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Wanna hit this?


New member
Figured I'd title this thread with possibly my favorite line for meeting new people. Born and bred in the Bay Area, but soon moving to Germany. None of my own grows at the moment, but I'm hoping the future holds big things. Always happy to learn something new and even happier when it's something I'm interested in. Glad to join!


meet a couple dudes from Germany about 10 years out of the blue. came over w/friend of friend, they exchange students I think,

anyways, house smelled of weed and KNOCK KNOCK, had the 4' bong out, the whole works.

did not know who it was, but opened the door, nice huh.

anyways, friend brought them over to smoke up.

they never hit a bong, and we had a 2' graffix w/2' extension (what where we thinkin?)

needless to say, we got them boys high as a kite.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
hello welcome freakness
Canna: they probably walked out and spewed everywhere after that


they could hardly speak English, friend was only in her second her of German, so we did not have much to say.

One of them was huge 6'3 or so, guy wouldnt sit down, walking all over our house. remember he even found a Jason friday 13th hockey mask and was wearing it. freakin us out.

had some lizards and we fed em crickets so the crickets where "churpin" and I guess Frank Zappa is huge in germany so they wanted to listen to some of the zappa collection.

man, did we get stoned, cool guys.

stayed in touch for years.

friend of friend actually lives over there now, I do not think with the guys she brought.

no spewage, they held there own, never had bud like ours though


New member
I can only hope I can have something remotely like that happen to me out there. Anything with bud will do, I'll even take a creepy German in a Jason mask haha. Thanks for the warm welcomes.