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«If we see that’Germany is winning, we have to help Russia. If we see Russia winning, we must help’Germany. In both cases, we must let them kill themselves as much as possible».

Statement by Harry Truman, vice president of Roosevelt, at New York Times, 1941, after the outbreak of the’Operation Barbarossa in Russia by’Germany

So Hai

Well-known member
Have you considered that it might be the difference between literalism and metaphor or parable, hyperbole, even, as it often is in nearly every other religion in the world?
Yes and have you not considered that in judaism such differences are worked out and codified in halacha, which is jewish law? Maybe you should look into the torat ha’melech, which is a compendium on halacha and how it pertains to the goyim.

I usually do not reference odysee as the videos do not show on IC but every other video exposing this is censored on other sites.



Well-known member
What I want to know is: why have you never, ever, criticized Egypt for its control of its border with Gaza?
Egypts border is the border of a nation state. Israel's "border" is a series of multiple walls they erected as part of their internment of the Palestinians.

Why do you only have accusations of "concentration camp" or "open-air prison" or "genocide" for Israel?
Because they're the ones doing it? What are these questions.


Well-known member

Ernst Verduin​

Ernst Verduin

Ernst Verduin was 18 when he was shipped from Amsterdam to Westerbork before being sent on to Auschwitz in September 1943. Upon arrival in Auschwitz-Birkenau he was first selected for the gas chamber but then somehow managed to leave the “gas chamber group” and join the group selected for slave labour. “An SS-officer protested loudly, but I didn’t care… He didn’t use his machine gun and kill me, although he could have done so quite easily. I later learned that the SS wanted to avoid panic at all costs and that I wasn’t the only one who switched from one group to another.

I already knew about the gas chambers of Auschwitz when I was still in Holland. An SS-officer named Ettlinger who was stationed at the concentration camp of Vught, told me about it. Ettlinger had previously been stationed at Auschwitz, so he knew exactly what was going on there.”

“The worst thing I saw after my arrival at Auschwitz was a group of prisoners who entered the gas chambers. These people were about to die. I later tried not to remember this terrible spectacle.” Verduin only spent a few hours in Auschwitz I and II and was then transferred to Monowitz where he stayed between September 1943 and mid-January 1945.

One memory of his time in Auschwitz remains particularly distinctive: “It was a very hot day in June or July 1944 when I was at work in Monowitz, also known as Auschwitz III. And then I suddenly noticed a group of people who looked like actors. They were wearing long robes and strange headgear. Occasionally internees did perform a play in the camp. I wanted to find out myself and as I walked towards that group I was stopped by a high ranking SS-officer whom I didn’t know. He was from the main camp (Auschwitz I) or Birkenau (Auschwitz II). The officer asked me, ‘what do you want?’. ‘I just wanted to know whether these people are actors or not. Is there going to be a stage performance tonight?’ ‘These people aren’t actors,’ the SS-officer told me. ‘They are the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his retinue.’ I then asked him, ‘what is he doing here?’ ‘He is paying a visit to the camp,’ the SS-officer said. ‘He lives in Berlin where he enjoys Hitler’s personal protection. He is now paying a visit to Monowitz to see how Jews are working themselves to death in factories. He is also in Auschwitz to see the gas chambers. When we have won the war he will return to Palestine to build gas chambers and kill the Jews who are living over there.'”

When Haj Amin Al-Husseini visited Auschwitz and Monowitz in the summer of 1944, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being exterminated. The SS-officer who told Verduin about the Mufti’s visit threatened him that if he would not resume work immediately he would leave Monowitz entirely. Verduin, of course, had no intention of being killed in the gas chambers of Birkenau, so he did as he was told. But he informed some of his trusted camp mates of what he had seen.

Verduin claims that few people believed him when he said that he saw how the Mufti of Jerusalem paid a visit to Auschwitz-Monowitz. Only Simon Wiesenthal wrote a book back in 1947 in which he claims that the Mufti and his staff “paid visits to the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Majdanek to convince themselves of the capacity of the crematoria… Haj Amin was introduced to the SS-guards and expressed his appreciation for those SS-men who were very capable.”

