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Please refer to Forum Guidelines.....specifically #7.

Any seeds which become available for test grows are handled by Admin. From time to time a breeder/seed co. will have something for testing and when this happens, is made available through Admin only.

NO open solicitation of free or test seeds permitted.

When and IF there's something available it shall be posted.

Repeat offenders are subject to having their posting privilges removed.



Active member
Thanks for the heads up DG. I haven't asked for seeds and don't intend to, but I have to admit I forgot about that policy. Peace. TJ.


well im a bit confused..........have been seein posts on this subject quite frequently lately...... I have no problem followin the rules.........I give out seed almost every week to members here and else where.

Im not a commercial breeder by any means, had seen where ya need to send seed to admin, and they distribute um...does that include me?

not knockin JLP, but theres numerous threads were hes givin up seed to a bunch of members, openly in the forums, I understand he is admin here so maybe thats the catch. some clarification as to who has to send to admin and who dont is what im askin i guess.

just lookin to follow the guidelines and continue to help out fellow growers in the right way and not get in hot water.



More clarification

More clarification

Hi CBF...well, first off Gypsy made an exception where JLP is concerned. That is the ONLY exception. JLP is not Admin, but is a Moderator on our site. JLP is also a very trusted and known seed philanthropist here and on other sites, and has been for several years. Gypsy permits JLP to continue doing what he has done so effectively, and safely, over the past years.

This policy is in effect for several reasons...one of them being member security. We feel it best that offers for free seeds by members not be done, and especially not be done in open forum, as it means the necessity of exchanging an address to an unknown entity at some point. However, what some of you do in PM is up to you...but we caution you to not exchange addy's there either, again for your own security.

Breeders/Seed Co's from time to time have seeds available for testing and when they do, they are provided to Seedbay for distribution. This is much the same policy as how we approve contests on the site by members. For example, recently zepplindood held a contest....however, all prizes were sent to Seedbay 'first' and zepp covered the $5 s/h for each mailing. Sometimes breeders/seed co's who wish to introduce something new will submit seeds to Gypsy for distribution to test growers....again, this is coming and going through Seedbay where we will mail out any test seeds available. The whole purpose of a test grow is to document it properly, sharing this information with the community, so everyone can see the results....not to just obtain free seeds.

There really isn't anything to be confused about...think of it this way...in open forum we do not allow posts as specified in forum guidelines #7. Any seeds available for testing will be posted in the Seedbay forum where grower selections are made.

Private sources of seeds must remain private and through PM only. Should anyone choose this route you do so at your own risk.



Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
This is much better straight tell us how it is instead of talking about this and that. No i dont want free seeds. I am all about helping out seeing as how I have nothing else to do with my spare time. Also that I have IBS and anything i can do to help devlope stuff for everyone yeah that would be cool. I dont like the guys that want to make clone only strains were its all secret and no one gets it or maybe gets to try it once and then its gone. :confused: thats not showing the sharing (the nice pot feeling like yeah i have some you need anything?) that old hippie kindness :joint:


holly cow . i knew there were rules some where... umm wonder were there at.DG could you post a link to the rulz.ty i just don't want to make anyone mad ..lol


Thanks DG for justifying my NO response. It's for my own security. I just don't understand why people who want to grow genitics won't pay $20. for a pack of Nirviana seeds.


Very Good Info

Very Good Info

:joint: Dam------I should NOT have smoked that Nevilles Haze so early, Im gonna have too come back too this one. :friends:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Ive had to change my siggy....i have had a few lately, people who are so transparent. they send a pm asking siome totally obvious question, or just chatting shit, and then on the 3rd mesxsgae u get, Oh, BTW, blah blah, can I have some seeds.
It pisses me off. now when I 1st started, I had a couple of packs that i had bought, I did PM peeps about swapping, but not just asking. shit, I ecen feel like a cheeky sod if some1 says remind me in a couple weeks when theyre ready to send u seom,,,I feel really cheeky reminding em, lol. some peeps though man.
Example, a few weeks back, I got a PM from some1 called Orgi,
had 1 post,and had never spoken to me before, or spoken in any threads of mine, and the 1st message to me is asking for seeds. so I said, sory, I dont know you...short and sweet. I got a reply, is that really necessarry, blah blah, then told me about being a girl living in holland, blah blah, wants to try some growing, I couldnt believe it. Anyway, I replied again, I did say I was sorry if I had been unfriendly, expleined my reasons(though i didnt have to) andeven said that abe I would be able to sort a bot of something from my "dont mind sharing" box, haha. I also said that the reason we r on guard was to do with FF, and that some dik has posted somewhere that u can get free seeds here! No reply and he/she deleted their account str8 away. just shows that some of these fucking wanky little bastard assholes (sorry but its infuriating) are only turning up for beans and have absoloutely no intention of sticking around or making a contribution to the site.
this is why I have changed my Siggy to what it is now....So, new people who rea oinly interested in free seeds...u know the score, so dont waste ur typing energy!
Im not a skinflint, as a few peeps here can attest to!


Harry- I had someone with 1 post PM asking me if i would send him weed!!! I nicely* explained to him that's not how we do things and that he won't get anywhere asking those types of questions....he's no longer a member here! wierd. Later OH

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I knew my new sig was gonna make some1 whinge! its started in another thread already, lol....im gonna change it to an even funnier one that wont make me have to keep typing an expleanaition, coz that will get old qui9cj and ill just start saying bollocks to people, hahaha


I am planning to make my own strain and when finished I am planning to give away seeds for free..Harry you're a prick for using such profanity!! Get a life!!


Harry you're a prick for using such profanity!! Get a life!!

HT, the word prick is not exactly the queen's english, so before throwing stones think a moment. I know, we're ladies, but ladies ask the gentlemen nicely to tone down the language, they don't say yo dickhead, don't cuss...

Harry is a friend of mine, and though his language is colorful, I assure you he's not only a gentleman, but also a wonderful person. Just pointing you in the right direction :smile:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
whoops. chill out love, in case u cant tell,my siggy, its said in humour
^^ that line is for Titty
thanks Blue for that, youre a sweetheart.
do you know, if some1 just said, hey Harry, the siggy is a bit much, any chance of toning it down, then I most likely would....but if it winds people up then im gonna have to leave it there aint I hahahaha.I have modified it though so that the humour is obvious now!
That reminds me blue Hun, I havent Been to see u for ages have I, i gonna have to pop in on u to check out the moose....c u shortly, lol.


I don't care if he's a nice person or not. I just had it of the negativity. I wanna feel the love. And as for my language ...xxbluevelvetxx I thought I address Harry in the only language he knows...with profanity. Let's just drop it. Tell me a postive story. About how you woke up naked in a strange place...Oh and I am not a lady..Hello~Kitty is. Hello~Titty (me) is a bitch!!!


I am a lady, but I can be 10 times the bitch you are if I want to, but I don't so I'm not going to get into it.

When I wake up naked I know exactly where I am and how I got there, not to mention who with. I have a measure of my worth and dignity.

You're not going to be getting much love if you keep snapping at people the way you do, that's for sure. I have a temper too, but I tend to count to 10 before flying off the handle, don't always succeed but I try :wink:
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