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Want to post my trees but can't

Hash Man

...seem to orient my photos. Plz help!!
I'm on an iPhone 5 and have tried to flip the pictures but they keep uploading like this.hash


Can't help with orientation of the pics, but the girls are looking good! When you take your pics turn your phone the other way then snap the pic? Maybe?


Señor Member
Why don't you just transfer them into a computer, and reorient them that way? Is the phone the only thing you have?

I use an android phone for my pics, and I upload them to a dummy account I created at photobucket. They have an awesome app, IMO.
I don't have an iPhone, But I would think you can rotate the pics.

Try looking at the photo in the album, then edit, and click a rotate arrow, then save.

I had to turn my computer sideways, but the plants look nice. what size pots are those?

Hash Man

Hey guys thnx, I am going to flip my camera phone when I take the pics today. I tried flipping and resaving and my pics kept uploading sideways. Once I figure it out I will post more trees. The plants posted were black water, kosher kush and dieselrella. Started in greenhouse in early February. Fed mainly organic nutrients and planted in old soil (ha!) in 300 gallon pots.