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Vote in Vail


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
by Sarah Mausolf, Staff Writer, (Source:Steamboat Pilot & Today)
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Vail -- Buddy Sims doesn't want pot shops in Colorado's Vail Valley.

"I have no objection to patients that get doctors' permits and need medical marijuana for chronic pain," the 64-year-old Edwards resident said. "My concern is that I feel these marijuana stores are going to draw off Interstate 70 types of people that are buying marijuana that we don't want here and the crime will follow."

Sims has been trying to mobilize people to lobby for a ban on medical marijuana dispensaries at Tuesday's county commissioners' meeting. Commissioners on Tuesday plan to vote on temporary rules that limit where dispensaries can operate. The 30-day rule would forbid dispensaries from opening within 200 feet of schools, and would go into effect immediately after the vote. Sims thinks the county should take it a step further.

"I'd like to see some concerned citizens show up and voice their opinions to the county commissioners to make this a permanent ban," he said.

Black market fears

Sims fears a black market for the medical marijuana could sprout up in town.

"I don't want to see the black market trade started here, with people buying this marijuana with medical cards and then giving it to other people who are splitting it and cutting it and selling it," he said. "I don't want to see it get into the high school or elementary system anymore then it probably already is now."

With only 69 people in Eagle County registered for legal cards for medical marijuana, Sims argues dispensaries will need to attract customers from elsewhere. As a result, the dispensaries could draw unsavory people cruising along I-70, he argues.

"Why would you have three stores for 69 customers?" he said. "The customers have to be coming off of Interstate 70 or someplace else in Colorado. They're not all not living here."

The game plan

With three medical marijuana dispensaries open or poised to open in Eagle County, officials want to buy some time while they figure out what to do about the shops.

"I want to make sure we have a game plan in place before people are spending funds to set up dispensaries," County Commissioner Sara Fisher said.

The 30-day regulations facing commissioners would confine dispensaries to commercial and industrial zoning districts in the county. It also forbids medical marijuana sales within 200 feet of schools, parks, child care facilities, churches, drug rehabilitation facilities or community centers.

It would not apply to dispensaries that have already opened in Edwards and Eagle-Vail.

"Based on this they would not have to shut down," county Attorney Bryan Treu said.

The 30-day rules would not apply to proposed dispensaries where owners have spent significant money on supplies or building renovations in preparation for opening, Treu said. Simply signing a lease does not exempt a proposed dispensary from the rules though, he said.

Existing dispensaries may be subject to any future, permanent regulations the county imposes on medical marijuana shops, Treu said. Exactly what rules the county will impose on dispensaries remains to be seen.

"We've already heard feedback from folks on both sides of the issue," Fisher said. "Because it's not currently specifically addres -sed in Colorado statute, and it's illegal from a federal standpoint still, we want to have the research done and the dialogue to be had as a community before making a determination on what, how or if we will set any kind of long-term regulations."

I for one would like to know how one would go about "
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]buying this marijuana with medical cards and then giving it to other people who are splitting it and cutting it and selling it". He doesn't want the black market MJ in Vail, then opening dispensaries would be the logical first step.


Active member
Sims fears a black market for the medical marijuana could sprout up in town.

"I don't want to see the black market trade started here, with people buying this marijuana with medical cards and then giving it to other people who are splitting it and cutting it and selling it," he said. "I don't want to see it get into the high school or elementary system anymore then it probably already is now."

Talk about shit for brains... Doesn't this idiot realize that the black market already exists and that anyone and everyone who want pot, schoolkids included, can get it anytime they want. Is it so hard to figure out that the black market will dry-up when faced with a legal market?

"My concern is that I feel these marijuana stores are going to draw off Interstate 70 types of people that are buying marijuana that we don't want here and the crime will follow."

What about the people who don't want his wrinkled old bigoted ass in town? Can they have a county hearing to throw him out?

"I don't want to see the black market trade started here, with people buying this marijuana with medical cards and then giving it to other people who are splitting it and cutting it and selling it," he said.

What an ignorant statement. How does one go about "cutting" mmj? Someone needs to tell this idiot that it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

God, how I hate the braindead "reefer madness" crowd. Whattaya wanna bet this old fart starts drinking at noon?


Blue Dot

This guy has legit concerns.

I mean you just know in socal diversion is a huge problem so why would it be any different in Vail?

You mean you don't think that many patients come back from a dispensary and have parties with other non-patients?

Or that some enterprising young men resell for a living.

I can help to quell the guys concerns in Vail by saying that if the 1/4's cost as much as a lift ticket then no one will be able to afford to buy there. LOL


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
there is no short supply of seriously dank bud in the vail valley already, this guy doesnt know shit.
"Sims fears a black market for the medical marijuana could sprout up in town."
I keep laughing at this line. A. Medical marijuana is not a black market in Co. (grey market for the time being:drum:) B. The black market has existed since 1937. C. The only way to begin to eliminate the black market is to allow dispensaries to open...