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WA set for even harsher cannabis laws


src: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26195008-1702,00.html

THE West Australian government is set to roll out some of the toughest cannabis laws in the country in a bid to reduce the number of users.

WA Premier Colin Barnett announced two new legislations relating to drug use at the Liberal Party's state conference.

The government plans to toughen its cannabis law by reducing the legal possession limit from 30g to 10g and banning the sale of all smoking implements and paraphernalia.

To be introduced this week, the new legislation will repeal the former Labor government's Cannabis Control Act, which allowed people to cultivate two plants for personal use.

Under the new laws anyone caught with small amounts of the drug will have to undergo counselling and not re-offend in three years to clear their criminal record.

Anyone caught selling illegal smoking implements to minors will face a $10,000 fine.

While admitting he had never tried the drug, the premier said health authorities were adamant "the cannabis of today is far more potent and far more lethal than the cannabis of the 1960s and 1970s.
Pot today is far more LETHAL ??????????? Ohhhhh my gawwwwwd.

"What I hope would happen is a reduction in the usage of cannabis and that we will be far more effective in helping people to stay away from drugs and rehabilitate if they have a drug problem," Mr Barnett said.

"Almost 80 per cent of admissions (to psychiatric hospitals) are somehow drug related."
Ok so 80% of psychiatric hospital admissions may be drug-related, but HOW MANY ARE CANNABIS RELATED MR. PREMIER ???

Under the second new law WA police will be given unprecedented powers to frisk people for drugs and weapons.

The new search law, to be introduced before Christmas, would mean police would no longer be required to prove grounds of suspicion in court.

This is the wanker^H^H^H^H^HPremier Colin Barnett, smug motherf....

Feel free to contact him at http://www.mp.wa.gov.au/colinbarnett/


Sent this to Barnetts office contact... too much? Not enough?

To whom it may concern,

Regarding the article http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26195008-1702,00.html

I was quite amused by the Honourable Colin Barnett's quotes from the article which were either bald face lies or extremely misleading at very best. For example...

"While admitting he had never tried the drug, the premier said health authorities were adamant "the cannabis of today is far more potent and far more lethal than the cannabis of the 1960s and 1970s.

Considering cannabis has no history of lethality, AT ALL, even the consumption of excessive amounts of water could be considered more lethal than cannabis. That is correct, more people have died drinking water (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16614865/) than have been killed by cannabis. Does Mr Barnett plan to criminalise the consumption of water?

I assumed an "Honourable" member of parliament would be above the level of lying to the public and media. How mistaken I was.

"Almost 80 per cent of admissions (to psychiatric hospitals) are somehow drug related."

Mr Barnett forgot to leave out the fact that the minority of these are Cannabis related, with the association to cannabis based on assumptions that are based on extremely tenuous correlations (i.e. the link between cannabis and mental health issues is not proven).

It is stated in this VIC government website http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Cannabis_marijuana that:

Research suggests that cannabis use can make existing psychotic symptoms worse. It may even bring on symptoms in people who are predisposed to psychosis if they have a personal or family history of the disorder.
It is also believed that cannabis use, especially if heavy and regular, may cause an individual to experience psychotic symptoms that can last for a few days. These episodes are often characterised by visual or aural (hearing-related) hallucinations.

This text is telling in that there is no use of words like "proven", "does, "will" or "evidence". Such speculative, vague language suggests to the casual observer that the government are trying to prove cannabis causes harm but not having much success.

In fact the majority of physcological issues and mental disorders are the result of congenital defects. Perhaps Mr Barnett would like to commence a eugenics program or criminalise sex between individuals with a family history of mental health issues.

While I am sure Mr Barnett has the best intentions for the community, this does not make up for inexcusable ignorance and lying to the public, which in turn will deeply effect many members of the voting public.

He would be much better off focusing on cigarettes and alcohol. According to the quitnow website http://www.quitnow.info.au/internet/quitnow/publishing.nsf/Content/damage-lp (an Australian Government run website...) Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. In 2003, it was estimated that tobacco use was responsible for more than 15,500 deaths or nearly 12% of all deaths.

So more than one in ten deaths can be attributed to cigarettes, obtained legally from any corner store with the government receiving a large portion of the proceeds. Yet a person on the street can be man handled by the police and potentially fined and or jailed for the use of a substance that has never caused a single fatalaty or been proven to cause any harm.

Similarly, from a South Australian Government website http://www.alcohol.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=88...

