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Warning! Dont flush or throw away fan leaves



I was reading in my small town paper about sewers in our city having cameras in the pipes. Apparently the cameras are so good that you can see the leaves. A person was busted for growing in my town because of that. I put all of that kind of stuff in my garbage disposal so it gets ground up. I would never put fans in the regular garbage next to my phone bill.
Just a warning.


tax dollars hard at work....who the hell invented "sewer cams" that are good enough to make out fan leaves in low light conditions...idiot!! :bat:


This was a serious warning. My town is pretty small too. The lady that looked at the sewer cam (my guess is it is for things that plug the drains) called the police and there was an arrest. Laugh all you want, but it was true. As with anything in doubt though, I strongly incourage you to look online and see if what I am talking is true.


That's stupid.
Even in a small town it wouldn't be feasible.
You'd need a HUGE amount of people looking at a HUGE amount of cameras to pinpoint anything.
In fact you'd need a camera at every house.
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Active member
ok this is my take,
Someone had backed up pipes, called some high tech pipe cleaner people with fiber optic cams.....
Cities do not have cameras monitoring the sewers for people flushing fan leaves down the toilet....
paranoia paranoia, every ones commin to get ya :)

edit: Oh I didnt know someone already said this scenario...
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I know that I would never flush anything down the toilet, that may get stuck, I have to clean it out.
I just throw them out with my regular kitchen compost,if someone wants to go through that, mixed with the scraps and grease from everything I ate that week, more power to you. If you can make out what it is, that would be good investigative work.
As for people watching the sewer pipes, that sounds like shitty work


Grower of fine herbs...
Hmmmmmm seems very unlikey, i wonder if that bitch was flushing whole plants, thats what it sounds like to me, i dont think they could trace that shit unless this bitch was retarded, also that site looks kinda shady. im not calling you a liar by anymeans, it just sounds like a lot of the story is left out ya know? just my .02.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Randude, you need a thicker skin to hang around here bro

No one meant any ill will


So they have a cam for every single house? if so... that is against the law. If not, how the hell would they connect a fan leave and single down to one household/individual if it is just floating along the sewers, it doesn't have you name on it or anything... a friend could have come over and flushed it. If they don't have a camera on you when you drop it in, they ain't got shit.


Okay, I will grow thicker skin.
I could not believe the story when I read it, but there was an arrest to a grower.
How exactly it was done was not specified in the Puyallup Police Blog. It may be that someone was doing work in the exact right place to be at the exact right time. So it is a stupid warning, but I am not flushing or throwing anything into the garbage that can be trailed back to me. I am new to growing and new to this forum. I like to read a little of it every day, and sometimes I try to contribute. It looks like this one was more of a joke than an actual contribution, but you have to admit it does make you think. Maybe there should be a thread of how you were arrested. I got a DUI 6 months ago, that I am going to get out of, but it was a very stupid mistake on my part and it is costing me $4000 USD to my attorney to get out of it. It is funny, but I had a little bud and a pipe that was not found when I was arrested. That was a relief to me.


Ill bet not many here doing rocket science....

The camera probably mostly looks for leaks....

the most likely place is where each house connects to the main sewer line....

so how could they figure which house was flushing leaves???

by seeing leaves in the section from the house to the main sewer line.....

like duh.....

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He probably got sniitched on by someone ... because it only takes someone talking not snitching but saying it in a way where they already know....He probably got busted and had leaves in the sewers and tied it to him because they found him growing or some bullshit like that....THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY THAT A SEWER CAM CAN BE LIKE ARREST HOUSE # UH...I JUST SAW HIM THROUGH A ....O WHAT LOOKS TO BE LIKE... MARIJUANA...NO...not happening