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Active member
I just want to inform all gorilla growers and none alike too not take pictures with smart phones.

I don't know about all phones obviously, but phones like the Iphone Geotag pictures unless your specifically turn the feature off. Even then though......

When a picture is taken with a smart phone and a geotag is attached...anytime you upload that photo, you are uploading the exact location of your plants via lateral and longitudinal coordinates (GPS).

All the eavesdropper has to do is download your uploaded picture and view the properties of the picture. All the information will be listed right there. Including the lateral and longitudinal coordinates.

BE CAREFUL! I don't want any misfortunes to happen to anyone! Stay Safe :peace:


Active member
"Smart" phones are just plain dumb.
Are we that dumbed down by the media that we can no longer do anything without their help?


Active member
"Smart" phones are just plain dumb.
Are we that dumbed down by the media that we can no longer do anything without their help?

Sadly man....times changed and the youth of this generation wont know a life without some "smart" device; ever.

I don't necessarily think they are dumb but they erasing the ability to do things manually because of their convenience. Thats why you learn math first without a calculator, so know how to figure out both when all you have is paper and a pencil Smart phones are erasing the method of figuring it out entirely and people embrace it because it is "technology".

I just was saying it to keep the uniformed, informed about simply security. Don't like hearing when any grower has to go to jail for growing.....


You can turn it off by going to location services and disabling it for the camera, but taking pictures and saving them on your phone is not a good idea to begin with.


Most smart phones nowadays have good cameras on them that can save people the expense of a digital camera.

If you use your phone right, there is no need to be afraid of security breaches, AND you save yourself from having to buy a camera.

I just want to inform all gorilla growers and none alike too not take pictures with smart phones.

I don't know about all phones obviously, but phones like the Iphone Geotag pictures unless your specifically turn the feature off. Even then though......

When a picture is taken with a smart phone and a geotag is attached...anytime you upload that photo, you are uploading the exact location of your plants via lateral and longitudinal coordinates (GPS).

All the eavesdropper has to do is download your uploaded picture and view the properties of the picture. All the information will be listed right there. Including the lateral and longitudinal coordinates.

BE CAREFUL! I don't want any misfortunes to happen to anyone! Stay Safe :peace:

There's an app for that.

Its called 'ExifRemover'.

It works great.

"Smart" phones are just plain dumb.
Are we that dumbed down by the media that we can no longer do anything without their help?

How is being able to look anything up anytime 'dumb'?

They allow you to learn anything at the flick of your thumb. That is the opposite of dumb, if you ask me.



New member
yeah, you can remove the metadata from photos taken from iphones. as long as people are aware of what they need to do, using your phone for photos should be ok


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah it's ridiculous that this shit is often enabled as default. Beyond us growers there is also kids to worry about.

If you're using an android and want to go a bit further than just disabling it in your camera, find the xda developers forum, find the section for your device, and learn how to root it. I won't lie, it's pretty complicated the first time & you can break it permanently if you aren't paying attention.

Then install LBE or P-droid. I use LBE (pdroid is more complicated to install) and anytime any app tries to do something shady, such as acquiring your location, it gives you a number of options to block or allow it.

You can also use Tasker or similar apps to keep all location shit off, until you start an app which needs it, such as a navigation app, and then turn it off again when you're done.

Another thing android users here should consider, after rooting, is installing a custom rom such as Cyanogenmod, free of whatever spyware crap your phone company put on there. See XDA for that.


Active member
or you can take screenshot of that picture at home on your computer and you upload copy of screenshot on internet... so there will be no more any info of phone/device that taken that picture


I'll repeat my self a bit from another thread regarding EXIF data and deleting it:
If you're using Windows7, it's easy to delete EXIF data out of your pictures before uploading. No need for fancy apps.

Just rightclick the image -> "Properties" -> "Details" tab -> at the bottom "Remove Properties and Personal Information". You're good to go! :tiphat:

I’m awfully paranoid of pics and in fact have not photographed any of my grows (with the exception of my first grow a long time ago, chalk that one down to noob naivety)
Smart phones are not the only offenders, most modern digital cameras especially the higher end ones also store exif. data, so do take care.

I would never photograph a guerrilla grow, the price one would have to pay getting caught in my neck of the woods just aint worth it. Though having said that I’d really like to share some of my stuff on the forum and I like the idea of screenshots (shout out to passion 99), I think I’ll use it to post my first pics on IC.


