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Vote NO to legalize cannabis....Or else

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Active member
I'll give you a realistic alternative. Unlimited personal growing. Starting tomorrow you can grow as much as you want just can't sell it. To participate in that industry you need to play the game just like any other "legitimate industry", pay taxes/etc, and that's okay with me...

WHY DOES LEGALIZATION HAVE TO BE A REGULATION ON THE # OF PLANTS I CAN HAVE? Nobody comes and tells me how much beer I can brew or how many POPPY PLANTS I can have, for ornamental purposes only of course. Why is MJ so different?

Ive yet to see anyone make any argument for the restriction of plant #s. And i keep asking the question... Here in CA i can cultivate as many plants as is neccessary for my medical condition, and come together with others to form a cooporative or collective to cultivate and distribute marijuana amongst ourselves.

Why do I want to legalize again? I cant imagine the new regulations being any better for users than that....

You can probably have that if enough people in your state feel that way about it. "Realistically", they probably don't, So I wouldn't hold out for that pony. "Realistically", you still have to play games about your "medical condition", whatever it is, obtain permission to grow or possess weed at all. We still have that game, too, but nobody has to play it to grow their own in peace. Nobody has to play the stupid med card game to get legal weed or justify it for any reason other than they want it, just like beer.


Ive yet to see anyone make any argument for the restriction of plant #s.

While I see the futility of those types of rules I can at least see legitimacy to certain aspects behind the motives of their inception.

The rules in Colorado were designed to keep people from coming to CO by the millions just to grow weed for money in their house. The real logic behind these laws was population control with a little dab of corporate corruption in the mix. The state has a population of 5 million people. It's not like California. If you have millions of people show up to a state that was designed for 5 million people to live in it can create legitimate overpopulation problems.

With that being said, the law is a miserable failure that is costing the state millions in lost tax revenue, wasted money on law enforcement to deal with illegal distributors, and is failing epically at motivating people to stay away from the state. It's time to do away with it.gl
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You can probably have that if enough people in your state feel that way about it. "Realistically", they probably don't, So I wouldn't hold out for that pony. "Realistically", you still have to play games about your "medical condition", whatever it is, obtain permission to grow or possess weed at all. We still have that game, too, but nobody has to play it to grow their own in peace. Nobody has to play the stupid med card game to get legal weed or justify it for any reason other than they want it, just like beer.

Give me a break. A game? EVERY weed smoker uses weed for medical reasons. Stress relief after work, depression, pain relief from physical injuries due to sports, etc. Make no mistake about it. A guy coming home from a stressful day of work and lighting up a bowl while playing Xbox is getting medicinal benefits. If it improves his quality of life while at home it improves his attitude at work and makes him a more efficient and well rested worker.

There is no game being played.
There is no game being played.

Yes, but his medical benefit is somewhat less than, say... MINE. The MMJ law in Washington State was written to provide treatment or palliative care for severe, dehabilitating, or terminal illnesses that are unresponsive to conventional pharmaceuticals.

I CAN'T work if I don't smoke pot. I'd be on full disability living in a trailer park instead of running a marijuana business and going to one of the top 10 law schools in the nation next year (sorry, won't say which one). This drug ALONE makes the difference between me being a leech on society and one of its highest functioning members. I don't think every weed smoker can say the same. The law was written for people like me, not people like you. I find your argument insincere and insulting.


It's still all about you, isn't it?

MMJ Caregivers do basically the same thing here in CO. Retail is an entirely separate market.

It's about ALL residential growers trying to pay their bills. You know, the ones your state still locks up.


Active member
Give me a break. A game? EVERY weed smoker uses weed for medical reasons. Stress relief after work, depression, pain relief from physical injuries due to sports, etc. Make no mistake about it. A guy coming home from a stressful day of work and lighting up a bowl while playing Xbox is getting medicinal benefits. If it improves his quality of life while at home it improves his attitude at work and makes him a more efficient and well rested worker.

There is no game being played.

^ exactly. And that's why doctors hand out recommendations left and right.

