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Vote NO to legalize cannabis....Or else

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Active member
"sovereign citizens" you can only be sovereign if you pay your taxes or live on someone elses land that pays taxes for you. failure to do so results in your being "indicted" & "imprisoned". so much for being sovereign... just as communism works perfectly on paper, injecting human beings & reality into it fucks things up beyond repair PDQ.

You know about being a sovereign citizen? or just good with Google??
You fine sir should get yourself informed!
Or ignorance is bliss.

Peace love and other hippie stuff to ya bro!
:smoke out:


It won't work. There are dozens of threads on this forum with better OG. It doesn't take seeing my OG, that was probably grown by one of these guys you're seeing on this forum, to give you a comparison. Just go look at the OG threads and the best shit you see in there is the shit I've got right here.

Hmm you have more posts than me and I can so??? bro I've been on ic since 2004 I've seen it all except someone like you who constantly yells ' I have the best everyone else is shwag' and then when asked to compare, runs and hides under possibly the most defenseless excuses of all time. You are a troll. Can we get this guy banned again please!
Jhhnn - I came across some info you may or may not be aware of and it's pertinent to you as it's happening in CO. You are absolutely correct that your govt is looking out for you.

In Co there are some 26,000 oil and gas wells, many of which appear along the geological formation known as the Denver Julsburg basin. Many of the wells are last their prime and some feel there is more energy to dislodge. At least Halliburton thinks so. They have chosen CO as a sort of staging ground given the huge demand for their Fracking technology in the state. Halliburton has been kind enough to provide some detail about the ingredients specific to a few current Fracking projects. Here is a link, but I'd like to cover the highlights. http://www.halliburton.com/public/p.../disclosures/Colorado_DJ_Basin_WaterFrac.html. Each well, and remember there are currently 28,000 will require between 2 and 8 million gallons of water, in addition to; trim ethylbenzene, aldehyde, silica, ethanol, heavy aromatic petroleum naphtha, hydrochloride acid, isopropanol, methanol, and naphthalene, all of which are hazardous. Each well requires approx. 600 round trip by tankers to get fluid to site and another 200 or so to dispose of hazardous waste. That would amount to trillions of gallons of water that is contaminated and shot back into the ground.

That sounds like a wise investment in CO's future. I'm sure the EPA is keeping an eye on things. You can rest easy.
Also check out "Frac of the Future" which indicates Halliburton intends to improve upon their methods substantially by 2050. Sounds like they into improve CO for some time. You lucky dog!
Man has known how to move huge objects with wooden cranes for a long time.(not well known)


But, now where I come from if you even joke about the word FREEDOM, you would be (I will leave this to your imagination) by the many VETERANS that have fought and the families of those that have given their lives for OUR FREEDOM!( I am not suggesting those are my thoughts, just sayin, thats how it rolls in my part of town! )....I am not a veteran.

So we don't have the freedom to joke about freedom around people who claim they value freedom more than anyone else? Doesn't that seem a bit ironic to you?

And yeah budtang. I need to buzz off, I'm not welcome on the internets. I'm walking the walk but I'm not nearly good enough to talk the talk. I'm one of a very, VERY few who is able and willing to help other people who are trying to do what I do without charging $150+/hr for the service. I'm committing fucking business suicide paying back my debt to this site. But no, I'm sure I'm the one who's not wanted here.
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Hmm you have more posts than me and I can so??? bro I've been on ic since 2004 I've seen it all except someone like you who constantly yells ' I have the best everyone else is shwag' and then when asked to compare, runs and hides under possibly the most defenseless excuses of all time. You are a troll. Can we get this guy banned again please!

Look man. My photos won't upload. I'm sorry. I would be happy to post them if I could, but I can't. I don't know why.

I wasn't able to edit my posts until I hit 50 posts. So, I thought it might be the same. Give me break. I don't see why you're asking for an example of something that can be proven in any of DOZEN OG threads on this forum. His OG simply doesn't compare to what is posted here already. That's not open for debate.Go post his OG in one of those threads and try to pawn it off as top shelf. I dare you. You'll get laughed out of the thread.