In Australia:

alcohol misuse costs the Australian community 15.3 billion dollars each year when factors such as crime and violence, treatment costs, loss of productivity and premature death were taken into account [1]
51% of alcohol consumed is drunk at levels that pose a risk of short-term harm [2]
over 3 000 Australians die each year as a result of harmful drinking [3]
over 450 000 children (13.2%) live in households where they are at risk of exposure to binge drinking by at least one adult

It seems to me that harmless Cannabis use should be considerably lower on Mr Barnett's hit list considering the damage caused by substances not only allowed by the Western Australian government but PROFITED from by said government.



Yeah, I favourited those youtube links ages ago. I love that bit where Sherrif Joe Arpio (or whatever his name is) went on about how if weed was legal people would just start killing and raping others to which Penn and Teller responded with, whatever happened to his morals and religeous belief that if the only thing holding him back from committing murder etc were the legal issues...

We're up against some backward, draconian views in this battle... Ahhh well, we fight on.


DISCUSTING!!!!!!! I sent this but PLEASE every member of ICMAG from W.A. must also send a email.....

Legal sanctions have done nothing to decrease drug use, they have caused immense suffering to millions of people. Prohibition benifits organised crime, police and detention facilities budgets, the media, terroist organisations,and politicians who see tough on drugs as an easy crowd pleaser. Meanwhile billions of dollars are wasted, drug users become criminals, and our gaols are full, as we blindly follow the past agenda set by the U.S. The tragic irony is that much of Europe and now the U.S. are moving towards an end to prohibition, the failure of prohibition has never been more obvious. and good ole W.A. continues to toe the party line set by the religious right and a dumbed down media.

With the state government planning to take cannabis laws back to stone ages (no pun intended) with the removal of the two plant decriminalisation they will be forcing one third (33.6%) of West Australians who had used it in their lifetime and one in twenty (4.6%) had used it in the last week straight to drug dealers.

Our laws are supposed to protect us, not cause more harm than the ‘percieved threat’ The harm caused by alcohol consumption and cigarette addiction is so significantly greater than the adverse affects of cannabis use. It would be nice to hear some of the benefits of using cannabis, lets face it, why on earth would some states, like California in the United States of America be allowing this wonderful herb to be enjoyed as treatment for many ailments from Asthma to Anxiety, Cancer, Anorexia and Alzheimer’s to name a few.

Studies have shown cannabis to be useful in treating alcoholism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD or AD/HD) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, collagen-induced arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis autism, bipolar disorder, childh ood mental disorders, colorectal cancer, depression, diabetic retinopathy, dystonia, epilepsy, digestive diseases, gliomas, hepatitis C, Huntington’s disease, hypertension, urinary incontinence, leukemia, skin tumors, morning sickness, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Parkinson’s disease, pruritus, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sickle-cell disease, and sleep apnea.

A Canadian study shows marijuana promotes neuron growth. The Neuropsychiatry Research Unit at the University of Saskatchewan suggests the drug could have some benefits when administered regularly in a highly potent form. Whereas most “social drugs” such as alcohol, heroin, cocaine and nicotine suppress growth of new brain cells, the researchers found that cannabinoids promoted generation of new neurons in rats’ hippocampi. The study held true for either plant-derived or synthetic versions of cannabinoids. The findings were published in the 2005 November issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation. THC has been found to reduce tumor growth in common lung cancer by 50 percent and to significantly reduce the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University, who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies. The researchers suggest that THC might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer. Research done by the Scripps Research Institute in California shows that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, prevents the formation of deposits in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease. THC was found to prevent an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase from accelerating the formation of “Alzheimer plaques” in the brain more effectively than commercially marketed drugs. THC is also more effective at blocking clumps of protein that can inhibit memory and cognition in Alzheimer’s patients, as reported in Molecular Pharmaceutics.

I did use Organically grown Cannabis vaporized to eliminate the carcinogenic properties of smoking a substance to combat a Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD) (is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder which affects people who change their work or sleep schedules frequently or who work).

Now it look’s like I have to go back to what the good old Dr has prescribed me & that is a cocktail of Dexamphetamines, Modafinal, Valium, various sleeping tabs & blood pressure medication. When I use organic cannabis I need none of the above!

You Mr Honourable Colin Barnett are KILLING me with you stupid little laws, I am a adult and it is disgusting that you can tell me what I can & cant medicate with! Find one Dr & refer them to me that can prove to me that taking “Dexamphetamines, Modafinal, Valium, various sleeping tabs & blood pressure medication” is less harmful to me that vaporized organically grown cannabis PLEASE!!!

I am otherwise a law abiding citizen that surports 3 children & my partner and pays in excess of $28 000 aus dollars in tax every year!

I look forward to reading your responce Honourable Colin Barnett.

Regards Tax payer of W.A.


Active member

What the fuck is the point of being in this state anymore? Sighhhhhhh


What a load of shit. This kind of bullshit is happening everywhere, and the battle isn't a winning one really. I feel for you WA's.

