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....WAKE & BAKE....


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Good morning Wake and Bake. Talked with a buddy of mine last night and he gave me some ideas of how to fix my senior demo and not have to work balls to the wall the next 3 weeks. So happy about that! Time to enjoy my coffee and start my day.

Keep it classy gents!


*Stoned User*
Morning bakers. :wave:

All this talk of dabs and globs convinced me to add some oil to my ecsd x nh bowl this morning. a bit of overkill i think. :) Only my second puff and im already highly "high". Not used to smoking oil in the morn. Its like drinking a couple espressos compared with a few sips os coffee. *lifted*

Have a great day homies. :rasta:


trich- nothing quite like a dab of errl in the morning to really get ya goin

Soul- im hearin ya on the crunch time, I can't wait till this semesters over.

Paper to write today, portfolio due next thursday, lab final monday, id test wednesday...then my actual finals start....ugh.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


morning everyone, neck is still fucking killing me feels like
I got a judu chop from hell! As usual dabbin up a storm today and sippin a smoothie(orange/strawberry). mmmmmm so tasty "it feels like im walking on sunshine" lol

Bud and soul- Don't worry all these finals should be a breeze for you guys as long as you study high, take the test high, get high scores! righhht riiiiiighhhhht lol fucking how high is comical as shit!

"Ricky can handle one thought at time, you throw two or three at him, he's gonna fuckin' trainwreck"

"You smell that randy, smell what Mr. lahey? the way the shit clings to the air ran" lollololol TPB goes harder than bricks


Active member
been hitting my vaporizer for the first time in a year - time to retire the bong for the next couple of months, been coughing my ass off after bowls!!

Cheers to Vapos - Love Em !

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
much love to you, my WnB brothers n sisters. Gonna hit this Cheese x Godbud one more time, then get some "day off work chores" done. Got me a honey-do list a mile long.
Keep em sticky, yall.

PS- my Friday night tradition(when possible).... oil J Friday! I've got a small batch of NICE BHO that I've been smearing inside those pre-rolled paper spliff cones, pack em up and enjoy! A nice strong bit o relaxation at the end of a hard week.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
How are you all doing?

This week hit me full force today at about 9am and all motivation to care went out the window. I am glad that I have 2 weeks left but damn, this semester has been tough. I thought my second degree would be easier but that is not proving to be true.

Waiting to hear from my guy then its time to get nice and STONED. Gonna kick back tonight and watch some documentaries that ive been sitting on for a while. Hope you all have a good Friday night my friends.


Soul- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I JUST WANT IT OVER!!!!!! lol...damn man this semester has been soo rough.

Oh yeah cooked...that idea for your friday oil j thing sounds awesome I think im gonna start picking up on that

Smoking some shit and oil this morning before Im off to work, found out I am gonna be getting moved out to the nursery this summer full time so just working on a 100+ acres of trees and shrubs without any customers in sight. Shouldn't be too bad.....

Stay safe/stay medicated all-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning everyone. The last 2 days have been rough. Just got back from the vet, hoping to get good news come monday about my sisters cat. I have this weird inner responsibility to look over her cat since she cant have her with her and now that she is sick im kind of freaking out. I hope she is okay.

Gonna smoke some hash and work on some homework to keep my mind busy. Have a good day guys


puff puff pass....stay safe/stay medicated-basket

Soul-hope your sis's cat ends up being ok. I really don't like cats, whats better than a cat? Any dog. My mom just got a muchkin cat, damn things legs are like 2 in long, looks like its squatting all the time.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Good Sunday to you all. Hope everyone is doing well. Im seeing some improvement in our cat but Im holding out celebration till we get the blood work back tomorrow. I really hope its just a form of cat flu.

Other than that im just doing school work and enjoying some ribs today. Looking forward to taking this summer off and enjoying my time to myself. Was gonna try to take summer school but they changed their rules that states you have to be there a full 12 hours instead of 6 for full time so.... F##% that

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Bud - I understand the sentiment but honestly, I love cats more. Ive yet to see a dog that has as much of a "FUCK YOU!!!" attitude as our cats. I love dogs (we have one, about an 90 pound mixed mutt) but the amount of work you have to put in with cats to get them to like you is what draws me to cats. Thanks for the kind words man =)


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Howdy wake and bake! Got the Pandora "Deadmau5" channel going while I work on my senior demo. ALMOST done with it. Im so close I can taste it. I have been hitting the bong all day with bowls of hash to get through this. I also got lucky and found one of my favorite California breweries - Green Flash Brewing from San Diego has an amazing IPA called "West Coast IPA". Sipping on one of those while I work.

Hope your all having a great Sunday doing what ever it is you are all doing


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Well, Monday is here again. Time to go battle it out with this week's amount of BS. Have a good one friends!


Soul- really awesome your listening to deadmau5, I just started getting into him the past few weeks. If your into that sort of scene, check out knife partys stuff, I really don't like dubsteb at all but he has some decent dance songs. Ever heard of global dance festival? They got like 4 different venues across the US all happening in July, there's one in my area this year so Im probably gonna check it out, really excited about it.

School sucks, hate life, gonna take a another hit and get on with the day. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket