the nature of the beast.

and you even have a national magazine doing an article, which will even prove to inform even more people of this and it will save even more crops. and this is also the reason they (NGW) will, till thier dying breath make SURE you and your homies go down, they will not take some pot grower smearing their name, and causing revenue losses lying down. think about it.

im just trying to give you a alternate point of view that no one yet has seemed to point out. POT=still illegal, no matter how harmless we thing it is, or how lax the law is statewide
BLACK VINYL TUBING== toxic or not it is legal. and ngw is a legal company( although seemingly illegal in their manufacturing process)

i wish the best outcome for you and i hope you stay safe and free, you will be in my prayers, but for the sake of your lively hood and freedoms, maybe step back, take a few breathes and rethink this a little bit. like i said all this is null and void if you and you associates are sitting in a 8X10 rotting away for a nickle peice.

good luck and godspeed,


Active member
on another note how do you have the kdf85 carbon pre-filter installed, in the pre filter housing for you RO filter or in a seperate set of pre-filters inline before you RO filter?? i just got mine and an curious to the best place to put it, in the prefilters attached to the RO unit itself, or the sepreate dual stage sediment/carbon prefilter unit (small boy de-chlorinator & sediment filter).


Fuck Entropy.

I don't mean to pick on you directly, but that kind of language is pure cowardice.

And the fact that so few people act out of what is right, instead of what is convenient, is why the world sucks.

That said, I am a coward.

I will not fight this fight publicly.

But the fact that U.G.U has arrived at this information at all demonstrates a disciplined intellect. He can make his own decisions.

If he chooses to go to war, be grateful that honor and courage still exist in the world, futile as it may seem.

Doing what is right is not a practical decision, but a righteous one.

That's why the words sound the same.

@U.G.U--You know what your work has done for this community that has been exposed to it. That's more than enough. But if you want to try--knowing you might fail--to bring about a sliver of justice in the world, I support you in that effort (anonymously, behind a keyboard, from Egypt).

Best of luck to everyone out there...


I've had plenty of lawyers in my life, enough to know a few tricks. Ask your lawyer what the statute of limitations on it is. I am guessing 3 years. You may be able to wait and buidl a case better, all the while FED willingness to prosecute med cannabis may continue to diminish. It may just be that by the time you finally file, then add another at least year to court date, the Feds may be over weed entirely if it gets legalized in Cali & maybe other states by then, or at least they may really not prosecute anything with medical at least.


Because of the touchy subject we are going with a strict product liability case. We are not trying to recover lost marijuana. I can prove that this tube is toxic to a whole host of plants. Any mention of marijuana by them. Should be struken as it has nothing to do with a toxic product. We will get a refund for the tube and any expenses we had along with attorney fees. My main goal is to have this tube banned and the chemical banned in future manufactering.


Active member
yeah, thats more like it. i just HAD to point out the fact that they already know about the marijuana, and more than.....no guaranteed, they will use it in any way they can. not necisarilly in the product liability case you are suing them over, but the fact that even after the case is all over and done with. thats when they will give all the letters you sent to them and every thing eles they know about your collective,, to the feds and keep pushing to have you and your collective raided.

i just wanted to point out the obvious, cuzz up intill this point NO ONE in this thread has done it, seems like every one stands behind you but they themsleves would not even think about in their wildest dreams to actually do what you are talking about, which is take them to court and smear them in a national magazine.

kinda like how people in the cartell buisness use mules, or how the mob uses fall guys and patsy's.

all is well if the mule or fall guy doesnt get caught, but the minute it looks as if they will get caught, they dont even know the mule/fall guy/patsy.

i just didnt want you to be pushed or persuaded to do something you were on the fence with, just becasue we all filled your head up with righteousness, here in the thread.

so i sayjust be carefull, and think it all through right up to the end.

and im not a coward, there is no one who enjoys a good case of "what goes around, comes around" like me.

i just dont want to see one fo my "brothers in grow" go down hard over something real;ly really trivial, like making a point.

i too think and know what you are doing is very nobel, and WILL keep you in my prayers and give you all the support i can.

good luck U.G.U. you have us all behind you, no matter what you chose to do, you are already a hero and saint in my book.

on another note were in you water purification system did you implement the KDF-85 pre filter??


Well I go into the alumina filter 1st followed by the KDF into a tall blue coco carbon block then into my ro's.


Good luck,\same thing is happening with the black plastic EZ Cloners/
IMHO it's why so many people are having no success or very little success with the EZ Cloners.
Botanicares White plastic Aero Cloner's do not off gas.