We're not comparing my OG against his. That's not the purpose of this discussion. We're comparing California OG vs. Colorado OG. This can be done without me posting a single pic. However, it can't be done if he doesn't post.
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Budtang ive said a lot that anyone that knows their shit would understand without pics. If you actually talked to me like a badass grower id be more inclined to share more but all ive seen is you talking smack without anything constructive to add..every single yhing u say has no reference to grower skill so I simply dont feel its nessecary. Many gardeners from here have already seen my work in much more detail. See you wouldnt know that. Once upon a time all those albums were full but now I prefer to limit my exposure.hell theres plenty of people here that have seen my ops like my 99 plant poly carb greenhouses all the way to my indoor lexan aka bullet proof rooms. I dont need to see your rooms or closet because u havnt said a single thing to lead me to believe your a top notch gardener

By the way ive been hoping by me talking to you that you would come to your senses so u could be more accepted by the community but the direction ur going is going to make it difficult for anyone to not view u as a troll. If you dont care how people view you and cant see how others are viewing u then whether u want to admit it or not thats a troll

If you're not willing to post pics, then why did you bother speaking? You told me to look at your album as an example of top shelf weed in Colorado and then copped out and claimed,"Oh, no. Those aren't the pics." As if it was some kind of test. That was after I disagreed. You're so full of shit...it's hilarious. Who do you think you're fooling, mid-grade boy?

This is a joke. You got called out on your mid-grade and you won't post more because it will just get called out on again. Name one serious grower here who has supported you. Guys with 100 posts will jump in and speak to your defense, but I don't see any serious growers backing up your claim that you're growing top shelf. These are probably mid-grade growers who have never actually seen top shelf OG. I don't see any top shelf Cali OG growers here who are willing to say that your OG is on their level. I'm still waiting on example of commercial top shelf OG from Colorado and you guys are asking me to post a pic of something that there are thousands of examples of available here on the forum. I'm not the one speaking about the existence of some mythological substance here.

Top shelf California OG is well documented here on the forum. Top shelf Colorado OG is nowhere to be found. So...post or, GTFO.
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Active member

So we don't have the freedom to joke about freedom around people who claim they value freedom more than anyone else? Doesn't that seem a bit ironic to you?
That's the beauty of freedom you can do what you want!
I was simply trying to point out to the fine gentleman he was about to step on a rattle snake.

Not at all to imply that he does not have the freedom to say what he wants!!

One has the freedom to joke about another persons mother ....though I would not suggest doing it in person???
Anyway you get the point.:tiphat:

I am sorry to give you the wrong impression too.
I was defending freedom,I was of the mind that because I speak for freedom I was mocked for it.

Was I mistaken or was that the intention of the comment??:biggrin:
You were mistaken :) I enjoy my freedom to be a jackass immensely and respect yours as well. Same for Budtang, whether he's ignoring me or not. The trolling amuses me and I'm not done watching him get fed.

And FWIW my area's the same. Last time someone tried to talk politics with me in a bar it ended, uh, poorly. "The world is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel" pretty well sums it up. You'd think folk would appreciate diversity if they're willing to kill and die for it. I don't know, maybe they view diversity and freedom as separate concepts.
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Like I said earlier, this is all fun and games to me. His posts are hilarious. "Post count and finished bud porn or GTFO!" It's amazing.

There is absolutely no point to the guy getting involved in the discussion if he isn't going to post. He has 500 lights and he's now spent 4 pages discussing the existence of OG grown under those lights that he won't show us. As if his tiny little set up is going to get the attention of federal authorities. lulz

Paranoid much? Or, just hiding behind that as a cop out? It's pretty obvious which one is true. This discussion does actually pertain to the topic of the thread, as well. It appears the weed in Colorado is low quality because the only operations allowed to exist are large scale commercial operations that produce mid-grade weed on a large scale and I'm not seeing anything here from Colorado residents to contradict that assessment.

Colorado's model is a legal model for mid-grade weed. It isn't a legal model for top shelf. Top shelf is still illegal in Colorado when I have to seek out black market sources for the product. Colorado has yet to provide a legal marketplace for top shelf cannabis.


Active member
You were mistaken :) I enjoy my freedom to be a jackass immensely and respect yours as well. Same for Budtang, whether he's ignoring me or not. The trolling amuses me and I'm not done watching him get fed.

And FWIW my area's the same. Last time someone tried to talk politics with me in a bar it ended, uh, poorly. "The world is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel" pretty well sums it up. You'd think folk would appreciate diversity if they're willing to kill and die for it. I don't know, maybe they view diversity and freedom as separate concepts.

"The world is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel"

If it were not for the outspoken jackass's of the world, we would all be pushed into a corner.

And that includes Jhhnn too.(not calling you a jackass)
At least he will stand tall for what he believes.
Even though we may disagree, I see he has the balls to stand firm for what he believes.(admirable quality):tiphat:


Active member
Jhhnn - I came across some info you may or may not be aware of and it's pertinent to you as it's happening in CO. You are absolutely correct that your govt is looking out for you.