To tell his story, Verduin will go everywhere they are willing to hear him, including German audiences. Still very active at age 84, Verduin’s latest effort at remembrance is a walking route connecting Amsterdam’s Hollandse Schouwburg deportation point with Kamp Westerbork, which the Nazis used as their main Dutch staging ground for shipment to the death camps in the east. The walking route distance offers people time to reflect on the horrors Jewish countrymen experienced as they journeyed in sub-human conditions to their death.

When Ernst saw the films made after liberation, he said they were even worse than his own recollections. “The reality had been much worse than my own memory told me. I was in the belief that it was rather neat and organised within the camp. The films showed my memory suppressed the worst.”

Now do Zionist collaboration with the Nazis lol


Well-known member
Maybe because they are an oppressive fundamentalist regime
Quite the statement while Israel currently has a 40k body count of mostly women and children. And has maintained an oppressive fascist apartheid government.

All based on a 3000 year old delusion of religious fundamentalism.

They could give 2 shits about the welfare of the Palestinians in Gaza
They are the Palestinians lol. Never heard of blowback before? Kill a man's family what do you think he's going to do? Go pick flowers and take a knee? They join Hamas.

This is Vietnam and the war on terror all over again. Nobody seems to learn.

,have ciphered most of the international aid and funding provided to the civilians in Gaza
IDF propaganda never independently verified as far as I'm aware. Meanwhile I've seen countless videos of "civilian" settlers blocking aid which is a war crime.

and have taken horrific action against any civilians who have dared to oppose their rule and ideology
Call me crazy but I think genocide, occupation and illegal land grabs plus the Israeli government themselves financially supporting Hamas, is what's keeping Hamas in power and are the more pressing issues at hand. They are a convenient scapegoat for Israel's actions. Imagine just for a second all this was taking place and Hamas never existed? Even the normies who side with Israel would have a tough time justifying that.

. And in part, because the actions/attacks of Hamas against Israel were part of the justification Israel shows to the world to justify the blockade.
Those actions being.... Winning a democratic election lmao.

That said, Hamas has played right into Israel's hand and historically it is the civilians of Gaza who bear the price.
Yeah they played right into Israel's hand of being ethnically cleansed for existing on land that Jews wanted.

Perhaps some of the Palestinian population would have been OK with the numerous peace proposals that were on the table that Arafat, the PA, and Hamas rejected?
Would you be OK if I stole your house and relegated you to a 4x4 space in the corner of the basement? And anytime you left that 4x4 I'm legally allowed to defend myself from you?

Yes borders were be disputed as well as the right to return but sometimes the best deal you can get should be the deal you consider/accept, and work from there.
Taking all the farmable land and throwing the Palestinians in the Sinai desert. Great deal right there lol.

That's all history now but in hindsight the situation for Palestinians prosperity may have been in a better place than where it stands currently.
The plan was to always have a Jewish ethnostate. This was always going to happen.

Unless Israel is blown off the map, which is what it sounds like the resistance here and abroad seem to think is the only answer,
Israel has made any other possibility of solving this impossible. They are a fascist apartheid settler colonialist illegal state. Time to dissolve it. First steps towards that are divestment (the thing kids are currently being called terrorists over for supporting).

then the Palestinians in that area, that survive, will have nothing but a continual police state.
They live in OCCUPIED territory lmfao. You do understand that means they've lived in a police state all their lives right?

moose eater

Well-known member
Egypt has indeed closed its border for the most part with Gaza.

The reasons for this are both stated and unstated.

The US State Dept/CIA keeps a thumb on the ongoing activity in the region, and while some of Egypt's reasons involve purely selfish causes, such as 'protecting their economy', keeping the border closed aids in the US permitting them to maintain a military that might not be smiled upon so well otherwise. This is among the unstated reasons.

One of the stated reasons, however, makes perfect sense from a political and ideological point of view, whether it's sincere or not: they contend that if they open the border, then they would be assisting or facilitating in handing Gaza over to the Israeli Zionist Nationalists.

Egypt is neither bombing nor claiming Palestinian territory as theirs. They have not stolen farmlands or destroyed homes in Gaza or moved into the West Bank claiming it to be theirs. If they are involved in violating international law(s), it doesn't appear to involve Gaza.

Moral behavior to close their border at a time like this? No. But many countries close their borders, guarding against influx of immigrants and refugees despite the emergent needs. The USA for example.

Israel is the 76-year war criminal here.
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