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visiting the animal shelter


Active member
so i have been looking to replace my dead dog with a live one LOL while i love going there it makes me sad as i know the fate of alot of them. i would preferr a pup and not a grown dog. well after the second kennel this husky female was all over me or as much as possible behind a fence. LOL she rolled over and i scratched her belly and ears and i could tell this was a special dog and probably hadnt been neglected . i love huskys as i had one once . my problem is the fur and my hot so cal climate. not ideal for a cold weather dog and in my experience leads to massive shedding. i have decieded to make sure the dog wont be killed and as a last resort i would take it if nobody else will. i hate furry buds. i really need a dog as my belly is getting fat and i need the excercise
Get that dog! You had a connection. I have five dogs, three of them are rescue dogs as I consider myself an animal rescuer. We also have three cats, all taken in strays.
I have taken in the older elderly animals before so they could die with a family and not in a cage.
If you have the time to brush it outside, you can remove most of the shedding that way or take it to a groomer and have its coat shaved down.
Put yourself in its place and think about it. Just like people, shelter animals deserve a second chance at a good life.


Active member
Never ever turn down a Husky Female ................... at least i would`nt .

Good luck with finding a good friend , all our rescue animals deserve some luck .


Hope you just got back from pickin up your new dog. Anybody complaines about the hair just tell m it's pubic, and should cost more.
MJB is right, as we mature never say no..


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
connection or not if u dont think the dog is gonna be happy dont know much bout huskys but heat and sun are not good for em..... but if the dog in a socal shelter if it does go it will prob be in socal anyway so get some clippers and shave the bitch in the summer.... and just keep her inside most of the time or in a shady spot... it all depends on iff u can give the dog a good home for the both of ya...
I had 2 female huskeys and even though I walked them everyday, they would still run off to the woods and inevitably come back with a dead baby deer in their mouths....which drew alot of horrified complaints from the neighbors. (sheeeezzzx, it's nature!!!) (I dont live in that neighborhood anymore). I just couldn't control them , but then again , im more of a cat person than a dog person. Ive been told I just don't have enough authority in my voice to have a dog.Still, they are beautiful, beautiful dogs.All dogs are gonna shed/ my best gf. shaves her german shepard every few months . In adddition she vacuums him with the vacuum cleaner and the dog loves it. I hope you get her, if not her, do try the older dogs that nobody wants.Puppies can be alot of work.


all of my dogs have always been from shelters. huskies shed and some are high energy dogs so you might need to walk more than you want. if that happens buy a bike, they can run too. there is no such thing as a bad dog, so give this one a second chance. i have 3 from shelters in my current pack and i would not trade any of them for any AKS/AKC papered puppy.

if you talk to most animal shelters they will actually give you the option of bringing an older dog back to them if things don't work out. YES I KNOW THAT SOUNDS FUCKED UP but before you flame me please listen. city animal shelters do not have the time to get to know most of the dogs like you see happening on animal planet. to makeup for it some will allow you to bring a dog back if things don't work. so if you find out that lovable mutt you just picked up wants to eat your 3 year old you have options. the shelter that i get my dogs from is like that. talk to the people walking the dogs behind the shelter (i may be one of them) they can tell you a lot about the older dogs in the shelter if they have been there for a little while. you would be shocked at some of the things that a dog can be put through and still love people. they just want to be part of a pack and if you are lucky enough to be the right person for that dog they will pay you back for being a good human.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
flame flame flame.... lol nah if shit dont work it dont work they gotta takem back i would assume....lol say u gonna leave his ass and what can they do....... adopt ya husky.. and have a great life 2gether... peace...

bringin a deer home is insane i would be pissin my pants rotfflmao...


Well-known member
Anybody who saves a dog from a shelter is a hero imo. Being that the dog is living in socal I agree that its probably used to the weather.

Personality is king when it comes to dogs, if she had a winning personanilty thats most of the battle.

Think of it this way - The husky really really likes you and/or was trying really hard to get out of the shelter!

But, if not the husky, there's other pups that also deserve homes. Win win for you!

All dogs are gonna shed/ my best gf. shaves her german shepard every few months . In adddition she vacuums him with the vacuum cleaner and the dog loves it. I hope you get her, if not her, do try the older dogs that nobody wants.Puppies can be alot of work.

Vacuumed dog lol


so i have been looking to replace my dead dog with a live one LOL while i love going there it makes me sad as i know the fate of alot of them. i would preferr a pup and not a grown dog. well after the second kennel this husky female was all over me or as much as possible behind a fence. LOL she rolled over and i scratched her belly and ears and i could tell this was a special dog and probably hadnt been neglected . i love huskys as i had one once . my problem is the fur and my hot so cal climate. not ideal for a cold weather dog and in my experience leads to massive shedding. i have decieded to make sure the dog wont be killed and as a last resort i would take it if nobody else will. i hate furry buds. i really need a dog as my belly is getting fat and i need the excercise

long story short is there are MANY (without being a buzz kill) shelters that will work with you. you may be able to do the most good buy telling the shelter what your situation is and what you are looking for. no kids can be a life saver for a dog and someone with the sense enough to keep there fucking hands away from a dogs bowl for the 5 minutes that it takes to eat it food every day can do the same.

this is one of those times where throwing all your cards on the table will do you and the friend you want the most good, if you are willing to adopt an older dog talk to the no kill shelters. those folks take it to a new level and they NEVER take on a completely hopeless dog. what they do is like sorting through an endless pile of tupperware bowls looking for the lids that fit. DO AS MUCH GOOD AS YOU CAN

all of my dogs are like me .... crazy and functional ...... and we only bite when someone needs it:)
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Active member
thanks guys . i aint worried about the energy the dog got . my last dog required atleat 5 mile run every day. good thing i had an atv. i have a fenced in yard with a big shade tree. so i can pretty much have any dog i want. i will be going back this week to check on the dog and look for a pup. i actually have room for 2 dogs. excersize for the dogs is easy as i can bring them to dog beach whenever i want and they can run free and swim.


I wouldn't worry to much about a husky in a hot region, we live in a south central state, own a siberian husky, I know he would choose a cold spot but we wet him down everyday & water changed with cold & he deals with it anyway! Summertime he does not eat as much!:wave::plant grow:


Active member
well i went back and got to visit with dog. the dog was too aggressive and had health issues. they wouldnt quote me what it would cost for medical surgery to correct the problem. so i had to pass on the dog. right now i got leads on a few pups german shepard. a lady 2 states away is offering 2 akc shepard pups. waiting on her to call me. and one local guy had a pup but i aint sure if its a purebred or not .if i have to travel 2 states i am taking both pups . 1 male 1 female
You may also want to try one of those rescue organizations if there is a particular type of dog that you would like to get. Too bad about the husky. You were worried about weight gain and having a husky and getting it enough exercise would certainly take care of that problem! :)


:ying::ying::ying::ying: for going to the shelter!

Got my shelter Mutt at my feet right now!!! Best dog ever!!