But it is still illegal to profit from marijuana budtang... You can be compensated for your services and that is all. How you calculate that is your own business.


Active member
Give me a break. A game? EVERY weed smoker uses weed for medical reasons. Stress relief after work, depression, pain relief from physical injuries due to sports, etc. Make no mistake about it. A guy coming home from a stressful day of work and lighting up a bowl while playing Xbox is getting medicinal benefits. If it improves his quality of life while at home it improves his attitude at work and makes him a more efficient and well rested worker.

There is no game being played.

Remarkably twisted logic. You still need to go to a physician & convince them that you "need" weed for your "medical condition" which is an exercise in authoritarian gamesmanship. You can't legally buy or produce weed w/o that cover, that beard, that justification. People who don't play it are subject to fines & jail time, depending. People from out of state can't play, either.

In CO, that bullshit is optional. Anybody 21 & older has the right to possess up to 1 oz of cannabis. I could tie it in a baggie around my neck & walk into a cop shop w/o any possibility of being busted. They'd probably give me a hard time, but that's all they could do. I can get high on my front porch if I want, not have to go through the "Papers, please" routine to get high on my own property. I don't need to show my secret decoder ring med card at the pot shop, either. I don't need any permission slip to have a few plants- I don't need anything other than the desire to grow 'em.

I have the legal right to get high & grow pot for no reason at all. You don't.


Yes, but his medical benefit is somewhat less than, say... ME. The MMJ law in washington state was written to provide treatment or palliative care for severe, dehabilitating, or terminal illnesses that are unresponsive to conventional pharmaceuticals.

I CAN'T work if I don't smoke pot. I'd be on full disability living in a trailer park instead of running a marijuana business and going to one of the top 10 law schools in the nation next year (sorry, won't say which one). I don't think every weed smoker can say the same. The law was written for people like me, not people like you. I find your argument insincere and insulting.

Oh, really? Given that there is research out there suggesting that cannabis fights off cancer, diabetes, etc... I'd say we're all entitled to a substance that fights off serious diseases like that. If it turns out that this research is accurate then every single person is receiving a medicinal benefit from the substance. Whether, they're using it for that reason, or not.

Hell, if this research is true, the goddamn FDA needs to be criminally charged from keeping a beneficial substance like that out of our bodies. If it turns out that this is true they're actions have resulted in the deaths of countless numbers of people. They've been depriving us of a vital substance that our bodies were designed to take in given the fact that our brains have receptors that are only known to take in THC to date.

That's like making Vitamin C illegal.
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mack 10

Well-known member
You can probably have that if enough people in your state feel that way about it. "Realistically", they probably don't, So I wouldn't hold out for that pony. "Realistically", you still have to play games about your "medical condition", whatever it is, obtain permission to grow or possess weed at all. We still have that game, too, but nobody has to play it to grow their own in peace. Nobody has to play the stupid med card game to get legal weed or justify it for any reason other than they want it, just like beer.

First time I've heard an American (you are American? lol)
Actually say that out allowed...
And once that research is verified by the proper authorities Pfizer's pending patent on a 1:1 THC to CBD ratio for cancer treatment will probably pass.

But until then, do you know what a snake oil is? You are obviously not a medical student. I would suggest researching the difference between endocannabinoids and Delta-9 THC.


I have the legal right to get high & grow pot for no reason at all. You don't.

Yeah, but in California I have a legal right to grow pot, get high, and smoke it for a legitimate reason. On top of that, I can sell the weed produced and pay my bills with the money. You can't. California's laws are way better. The standards are so relaxed in Cali that your point has no validity. If it were hard to get a medical card in Cali you might have a point, but it's very easy.


Active member
It's about ALL residential growers trying to pay their bills. You know, the ones your state still locks up.

Residential MMJ growers play much the same game in CO that you play in CA. There are several who post here often. I don't pretend to understand it well- I don't have to.

Go ahead, tell me you're safe w/o the necessary authoritarian paperwork.


