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....WAKE & BAKE....


Closer to the sun and far from the moon
ICMag Donor
morning all! :wave:

smoking on some iceplant eating some cannabutter on some toast.. gonna be a good day


*Stoned User*
Good morning pearlemae, nowon and cracker! :wave:

Some whiet widow mixed with some kief this morning. :joint: Its apparant that i need more satties in my life and in my jars. :D

Old Soul

Active member
Trainwreck and bubble this morning, gonna be a great day! Time for some breakfast and then lay by the pool.

hey nowon did you get any work done in the growroom?

Have a great day all and stay high! peace


Good morning everyone! Its Friday and 4th of July weekend.

Whats up crack-attack, trichosaurus, old soul, hope everyone else is doing fine and well.

Yeah Old Soul, I was able to get part of the 50amp line in :D i gotta take a break for a day or two now and rest my back. Slips and shmoe came by yesterday to give me a hand and make canna ice cream. But the darn ice cream maker we bought takes 18hrs in the freezer before you make your ice cream type of deal. We ended up getting baked of our aces. So much fun!
Im jealous you gotta pool. Thats what I want to use for my DWC :D LOL Have fun my friend.

Stay baked !!!


cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
greetings, my friends. Growing means independence.
:plant grow:

Independence from paying high prices, supporting ass-hat dealers you'd rather not give your $ to, independence from putting yourself out on the street trying to buy, putting yourself at risk when you could just be providing your own in the privacy of your own homes. My good friends, enjoy this Independence Day weekend. Avoid blowing up watermelons and your fingers like those entertaining instructional videos on TV try to teach us every year. Instead, focus your attention on growing. Expanding, building out your room. Starting a new grow, helping someone else start a grow. Spread the independence. (OK, and once you've spread the independence, THEN light up a spliff and a roman candle heheh)

:friends::party::smoke out:

Keep it red, white, blue, and especially GREEN.
Much love, my IC family.

Old Soul

Active member
Good morning all! Cleaned the bowl and filled it with some chem d this morning, so tasty.

Hey nowon, we must have the same ice cream maker, it works really good, but I hate that you have to freeze the bowl ahead of time. I need to learn to make some canna milk one of these days so I can make some ice cream, sounds like a great way to medicate. We just have a community pool, it's real close though and better than nothing. I hope to one day put one in the backyard. Glad you were able to get some of your work done and I hope your back recovers quickly.

cooked cook, pearlemae, and all the rest, have a great 4th of July weekend, stay safe and high.


cannamilk icecream>>>>yummy medicine
hope he can keep it down>>>

just stopped in to say hello>>>smoke a fatty>>>
have a great day


that chem d old soul has aint no joke
congrats to him getting his med card if it was meant to be a secret oh well
old soul is legal and i love it


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Howdy Wake & Bake! Finally back in town, had a great week and now its time for a few days of relaxing before heading back out. Good to see everyone!

Old Soul - Congrats on the medical! This is some great news my friend

Hope you all have a great day and a good 4th of July!


Good afternoon WnB. Site was down this morning but I still got my bake on LOL

Went by shmoe's, thanks for the canna ice cream my brotha, I will try it tonight. Will let you know how it goes.

Fixing to watch some nascar and get baked off my ace. My back is just not cooperating today. May just try that ice cream early :D

Have a good one all



What were we talking about?
'morning w&bers!

Got all my chores done yesterday and looking at a full plate of nothing much to do today.

Guess I'll get started on all that slacking with a nice morning buzz on.


Woke up with black hands from bottle rockets and gator tails last night, Happy 4th weekend everyone. Vaping some amazing Cindy oil, almost pure lemon with a slight floral essence.


Easy Like Sunday morning.

I slept like a baby after having some of shmoe's canna ice cream. I think we need to take that to market :D Good meds for those that can't smoke or have trouble with edibles because of the taste.

I will be taking it easy today and just lay around. Temps will be in the 100's today so stay cool everyone.

Have a Happy and safe 4th of july :D



May your race always be in your favor
Sunday morning bowl and coffee BAKED!!!

S4L, Hey thanks for the fire works, WHOOHOO! Boom shakalaka....



Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
happy sunday everyone! hope you all have a great day. Gonna go lay down and take a nap after this bowl =)