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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You asked a question: "where are all the dead bodies?"

I answered in two different ways, show and tell. I answered completely, in that you now have the precise geographic coordinates of every body murdered by Hamas that day. I am beginning to suspect that there is no answer you'd find satisfactory.
Come on eh. You are not a stupid person are you? First of all - obviously a rhetorical question - second, obviously about the bullshit video. If you cannot see that, then may the stars help you lad. I'm just trying to boost critical judgement 'all round' in an attempted Socratesish manner.


Well-known member
he looks so cute in his foreign military uniform



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You're mistaken.
Right here in black and white but perhaps you cannot read or do not know what conflate means. That would reveal much.


  1. combine (two or more texts, ideas, etc.) into one.

Microbeman said:
I did see this when it was reported on BBC, etc. Still it does not mean it was the experience across the board

I've seen plenty of photos/videos of the aftermath at the festival and after. My comment was only about the one video. I single out shlaky portrayals which people love to post as evidence that reinforces their pet beliefs; right or wrong; including those featuring the gentle treatment of hostages and fake RPG attacks on Israeli tanks or crap from Joe the plumber on X. In one part they mention driving over bodies but the vehicle does not even jump. I have driven over bodies (not human) and know the effect.


Well-known member
Got it. I do know the meaning of that word, and I agree with the definition you've given, and you're still mistaken.

You think I conflated your response to moose with your response to me. I'm telling you as clearly as I can: I did not. You're mistaken.

edit: I edited the post in question to reflect this.

moose eater

Well-known member
>>>""Likud's Bloody 100 years of history

In 1923, 100 years ago, Ze'ev Jabotinsky wrote, The Iron Wall, and a follow up, The Ethics of The Iron Wall (sooo racist towards Africans), in which he fully acknowledged that post Balfour Zionsim was colonialism, and that, based on the entirety of history, the native Palestinian population would resist being colonized until the bitter end. He directly compared it to the colonization of North America. He promoted doing it anyway, claiming Zionist colonialism was a "just" colonialism (he also thought North American colonialists were good guys, so not a great judge of morality), not caring what that meant for the native population.

Ze'ev is important, because his Betar militant youth group helped found the Irgun terrorist group, along with other supporters of his, and the splinter Lehi terrorist group. The Irgun bombed numerous Palestinian markets and other public places, murdering many Palestinian civilians, including children, even including Palestinian Jews (who didn't support colonialist Zionsim).

The Irgun are important, because they ended up being led by future Likud PM, Menachem Begin, who bombed the King David Hotel. The King David Hotel was bombed because the British had raided the Jewish Agency and seized numerous documents that may have shown that the terrorists were working with the JA and Haganah (JA liked to pretend that they didn't support the terrorism). The British then stored those documents at their base, in the hotel. That the Irgun terrorists responded to a JA raid, itself seems to prove the connection. That the thousands of Irgun (and Lehi) terrorists were also quickly merged into the new nation's military (IDF) and intelligence (Mossad) agencies, and are still celebrated as "heroes" by Israelis, to this day, also seems to support total collaboration between the groups.

That other terrorist group mentioned, Lehi (also known as the Stern Gang), was considered even more extreme. They even tried to ally with the Nazis, against the British. Lehi ended up being led by Yitzhak Shamir, future Mossad agent, and another future Likud PM. They assassinated Lord Moyne, and others.

The two terrorist groups also operated outside of Palestine. The Irgun bombed the British Embassy at Porta Pia, in Rome. The Lehi bombed the British Colonial Club, in London. A timer failed in another bombing attempt, at the Colonial Office, in Whitehall. Two female Lehi operatives were arrested crossing from Belgium to France, with the ingredients for letter bombs. 21 letter bombs were found to be have sent, and were intercepted. They mined the Cairo-Haifa train, in Egypt, twice, killing dozens of civilians, as well as British soldiers.

In 1945, there was a major land and peoples survey done in Palestine. It showed that the Zionists only owned about 5% of the total land, 20% of the arable land, and owned a majority in zero districts. The partition was not only going to be forced on the native Palestinian majority, but Jews were still going to be a minority, in the part allocated to them. The only possible way to even become a "Jewish state" was going to require getting rid of the actual majority (at least enough so that there'd be a solid Jewish majority, so they could fake being democratic).

