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visiting italy for 2 months need help!


Active member
whats up guys,im leaving for italy in a few days :jump:! my trip begins in Venice then onto Florence and then Rome and from there Im not sure! I have a few questions for those who can help out. First question is Ive heard that seeds were legal in italy so if they are where can shops be found, second i'll be needing a good supply of buds for the trip so if anyone in those areas can help out please pm me, third where are some fun places in rome to hang out to find young locals and fourth(quattro!) if anybody is in need of help with their gardens i am willing to give you any and all help that i can. thanks guys :wave:



romani, fatevi sentire!!

hi my friend, and welcome to italy!

I'm from milan so I'm out from your requests... but I still can give you some advice: search your growshop via internet, you cannot miss this way, maybe you could write a mail before, many italians do prefer written english ;)

the second thing is that you obviously are aware of the fact that buds are outlaw in italy, and also are difficult to find, depending from the various places you visit. I cannot help you with this, I hope that someone from those cities will pm you, gl!


Active member
thanks for the tips,the webehigh website hasnt been updated for about 3 years. if anybody else can give some advice id really appreciate it.thanks again guys


New member
getting good bud here is hard even for locals, unless they're willing to pay a ridiculous price. So I'd encourage you to take a break for this couple of months and get wasted when you go back home. If you want to buy from random dealers, be prepared to ripoff, bammer, shitty hash and robbery. But trust me, if I were you I would just avoid smoking for the whole trip


UnDead Member
in rome you could find some hash in "quartiere s. lorenzo", near the university. But beware, there's not so nice people around.
... in florence , in '90 you find many many people with hashish on the road, quartiere "uffizi", but today if you do not know anyone is very difficult to find something along the way. In venice it's impossible, really impossible. It's possible to find, I think, in Mestre, but I don't know really.
The only city of the three where I have found without problems hash and weed is Rome, in S. lorenzo . there is a big square where you could find . ask to black people, but, like I've said, beware.
And .... for real ... be careful ... with the police, bobbies and "carabinieri".
good trip man !


Your best bet is to look for hash rather than buds...If you can make it down to Napoli, go to Piazza del Gesu...after dark its all tokers just be careful, anytime after dark in these places in any city it's going to be greasy. :joint:


Active member
thanks so much guys,I will be goin to Naples aswell. im not concerned too much with being robbed as they have more to fear from me than I do them.and money is not an issue as this trip has been funded by the sacred plant we all here at ICMAG love, was hopin to hook up with a brother grower and save alot of hassle.worst case scenario i guess i will hit the bars up and talk to bartenders and waitresses,they always seem to know where to get things.I cant imagine goin my entire trip without some buds as I find adventures to be more fun while high! thanks again guys


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Buds is hard to find in Italy.
Hash is plentiful, though, as Italy is a prime transit point for all sorts of things from N.Africa.
But beware, dealers will rip-off tourists without thinking twice. Saw it happen in the train station in Milan back in 2000. He got hash, just not what he paid for.

Are you staying in Hotels or Hostels...
Hostels can be a good place to yuck it up with younger people that have been in the city awhile, especially the ones that work there.
Definitely hit up the bartenders and locals in the scene.
I went to a club in an old church, somewhere near the Piramide or Garbatella subway station (Rome), lots of people on drugs, I'm sure you could find some weed.
Don't remember what it was called, was taken there by ex-pats that had been living in Rome for some time.
"In Testaccio you can find great traditional roman restaurants, and at night the zone is filled with discos."
It might have been Jungle Club Roma that we went to.
I don't remember.

Good luck. And if you can't find hash, at least there is plenty of wine, women and food.
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Active member
i appreciate all the advice guys.I'll be arriving in Venice on Wednesday I cant wait to leave! Maybe I will get lucky some time during my trip and come across some locals smoking...any head shops in Rome that are worth checking out?


One day you will have to answer to the children of
The Eternal City?
Too much to see and do, you can see headshops back home.

Also, if there is a long line for the Vatican Museum, try and reschedule. You can literally wait in line for hours.
If you have the funds, mopeds get places in Rome. They always get to the front of the line at stop lights. Avoid bus transit around Termini.

I only smoked weed in Rome because a guy at the hostel I met, got some when he was in Sicily staying at a farm. Really weird story, he didn't speak Italian the farmer didn't speak English, but one day busted out some herb to break the language barrier.


Active member
Ive heard of these notorious lines for the major sights and im thinking of buying 1 of those passes with a tour so I can just show up and no waiting..I will be staying at a hostel in Rome,Naples and maybe the Amalfi coast so im hoping some other adventurers will have had some luck like you say..thanks again everyone i appreciate all your advice


UnDead Member
Buds is hard to find in Italy.
Hash is plentiful, though, as Italy is a prime transit point for all sorts of things from N.Africa.
But beware, dealers will rip-off tourists without thinking twice. Saw it happen in the train station in Milan back in 2000. He got hash, just not what he paid for.

ahahaha!!! sorry for my laugh , but central station in milan is not for buying weed or hash .... is a horrible place when you find only junky people , thieft and cheats ..not weed dealers ... .if you are in the right place for buying weed or hash you are rarerely ripped off .... italy is like others european nation, everywhere you can find cheats, but in my life when I tried everywhere to buy weed or hash doesn't mattern if you are a tourist ... a cheat rip you off, a good dealer treat you like a client. just my two cents ... and sorry for my baaaad english.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
and sorry for my baaaad english.
Mio Italiano non e buono. (I had to use Google translate for that)

I only spent a few months studying Italian, gave way to French and German in College.


Active member
wish i knew where the right places to look were...my destinations are the following,Venice,Florence,Rome,Milan,Genoa and the ligurian sea area and as far east as nice in france.if anyone from those areas can let me know where to look and where not to it would very helpful.id be willing to send a sour d clone to anyone who can help when im there


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Amalfi coast so im hoping some other adventurers will have had some luck like you say..thanks again everyone i appreciate all your advice
When I was there, early 2000, there wasn't a hostel in Amalfi, but neighboring Atrani did, a klick or three away.
If you are hosteling, check your local library for guides: Let's Go (Let's go get lost), Lonely Planet (Lost Planet), or Roughneck (nothing funny for that one)...
A good place to start.

Also, when buying shit. Ditch your crew, well before you get to the destination street (leave them at the park or 'Piazza' on the way there) from the Hostel, take only necessary personnel.
Had a fucking Swissboy almost get us all arrested in Berlin. Good news, I got the weed. Bad news, right as I crossed the street, Polizei rolled up on him (dude I bought weed from) in their green paddy wagons.
If I hadn't had a crew of ravers with me, he probably wouldn't have been hassled by the Gestapo.
Next time I go with only the guy who knew what part of town we were going to. I leave everyone else at the S-Bahn station.


Active member
I'll be in italy tomorow morning! If anyone can help me out finding some buds while there please PM me. thanks again to all who offered there advice.


Non hai raggiunto i 50 post necessari per i pm....
ma star senza fumare per un pò non ce la fai?

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