Here in NZ we aren't even allowed any plants legally or to posses any amount of cannabis... Guess you guy's are in for what we have SADLY.



keke.nz in W.A. we have never been allowed any plants legally also.

Let's just say the boy's in blue paid you a visit on a Sunday morning the day before harvest & you had 2 lovely ladies growing outside. The police would take your 2 plants & charge you for cultivation, the judge would fine you but NO crimanal record would be recorded against you.

Now let's just say that those nice boy's in blue visited you on the Monday morning instead & those 2 ladies were now hanging to dry in your shed. The police would weigh the 2 plants, stems, leaves, rootballs & flowers and you would be charged with cultivation of a prohibited substance with intent to sell & supply. The weight would be around 3-5kg minimum if you were any sort of a good grower. Now the courts DONT care if it's wet weight, leaves, stems, root's or dirt still attached to the roots to the Judge it's all ILLEGAL cannabis & you have just been caught with between 105-176 ounce's (3-5kgs of wet cannabis plants). Anything over 500grms and you are charged with supply & dealing :( You now need to spend a HEAP of money on a good lawyer & pray like shit you do not have a previous criminal record!!!!

Also if you were growing under light's wether in soil or not it is classed as HYDRO & you are automatically charged with "Cultivation of a prohibited plants with intent to sell & supply" so as you can see it's just a STUPID un-workable model!!!!!!

Now it's just even more SHITTY....


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
I'm flabbergasted by the amount of people I meet on a daily basis that have absolutely no bloody idea of the medicinal properties of cannabis. Talk about brainwashed. Even your regular oncologist will discreetly advice the benefits of consuming cannabis to their patients! Gee I wonder why?

As for Politicians & pharmaceutical lobbyist$,,, well I know what we all think of them and they're lies!


Active member
No More Bongs???????

The WA premier Mr Colin Barnett is proposing new legislation that will:
  • Allow prosecution of those caught in possession of 10grams of Cannabis (at present 30grams)
  • Allow subsequent offenses for possession to be prosecuted as criminal offenses
  • Allow people to be prosecuted for cultivating cannabis plants ( current 2 plant min CIN )
  • Increases fines for the sale of smoking implements - $5000 for sale of bongs to an adult, $10,000 for sale to a minor
  • Replace the CIN (Cannabis Infringement Notice) scheme with CIRS (Cannabis Intervention Requirement Scheme)




This is a flyer going around, though ide chuck it on.


Sorry for dropping in so late. So did the WA State Government roll back their bogus mj entrapment laws? I.e. Great post: "Now let's just say that those nice boy's in blue visited you on the Monday morning instead & those 2 ladies were now hanging to dry in your shed. The police would weigh the 2 plants, stems, leaves, rootballs & flowers and you would be charged with cultivation of a prohibited substance with intent to sell & supply."

Seems strange that now in WA you can get legally available tax payer funded needles and syringes (through the WA Aids Council and the West Australian Drug Users Association and through pharmacies) but you can't buy a bong or a Vape. Anyone for hitting up some meth in the country with the highest ATS abuse rate in the world. Politicians there must be real dumb.


It amaze's me how ill informed the whole drug debate in this country is, were happy to prescibe ritalin to kids give needles to junkie(i dont have a prob with that at all) sell tobacco and alcohol yet demonize cannabis. I see what most of us do that are members here, as a community service,we grow our own therfore dont inject money into organized crime. I grow organic no pgr or any of that bullshit in my weed and if busted i will be dealt with by the same laws that they are trying to beat organized crime with .maybe what went wrong was when SA went down the path liberalisation of cannabis that the other states didnt follow suit, this seemed to allow the whole illicit market to florish rather than stop the organized gangs ect .I presume that most people buying weed are doing so because they would rather someone else take the risk for them,worried about the consequence of getting caught with a few plants in a cupboard and treated by to cops as if you were a die hard crimimal, shure makes me think about it. Free the weed and you
instantly take away the black market. as OrganicMeds pointed out:Our laws are supposed to protect us, not cause more harm than the ‘percieved threat’ Free the weed. Seems so fucking easy to me.


The laws in WA have not passed yet, bongs still on sale ;)

They could not get it thru before the Xmas break and I have heard nothing since!

Joe Hawkins

Active member
This is more about filling the private enterprise prisons than anything, following americas old lead, that they are now trying to get rid of.
The world in the year 2010 is run by "the corporation", politicians are merely pawns, but they are rich pawns, they no longer, and havent for centuries had much clout. This will be passed as Im sure there are many vested interests in these jails by the politicians themselves.
Its sad but get used to it, big brother is private enterprise.