This is also shown by the 1948, post Nakba, population of Israel. If there was 716,700 Jews, 156,000+ non-Jews, and approximately 700k non-Jews ethnically cleansed, that means the Jewish population, in the Zionist portion of partition, was originally over 100,000 less than the non-Jewish population. To believe that there was never any intent, by Zionists, to ethnically cleanse away the Palestinian majority would require believing that they never intended to create a "Jewish state". It's a nonsensical notion.

Begin, and those terrorist groups, also opposed partition, but for the opposite reason Palestinians did. Palestinians didn't want to be colonized, at all. The terrorists wanted to colonize it all. "Moderate" Zionists were okay with colonizing half ... for now (what would happen in the future, after partition, was up to them, said Ben-Gurion). The Zionist terrorists were also involved in massacres, and assassinations, during the partition violence (colonialist war against the natives).

Another notable future Likud PM, also started in the military, during the partition fighting. That was Ariel Sharon, war criminal, "Butcher of Beirut".

Menachem Begin, and these other Zionist terrorists, are important because they became involved in Israeli politics, first forming Herut. That was the party that Albert Einstein, and other prominent American Jews, opposed, having a letter printed in the NYT, in December of 1948, when Begin came to visit the US. The letter opened ...

"Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine."

Herut merged with other extremist parties, over the years, and eventually became Likud, in the 70s. Now, people get upset over the slogan "From the river to the sea!", but it's the second part that's most important, "Palestine will be free!". Because "Palestine" isn't defined as an ethno-state, a free Palestine can be a single state, free for all to live in, and return to, free of continuing colonization, free of occupation, free of oppression, etc. Just like a Germany free of Nazism, an Italy free of fascism, a South Africa free of apartheid, or an America free of slavery from sea to shiny sea. It doesn't necessitate purging all the Jews. It just necessitates them giving up on the idea of an ethno-state.

On the other hand, because "Israel" has been defined as an ethno-state, Likud's, "between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty", has no possible good interpretation. It is a declaration of intent to completely colonize, and ethnically cleanse, all Palestine territories. Not only that, but it also claims that they have a "right" to all of the "Land of Israel" (biblical borders that don't mesh with archaeological reality), which is an open declaration of future wars, against Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and possibly even Iraq.

Likud platform ...

1977: "The Right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel)

a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.

b. A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel, undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a "Palestinian State," jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel. and frustrates any prospect of peace."

1999: "The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration, and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel's existence, security and national needs."

"The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

All Palestine territories are officially considered occupied, by the International Court of Justice, the UN GA, the UN SC, and even in official documents of Israel's own allies. Likud is still using the blueprint for colonizing North America, in the West Bank. Move settlements out into native territory, piss off the natives, the natives retaliate, cry about poor "innocent" colonizing settlers being the "victims" of violent "Savages!", call in the cavalry to put down the native uprising, and eventually expand the borders to include those settlements. Rinse and repeat. In Gaza, Israel is operating an open air WWII style fascist ghetto. Them claiming a "right to defend themselves" would be like the Nazis claiming a "right to defend themselves " from the Warsaw ghetto uprising. There's no "war". That they're the occupiers means the "war" part is long over. Those people are actually supposed to be under the occupier's protection.

That partition was forced upon the Palestinian majority, against their will ... that the Zionist portion still had to be forcefully ethnically cleansed of its non-Jewish majority, against their will ... that the millions of occupied Palestinians don't have a say in the government that truly rules over them, Israel's ... means Israel is about as democratic as Nazi Germany after Hitler purged his political opponents and then held elections.""<<<


Well-known member
In Gaza, Israel is operating an open air WWII style fascist ghetto. Them claiming a "right to defend themselves" would be like the Nazis claiming a "right to defend themselves " from the Warsaw ghetto uprising. There's no "war".

IDK, man.

This is happening, today, and no V2s were ever launched from Warsaw to Berlin, were they?

Hamas launches rocket attack towards Tel Aviv​

3 hours ago
Lipika Pelham,Dan Johnson

Reuters A media person works in a room that was damaged after rockets were fired  in Herzliya, Israel, 26 May 2024

Hamas says it has launched a "big" rocket attack at the Tel Aviv area in central Israel, several of which were intercepted by air defence systems, according to the Israeli military.