In Co there are some 26,000 oil and gas wells, many of which appear along the geological formation known as the Denver Julsburg basin. Many of the wells are last their prime and some feel there is more energy to dislodge. At least Halliburton thinks so. They have chosen CO as a sort of staging ground given the huge demand for their Fracking technology in the state. Halliburton has been kind enough to provide some detail about the ingredients specific to a few current Fracking projects. Here is a link, but I'd like to cover the highlights. http://www.halliburton.com/public/p.../disclosures/Colorado_DJ_Basin_WaterFrac.html. Each well, and remember there are currently 28,000 will require between 2 and 8 million gallons of water, in addition to; trim ethylbenzene, aldehyde, silica, ethanol, heavy aromatic petroleum naphtha, hydrochloride acid, isopropanol, methanol, and naphthalene, all of which are hazardous. Each well requires approx. 600 round trip by tankers to get fluid to site and another 200 or so to dispose of hazardous waste. That would amount to trillions of gallons of water that is contaminated and shot back into the ground.

That sounds like a wise investment in CO's future. I'm sure the EPA is keeping an eye on things. You can rest easy.

You're just flinging shit to see if any of it will stick. Fracking has zero to do with legalization. We'll be dealing with it anyway in November-


Gee, just imagine how that would work out in Libertopia with no ebil gubmint, no silly will of the people to get in the way at all.


Active member
no silly will of the people to get in the way at all.

Newsflash! The will of the people is being ignored at the national level. I think that in Colorado, the will of the people is being followed much more than in the country as a whole. Look at what's being done on our southern borders. The will of the people is overwhelmingly in favor of stopping the invasion, and sending illegals back. Our president, however, ignores this.
I do applaud the people of Colorado, who, as a group, have shown that they are more progressive, and less brainwashed by the media, less narrow minded than the rest of the country, and willing to stand up and fight for their beliefs. They are not "stuck on stupid", as many areas are, the deep south being a good example. I would love to live in Colorado. It's a great state.


Active member
"The world is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel" pretty well sums it up. You'd think folk would appreciate diversity if they're willing to kill and die for it. I don't know, maybe they view diversity and freedom as separate concepts.

Good quote. Where is it from? It also works if you switch it around: "The world is tragedy to those who think and a comedy to those who feel".

"Diversity"? That's code for "get whitey".


Well-known member
You know about being a sovereign citizen? or just good with Google??
You fine sir should get yourself informed!
Or ignorance is bliss.

Peace love and other hippie stuff to ya bro!
:smoke out:

nope, I don't use Google, too much BS on there. but every time I pick up the paper some poor misinformed horses ass is getting incarcerated for thinking that declaring yourself a "sovereign citizen" gets you anywhere except in jail. I am very well informed, & not gullible in the least. do not waste your (or my) time trying to peddle snake oil to me...


Active member
nope, I don't use Google, too much BS on there. but every time I pick up the paper some poor misinformed horses ass is getting incarcerated for thinking that declaring yourself a "sovereign citizen" gets you anywhere except in jail. I am very well informed, & not gullible in the least. do not waste your (or my) time trying to peddle snake oil to me...

I beg to differ with you opinion sir, but you definitely do not have all the facts on this matter!

Being a sovereign is very involved,you just need to know how to do it correctly.

Like I keep saying, find the real truth for yourself.
Taxes are actually unconstitutional by law.
That is what this country was founded on....no tea tax!(BS but, it is what we are told)

But we are gettin off topic.:biggrin:
You're just flinging shit to see if any of it will stick. Fracking has zero to do with legalization. We'll be dealing with it anyway in November-


Gee, just imagine how that would work out in Libertopia with no ebil gubmint, no silly will of the people to get in the way at all.

You must be a lobbyist. While your vote is pending, Fracking on a wide scale is happening in your state. How did that vote work out for you?Your November vote will not stop Fracking in your state. They will find a way because their annual statement says so. While not directly tied to legalizing cannabis, it does contradict your earlier statement that the environment is improving and that there is some democratic mechanism in place keeping a check on corporate greed. The public is just placated enough to feel that way. The undeniable fact is that the health of our lands can be gauged by the runoff and that runoff is poison creating the dead zone that exists at the Gulf of Mexico. You say the environment is improving, the evidence is clear that it's not. Our current path inevitably leads to our death. Is this not clear? More food production only leads to increased population.

My point is that we are having this discussion about voting to legalize cannabis, but no one has put forth any legislation that even approaches legalization, yet many argue it's small steps and that is okay. I understand there is a vote and the proposed change is an improvement. But why are we stuck with these half measure. I'm not cool with this continued path of mediocrity and nonsense. Is it just apathy or ignorance or a sense of futility? We need to create a shift in paradigm. Our country should be better than this.
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