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....WAKE & BAKE....

Hey all, top 'o the mornin' to ya. I won't be wake 'n bakin' the next few days, gotta work.

Sticky, good call on the Peter Tosh. Gonna have to throw on the album "Legalize It" today in tribute.

Let's see, ten years ago... I was still in school. Teacher from a neighboring classroom came by to tell our teacher to turn on the television, about two minutes before the second plane hit. Saw that happen live on TV. I was about 14 at the time but I knew it meant things were gonna change. Two planes don't hit a skyscraper on the same morning by accident.

Anyways, I'm gonna get back to smokin', I try not to think about that shit. Too many negative vibes in the world.

Have a great day, everybody! And listen to some Peter Tosh!


AHHHHH soils test in 3 hours. Wish me luck everyone. Alfisols, Aridisols, Andisols, Entisols, Gelisols, Molliols, Oxisols, Spodosols, Ultisols, and Vertisols, inceptisols, and histisols. Determined by varying depths of the o, a, ab/ba, b, c...e, and r horizons. Sometimes after a cataclysmic event, one will find a buried layer which is another a horizon under the other horizons and it'll start all over. One interesting point of soil formation, the bedrock underneath was the original parent material/a horizon.
As particles were blown in by wind or water, distinct layers began to emerge and this new organic layer becomes the A horizon and the older bedrock will be the B horizon. As more soil/organic matter decompose, it builds creating a thicker B horizon, and the A horizon is now even farther from the original bedrock layer. Many, including myself, think that it was because of weathering of the original bedrock which built the soil up, but I guess that happens extremely rarely.
What what soil analysis master here. I named 4 outta 5 random soils the other day based on feel by hand, pretty cool technique. Silty Clay loam, Sandy loam, Silty loess, ect... In the words of tony the tiger "Have a greeeeaaattt day!-basket


hey guys and gals, smoking before todays works.......

weather has cooled down a bit now which is awesome for the farmers!!!

ok have a good one, happy monday!


Lover of Life
Well, I did wake n' bake today, but didn't get to post because I was running late by a few minutes.

Had a good morning though and was presented with an opportunity to become my own boss in the very near future...I work for a health club as their 'cleaning service' but my boss is pushing me to start my own service..I have to get some more info, but I think it will be a good step up for me. I love what I do, but never thought it would lead to anything special.haha

Have a great day guys


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Evening guys. Congrats on the news HOPS5K!

I just got done with a bit of homework so now its time to smoke and watch some football. Have a great night everyone!
Hey HOPS5K, that's great to hear. I may very soon become self-employed also. I work a low-level garment industry position, and my bosses are cool enough that they're gonna help me, basically on the condition that I train my replacement. I work for Italian immigrants whose parents were WWII children, came to America in rags and died millionaires. Legit. So they understand the American dream.

Anyways, I don't smoke mornings I have to work, but I'll probably have Wednesday or Thursday off mid-week. So I'll get a wake 'n bake in then. Meanwhile, enjoying a few sizable bonghits of mids and drinking a couple Great Lakes Oktoberfest... my favorite beer in the whole world. Try it if you can get some.

Hope you all had an awesome day.


Registered Cannabis User
hey friends, long time no see. lightin up a fat one as we speak just for the honor of this thread :D (even though it's 2am)


I bake basically every morning unless I got a test then I try to give myself a few hours to clear my head. Whats the difference between taking a small toke in the mornings vs. a handful of celexa and zanax I finally don't have to take. The only problem with smoking is it fucks my head up to the point of having trouble remembering stuff. That's the original reason why I came to school to try and study it more. I know there are chemicals in it that help me relax and not flip the hell out at every single little detail but there's also stuff that makes me loopy and light headed. One day I think there will be a whole multitude of prescription pills with all sorts of varying amounts of different cannabinoids. So on test days I can take some, not have to rely on crazy shit like anti-depressants and benzos, and will still be clear headed enough to think.

Oh yeah got a 76 on my soils test which is kinda bullshit but was still half a letter grade (5%) better than class average. This is supposed to be one of the hardest classes I'll have to take so I'll be happy with a B. Anyone have any idea how to write a site analysis report? I gotta pick a site any where in the world, at least 40 acres, and write up a description for a fake client.

Ive been deciding between a section of greenhouses or a residential neighborhood. Maybe a potential vineyard in California. I was gonna ask if anyone on here wanted a future outdoor plot analyzed but sounds like a violation of the TOU. Any hypothetical ideas would be awesome though, especially related to medicinal stuff. Maybe analyzing the potential for outdoor greenhouses in Iowa (after the glaciers melted, they deposited what is known as the best/most productive soil in the world) Its kind of a scary program we use, its called web soil survey, off the USGS website. And basically you can pick an area any where in the world, and zoom in to viewable distance of cars, and every single piece of information ever collected about any piece of land is available. My professor was telling a story about giving classes to troops about some fields they were going to be helping plant in Afghanistan and telling em exactly which tracts would produce and which weren't. Which would be good for each specific crop and he's never been to Afghanistan. Crazy stuff. -basket
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You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
morning all I hope everyone is having a great day.
A littlr lios in the v ape and a perfect wake and bake.

Stay safe and high.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
morning wake and bake

just up and moving today - watching an online video about a new pc case for PC modding. This thing is like 2 feet tall! WTF?! haha

Glad to see some of the original wakers and bakers in here with the new generation, brings back some good memories from a few years back.

Getting some stuff done around the house this morning before heading off to school. See you all later on tonight


soulfy, stoner, kony, hydrofome budbasket, token..ect

hope you all are doing well, waken here around 7 off to talk to some girls ;)

more fire pon Babylon everyday. Blaze the fire non stop. Bless.
Woke up a bit before 8 and fired up half a joint of Sour Diesel I didn't finish last night and found in the ashtray. Now nicely buzzed, I was off to a 9 o'clock lecture followed by another one, 4 hours of some boring shit. Then I stopped downtown for a spliff of something I can't even remember the name of, now I've got some K2 and Sour Diesel being toked as we speak.


*Stoned User*
Morning! :wave:

Lots of bakers taking a puff this morning... Ill join in with some gdp x pu. Love the taste sooo much but it is sooo easy to overdue, especially in the morning. Anyways out the door for a little me time today.

Be good and have a great day! :ying:


Morning everyone...loved the turn out yesterday huge group. Waiting on my coffee then I will have a small bowl. I will be running out today officially for the first time in several years, might buy a small personnel to make it till Friday. My dad always used to say breaks like this were good for clearing your head out and seeing how fucked up the world really is. haha. Hope you all have a wonderful day!-basket

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Good morning WnB crew. :wave:
HEY Hydrofome....good to see ya.
Yall keep it mellow. I'm off to the kitchen.

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