Hours later, Palestinian health and civilian officials said dozens of Palestinians had been killed and injured in an Israeli strike on an area in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, where displaced people were sheltering.
Many of the casualties were living in tents at the Tal al-Sultan camp, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said, adding that the death toll was likely to rise. An official for the Hamas-run media office said 30 people had been killed.

In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed they had carried out an air strike on "a Hamas compound in Rafah," where "significant Hamas terrorists were operating". Acknowledging reports of civilian casualties from a fire ignited by the strike, the army said the incident was "under review".

The Hamas attack on Tel Aviv - the first time in nearly four months that the group has attacked central Israel - came amid an ongoing Israeli military operation in Rafah, which has continued in defiance of a ruling from the UN's top court.

The barrage of up to eight rockets highlights the threat Hamas still poses to people across Israel, although there were no reports of injuries.

It also illustrates the challenges the Israeli army faces as it moves further into southern Gaza to oust Hamas from what it calls its “last major stronghold”.

The rocket attack came ahead of further ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, which are expected to resume next week.

The military wing of Hamas, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said it was in response to "the massacre of civilians".

But by briefly destabilising the relative normality the residents of Tel Aviv - the economic centre of Israel - had been enjoying in recent months, Hamas may be trying to show its strength ahead of the talks, or trying to derail them.

Air raid sirens also sounded in cities including Herzliya and Petah Tikva. The IDF said its Iron Dome anti-missile system had intercepted three of the eight projectiles.

Getty Images Israelis take cover during rocket fire from the Gaza Strip near the city of Herzliya on May 26, 2024, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

Israelis take cover during rocket fire near Herzliya

Most of them landed in open areas, but photos published by Israeli media appeared to show minor damage from shrapnel to a home in Herzliya, where an elderly women lived with her caretaker. Police said two people suffered light injuries.

And in Kfar Saba, north of Tel Aviv, a rocket fell on a field, creating a large crater.

Later on Sunday, sirens also rang out in several border villages in the south adjacent to Gaza, including some where residents have returned to live since the Hamas attack on 7 October.

Hamas did not confirm the rockets were launched from Rafah, where fighting has been reported near the Kuwaiti Hospital.

Despite intense international concern, Israel began its offensive in the southern Gaza city about three weeks ago, vowing to destroy what it said were the last Hamas battalions present there.

But the latest rocket attacks are a reminder of Hamas’s military capabilities after seven months of an offensive Israel said aimed to eliminate the group.

War cabinet minister Benny Gantz said the rocket launches showed the need for the military to push ahead with its assault.

The UN says more than 800,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah, a city on Gaza’s southern edge. About 1.5 million had been sheltering there from the fighting elsewhere in Gaza.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said the area which was hit by the IDF airstrike had been designated for displaced people.

But aid groups say that nowhere in Gaza is safe for the territory's estimated two million civilians. They say some Israeli strikes have hit civilians in areas previously designated by the IDF as "humanitarian zones".
Israel's military campaign in Gaza began after gunmen from Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, killing about 1,200 people and taking 252 others back to Gaza as hostages.

Nearly 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war since then, according to Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry.

moose eater

Well-known member
IDK, man.

This is happening, today, and no V2s were ever launched from Warsaw to Berlin, were they?

Hamas launches rocket attack towards Tel Aviv​

3 hours ago
Lipika Pelham,Dan Johnson

Reuters A media person works in a room that was damaged after rockets were fired  in Herzliya, Israel, 26 May 2024

Hamas says it has launched a "big" rocket attack at the Tel Aviv area in central Israel, several of which were intercepted by air defence systems, according to the Israeli military.

Hours later, Palestinian health and civilian officials said dozens of Palestinians had been killed and injured in an Israeli strike on an area in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, where displaced people were sheltering.
Many of the casualties were living in tents at the Tal al-Sultan camp, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said, adding that the death toll was likely to rise. An official for the Hamas-run media office said 30 people had been killed.

In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed they had carried out an air strike on "a Hamas compound in Rafah," where "significant Hamas terrorists were operating". Acknowledging reports of civilian casualties from a fire ignited by the strike, the army said the incident was "under review".

The Hamas attack on Tel Aviv - the first time in nearly four months that the group has attacked central Israel - came amid an ongoing Israeli military operation in Rafah, which has continued in defiance of a ruling from the UN's top court.