Active member
1. Don't take photos of your grow with a smartphone... use a digital camera. The photos will be better and the device and transfer methods are MUCH more secure.

2. jstrip is freeware and does batches of any size photos :D

3. Irfanview is excellent for resizing and cropping before uploading.

4. Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Most smart phones nowadays have good cameras on them that can save people the expense of a digital camera.

If you use your phone right, there is no need to be afraid of security breaches, AND you save yourself from having to buy a camera.

There's an app for that.

Its called 'ExifRemover'.

It works great.

How is being able to look anything up anytime 'dumb'?

They allow you to learn anything at the flick of your thumb. That is the opposite of dumb, if you ask me.


I was being somewhat sarcastic. My point is, young people nowadays have become dependent on their "smartphones" for everything. Just click a button, and there's your answer, made possible by Apple & slave labor. Whatever happened to book learning? Why are people so stupified by their gadget "smartphones", that they risk their lives and the lives of others by driving and texting, etc? I cannot think of a single thing I want to do that cannot be done without a smartphone. Probably why I don't own one.


Active member
I was being somewhat sarcastic. My point is, young people nowadays have become dependent on their "smartphones" for everything. Just click a button, and there's your answer, made possible by Apple & slave labor. Whatever happened to book learning? Why are people so stupified by their gadget "smartphones", that they risk their lives and the lives of others by driving and texting, etc? I cannot think of a single thing I want to do that cannot be done without a smartphone. Probably why I don't own one.

Sadly man....times changed and the youth of this generation wont know a life without some "smart" device; ever.

I don't necessarily think they are dumb but they're erasing the ability to do things manually because of their convenience. That's why you learn math first without a calculator, so know how to figure it out when all you have is paper and a pencil. Could you imagine if people slowly ruled out knowing the cardinal directions, how to do long division, or how to multiple decimals on paper? We would be in serious trouble as a society. Smart phones are eliminating the need to know how and they are sweeping the minds of the youth because its embraced, because it technology. When any man made device has the power to change and alter your life it should be used cautiously. Just as fast smart phones swept the 21st century, they could vanish. Imagine if something happened here at home and it knocked out a whole region of cell towers. People would not know what to do, it would be complete utter pandemonium. With so much on the horizon I would for sure have a plan B. The middle east in a boiling pot, the US is looking for any reason to go to war with Iran, elections are coming up and both parties are a mess, the NDAA bill being wrote into law, the Patriot Act, and now CISPA. It all circumvents one another....and sadly enough it will be is the guise of a terrorist attack to make it all come crumbling down

That's what I was talking about. Technology is an essential for bettering humankind and forward progression but when it becomes a matter of dependency is a completely different story. Without knowing the fundamental principles of how to do something basic is a big problem and it is sweeping through society like a plague. :help:


New member
my luck , i don't have a mobile :biggrin:

i just only have an phone @ home and that's it ...

the more i notice those shit from others ... i'm more and more lucky about that i didn't bought a new one 6 years ago , when the old one broke ... ... with all this shitty tracing , tagging , controlling ... everwehere you go ... damn i don't need this shit .. :laughing:

brave new world ... there we go :D


Well-known member
Everybody who carries a smartphone with him should know that everything he is doing will be recorded of course.
mobiles in general are a big danger for people like us; evrybody should know.
only carry them with a anonymous prepaid-card!
thats the only way to use them; for takin fotos, an old cam without gps of course, and without exif if possible, is recommended.

be safe!



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I just use an older Canon Digi with no geowhatever on it for all MJ snaps either my outdoor or indoor spots....works fine.


Active member
i dont see the point of buying a phone that does anything more than text and ring somebody..

i just bought the cheapest nokia phone few years back, dont see the need to change up, sides, phone pictures usually look sucky, unless you buy yourself an expensive enough phone, that you would have been able to buy a phone and a really nice camera for the same or less price. (Witha much better picture anyway)


Active member
i dont see the point of buying a phone that does anything more than text and ring somebody..

i just bought the cheapest nokia phone few years back and i really dont see the need to change up,

sides, phone pictures usually look sucky, unless you buy yourself an expensive enough phone, that you would have been able to buy a phone and a really nice camera for the same or less price. (Witha much better picture anyway)
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