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Viva la Argentina! Pero adonde consigo Mota?


Active member
I'm going to be spending a couple months in Argentina after the fall harvest. I'm curious if anyone has had any experience finding weed there, specifically in the Buenos Aires province. I read that they get bricks from paraguay, but I haven't smoked brick weed in years! lol...

So what's the word? SHould I just mail myself some quality smoke?

Contestame en castellano si quieren. Es lo mismo a mi. Ademas, no voy a conocer a nadie cuando llego, entonces me gustaria tener a unos amigos antes de llegar! Espero noticias buenas. Chau.


Hi !
My experience is worth for the city only, not the province.
I never ever found quality weed here. What you get is indeed Paraguayan bricks (usually called "prensado" or even "ladrillo" if I'm right) but that's really poor quality : very stoney, smells strongly like ammoniac (said to be human pee).

It's not so easy as it seems to find weed here (laws are not permissive at all, but that's going to change : subject is being discussed).
Too, the law is like this here : if you smoke at home, you won't get in any trouble (because article 19 of the Constitution guarantees what you do privately) but if you get caught in the street, even with a small quantity, you "endanger the public health".

I'd say your best bet to find a brick would be to get friendly with young guys running a "kiosco" and ask them. They may know the phone number of a "delivery man" and call him for you (those delivery men can be good guys or not-so-good ones like coke addicts so be a minimum cautious).

There are some homegrowers here but it's small scale for personal use.

Last thing : if you get into trouble with the cops, it's usually possible to "negotiate" but don't do it upfront, more in an indirect way like "ok, how can this be solved ?" then you put 20 or 50 pesos in your passport and tend it to them (don't do it upfront because there is quite a bunch of extreme-rightists here, and I mean it. Meanwhile some other cops do really a great job for what they are paid for).


New member
Che Boludo,

If I were returning to BA I wouldn't bother importing weed from home b/c although the stuff you'll find in Arg might not look nice it will have pleasantly different effects from the stuff in the U.S. I mostly encountered sativas that were exported from Paraguay which had very uplifting highs. If you stay in a hostel it will be quite easy to conseguir pot from other travelers or from the employees of the hostel. Arg and BA in particular has a very vibrant night life that is often extended with the use of drugs. In various clubs I was offered various things, in some jazz joints you will notice the wafting odor of herb.

Argentines are loco for soccer, and I found that mentiong Boca or River Plate always helped to start conversations that would lead to friendships that would lead to cualquier cosa.

Enjoy your trip! If you have any more questions let me know.


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