The barrage of up to eight rockets highlights the threat Hamas still poses to people across Israel, although there were no reports of injuries.

It also illustrates the challenges the Israeli army faces as it moves further into southern Gaza to oust Hamas from what it calls its “last major stronghold”.

The rocket attack came ahead of further ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, which are expected to resume next week.

The military wing of Hamas, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said it was in response to "the massacre of civilians".

But by briefly destabilising the relative normality the residents of Tel Aviv - the economic centre of Israel - had been enjoying in recent months, Hamas may be trying to show its strength ahead of the talks, or trying to derail them.

Air raid sirens also sounded in cities including Herzliya and Petah Tikva. The IDF said its Iron Dome anti-missile system had intercepted three of the eight projectiles.

Getty Images Israelis take cover during rocket fire from the Gaza Strip near the city of Herzliya on May 26, 2024, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

Israelis take cover during rocket fire near Herzliya

Most of them landed in open areas, but photos published by Israeli media appeared to show minor damage from shrapnel to a home in Herzliya, where an elderly women lived with her caretaker. Police said two people suffered light injuries.

And in Kfar Saba, north of Tel Aviv, a rocket fell on a field, creating a large crater.

Later on Sunday, sirens also rang out in several border villages in the south adjacent to Gaza, including some where residents have returned to live since the Hamas attack on 7 October.

Hamas did not confirm the rockets were launched from Rafah, where fighting has been reported near the Kuwaiti Hospital.

Despite intense international concern, Israel began its offensive in the southern Gaza city about three weeks ago, vowing to destroy what it said were the last Hamas battalions present there.

But the latest rocket attacks are a reminder of Hamas’s military capabilities after seven months of an offensive Israel said aimed to eliminate the group.

War cabinet minister Benny Gantz said the rocket launches showed the need for the military to push ahead with its assault.

The UN says more than 800,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah, a city on Gaza’s southern edge. About 1.5 million had been sheltering there from the fighting elsewhere in Gaza.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said the area which was hit by the IDF airstrike had been designated for displaced people.

But aid groups say that nowhere in Gaza is safe for the territory's estimated two million civilians. They say some Israeli strikes have hit civilians in areas previously designated by the IDF as "humanitarian zones".
Israel's military campaign in Gaza began after gunmen from Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, killing about 1,200 people and taking 252 others back to Gaza as hostages.

Nearly 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war since then, according to Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry.
If they had been launched from Warsaw to Berlin, do you really think someone other than perhaps Adolph would've cried foul?

Israel is an illegal occupation army. Period. They have no right to cry about much at this point. They forfeited that when they became an illegal occupation army a LONG time ago. That's the law, pretty straight forward and simple.
Last edited:


Well-known member
If they had been launched from Warsaw to Berlin, do you really think someone other than perhaps Adolph would've cried foul?

Israel is an illegal occupation army. Period. They have no right to cry about much at this point. They forfeited that when they became an illegal occupation army a LONG time ago. That's the law, pretty straight forward and simple.

That's just, like, your opinion. Man.


Well-known member
In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed they had carried out an air strike on "a Hamas compound in Rafah," where "significant Hamas terrorists were operating". Acknowledging reports of civilian casualties from a fire ignited by the strike, the army said the incident was "under review".
must have been a crazy fire to be strong enough to behead babies...


moose eater

Well-known member
That's just, like, your opinion. Man.
The law is fairly clear on illegal occupation armies, and the majority of the UN's members agree that Israel is indeed engaged in illegal occupation.

The splitting of hairs involves whether Hamas, et al, is engaging Israeli IDF on the ground Israel illegally occupies, or otherwise.

And if it's me, and you're occupying my stuff and killing mine, I'm going to hit you where it hurts the most.

And in light of the intentional civilian casualties being inflicted by Israel, I don't particularly believe they're in a position to cry about some rockets into Tel Aviv. In fact, I think it's LONG overdue.

Touch the stove, get the burn. Pretty simple.

And those tidbits are the law re. an illegally occupied country, not merely my opinion.


Well-known member
"Our goal is to eradicate the Vietcong"
"Our goal is to eradicate the Taliban"
"Our goal is to eradicate Al-Qaeda"
"Our goal is to eradicate ISIS"
"Our goal is to eradicate Hamas"

imperialists and their bootlickers will never learn