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....WAKE & BAKE....


enjoying a real nice cup of coffee...along with a bowl of super sour. Supposed to be getting an eighth of silver haze today, been several years since I've paid for anything but I'm kinda getting tired of only smoking 3 strains. On a side note, debating whether to get c99 back in the coral, super lemon haze, or nevilles/super silver/mango haze. Really wish the credit card function would go back up on the boutique.

Counting down the days left in summer...

Oh shit did anyone see scotts 5 shot meltdown yesterday? Shitty.

Hops-sounds like a good weekend...just try to maintain around her, deep breaths, lol

*stay safe/stay medicated-basket*
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Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Hey bud! I would go with c99. Every time I have had c99 it has been a drop kick to the face. Love that plant.

Hope you all have a great Monday. Gonna start reading up on the Security+ certification test. Need to start prepping for being done with this degree come December.


Lover of Life
howdy wakers n bakers :)

days are starting later for me now, which I love...in bed at 8am, up at 2pm....love it...just now getting ready to smoke my first doob of the day, or evening..still my first puff of the day..pretty tasty actually for my homegrown, best i've done so far, besides the seeded part..lol

anyways, when you're looking at your friend/girlfriend/friendgirl's facebook page, and you see her holding a pair of handcuffs with a sly grin on her face, is that a good sign? :)


toke toke.....good to see the regulars making more appearances

feelin hot hot hot....no change in baskets world

Soul- I hear ya on cindy's bell ringing abilities, one of those cuts you wish/wonder why you ever got rid of....more i think of it the more Im leaning towards her, I got plenty of skunk/haze cross seeds to search for a classic tasting haze. Got my super sour starting to get dialed in, guessing anywhere from 11-12 weeks but she'll be worth it, pulled way too early last time at 9 so its all fluffy. Still has that classic sour taste to it though.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Good Morning All!!

No work today, had my bong rip of Super Critical and Mazar mix to start the day!!
Gotta do some cleanin up in my grow area, so looking like time with the ladies!!

Hoping all have a wonderful day!


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning everyone, another Wednesday is upon us. Let's make it through this one and be on the back side of the week!


*Stoned User*
Good morning fellas. :wave:

My purple maui is packed up and smoldering while I listen to some Miles Davis this fine morning. Surprisingly mild outside right now,,,, but in a few hours itll be miserable again. Anyways great to see some morning bakers around. :)

HOPS... sounds like a nympho to me. But its all good if you like that sorta thing. :kissgrin:
bb... you really cannot go wrong with c99 as long as it came from good breeding stock. But personally I would go with some of the mango haze. I absolutely love MH. Its a head-ringer too if you take her long enough but can also be a great daytime smoke if you pull her earlier. MH gets the slight nod imo. Just wish the beans were not so expensive. NH is good too but have not yet had a great, pure cut of her.
homebaked... hey sounds like a great mix. Mazar is an underrated strain imo. Super Critical? not sure about that one.... makes me think of the South Park episode of Manbearpig..... "im super cereal guys!" hahaha just kidding... enjoy! :D
soulfly...morning dude. nice to see ya about.



Lover of Life
morning/afternoon wake n bake crew :) hope you're all happily medicated.

well, Tenacious D at Red Rock tomorrow!!! can't fuckin wait!!!

get it on!!!

have a great weekend everyone!


hey hey hey Friday is here.

Hops-how was the concert

Pretty sure Ill be trying to get cindy back in the stables...I got a bunch of haze/skunk freebies I might experiment with. Need something that makes ya start to sweat after just 1 or 2 tokes. I've always wanted to grab a pack of speed queen for that very reason.

Gonna be fuckin hot again... but hey its Friday. Woke up just feeling good about it, love days like this. I figured out yesterday morning that being up at 5am 5 days a week gives you the opportunity to see sun rises that most in the country miss. Ah I love nature. I can't wait till work ends, school starts, and I'm gonna be spending my mornings and weekends fishing.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Lover of Life
budbasket - The D was amazing at Red Rocks..they rocked harder than Slayer in 1998 (kinda had to be there to get that one :) prolly top 3 shows I've ever seen..not bad for 1st time at Red Rocks...it was such a perfect day though..the whole ride over, the people I met, to the stories I overheard as people walked by..just very magical feeling for me, hard to describe when things go not just as planned, but perfect and then some.

in a very, very real way..like a physical represntation of how far I've came in 7 years..from being in jail a few times, psych ward, depression, drama, being on assistance of various forms, and some crazy drugs (no, not weed or others, just manmade garbage)...not having a vehicle, no job, no money, no girlfriend, no life basically...and just bad karma I accumulated along the way all came crashing down and blew away in the mountain winds with all the negative feelings that were attached to the memories from the last 7 years all going away..just the lessons learned and the memories remain to keep me strong.

that's enough from me for a while now...i already feel the changes coming and I'm in my prime..time for the next part of my life...everything is perfect for me right now. I just have to choose my path...and there's a lot of paths.


puff puff...gonna be making a batch of enchiladas for dinner today, prob do a nice big bunch to start the day off with. Perhaps a pitcher of screwdrivers to go along with it.....

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Good morning all!! Nice Sunday morning...great morning to get some outside shit done! Gonna rip this pipe and get started! Today is also harvest day for half my ladies....cant wait to get all sticky fingered up!

Peace guys, have a great day!


ran out of coffee yesterday, gotta make a starbucks run before work.....

Fuck im getting tired of watching bullshit games on nbc that has nothing to do with the US while important events that include US teams are only shown online. Also getting tired of political ads running every single commercial, I think it should be illegal to show that shit.

Eh just pissed off cause I'm not waking up to a big pot of hot coffee. My super sour is getting really freakin sour d tasting after a few weeks in jars. I'll be real interested to see how it ends up when its actually taken out 80-90-100 days.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Sorry to hear that basket, no coffee in the morning can make a bad start to any day! Busted my ass yesterday in the grow, so today is rest day...Had to start off today with a rip and going Supermanlives style with a "touch" of the Irish in the coffee!!

Have a great day all!


to day if it all works out i will take the first stepp towards my own finansial independens. totaly legal. normal import exsport stuff. but god damn it if it works it will be the best.
exsiting day in protea land to day
and the hindu kush is going in the soil to day to.

and the visitors left, something i will selebrate with a cup of tea und eine marijhuana siggarette.
have a great day
and the sun is shining form a clear blue sky. fuck yeah to day will be a great day
ahve a safe and happy day tokersden


vape vape....broke out the cano this fine morning.

Prob should be heading to work after this last bag.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Well it's not really a "wake and bake" since ive pretty much been up since yesterday minus a small nap at work this morning that was ruined by a fire alarm.

Enjoying a bowl this fine morning, Have to get serious about the job hunt and cleaning up. Spent some time thinking this weekend about doing a full detox for a while. Im just OCD enough to say "Tomorrow is August 1st, might as well start at the first of something" lol.

Hope you all have a great day.

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