Active member
Yes, but his medical benefit is somewhat less than, say... MINE. The MMJ law in Washington State was written to provide treatment or palliative care for severe, dehabilitating, or terminal illnesses that are unresponsive to conventional pharmaceuticals.

I CAN'T work if I don't smoke pot. I'd be on full disability living in a trailer park instead of running a marijuana business and going to one of the top 10 law schools in the nation next year (sorry, won't say which one). This drug ALONE makes the difference between me being a leech on society and one of its highest functioning members. I don't think every weed smoker can say the same. The law was written for people like me, not people like you. I find your argument insincere and insulting.

Wow. "People like me not people like you." Please tell me more about how you deserve marijuana for medicinal reasons more than the next person.

I find your argument selfish, and narcissistic.
Oh, I'll give you that LSWM. I am one conceited bastard.

And don't get me wrong. I think it should be legalized and I agree there are medical benefits most folk could use. I'm kinda working in the business. I do it because I think it's a moral pursuit, not because I care what people do on the weekends.

But MMJ laws weren't written for them. They were written for people with very severe problems only. His definition of medical necessity doesn't fit the legal definition in any state or country on the face of the earth.

As far as I can tell, he's not telling us he smokes because he's dying, or in chemo, or in a wheelchair, or has lost 100 pounds and is on the verge of starvation from severe Crohns. He's saying he likes to smoke pot when his feet are sore. It's insincere and insulting to compare the two. Feel me?
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Active member
Yeah, but in California I have a legal right to grow pot, get high, and smoke it for a legitimate reason. On top of that, I can sell the weed produced and pay my bills.

You can't.

You need to put "legitimate" in quotes, but only if you're telling the truth. You don't, because you're not. We both know it.

People can play much the same game in CO & they're welcome to it, which is not to deny the medical benefits of cannabis at all.

And it's still all about you & your ego, obviously.


Residential MMJ growers play much the same game in CO that you play in CA. There are several who post here often. I don't pretend to understand it well- I don't have to.

Go ahead, tell me you're safe w/o the necessary authoritarian paperwork.

What??????? Residential growers in Cali get licensed approval to sell to dispensaries for an "operating costs." I'm not talking about black market growers who sell under the table. In Colorado there are no licensed residential growers who can make a legal living from weed like there is in California. If there were this thread wouldn't exist.

Colorado=corporate weed capital

California=Weed Capital of Planet Earth
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Well-known member
can we grow tobacco without federal permits?

pretty sure you can grow it here in TN. selling it requires that you are registered & do not grow more than your allotted weight (quota). I know they aint out flying around in Nat'l guard helicopters hunting for the shit...:biggrin:


Active member
His definition of medical necessity doesn't fit the legal definition in any state or country on the face of the earth, a fact most non-marijuana users grasp.

Makes zero sense to me. Read prop 215. It lists aids and cancer blah blah, then says "or any other serious medical condition for which a doctor reccommends its use."

Maybe the guy that had a rough day at work was depressed or has anxiety. Maybe he has back and knee pain. BUT NO HE DOESNT DESERVE IT. He doesnt have cancer so let's give him prozac and wellbutrin for the anxiety and depression, some carisoprol for his back and he can take 4 ibuprofen a day for his knee. THAT SOUNDS MUCH HEALTHIER THAN A JOINT A DAY DOESN'T IT!?


Active member
Remarkable. The notion that Seedbay or any other "souvenir" seed trade business exists for any reason other than govt is absurd.

They exist regardless if it is legal or not. There is a demand so there is a supply.

On a multiplicity of levels, they exist because government exists, as does the money you reference. It's probably one of the most distorted markets in existence, straddling the law across multiple jurisdictions. "In spite of" isn't nearly the same as "in the absence of". .

So seedbay does exist in spite of government and they would exist in their absence too. Because they provide a service that people find valuable.

Which is not to denigrate them at all in the world as it is.

You stated a whole bunch of nothing. With the laws as they are they provide a service , without them they still provide a service. Its all voluntary. No one is forced to buy their products they offer. Get a clue.
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