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Virginia Bill Would Decriminalize Growing 5 Plants!


Are there any pre-written letters?

I'd be more than glad to contact, but I feel like a pre-written letter with all the key points would be easier to provide to my friends/family (yes, family) for *hopefully* 15-20 emails
vote has been done and sorry to say but both failed

FUCKING ASSHOLES! We need to find out how these fucking politicians voted, and when the next elections are held, Vote for someone else..Because, it was around 80% of the population wanted the decriminalization bill to pass...SO once again...the poloticians are not worried about what the people want....FUCK THAT! WE PAY THEIR SALARY...WE GAVE THEM THAT JOB....Its time we start to hold politicians accountable...They are suppose to represent "US" and what we want...That is not being done...shocker, I know.... All in VA, lets do our homework and find out who voted NO on these issues and vote that way in the coming years...VA sucks....Fuck them, I dont need their permission to grow weed...but it would be really nice....BUT....until that day comes..i guess i'll continue to be a "dangerous Felon" that is putting peoples kids at risk of becoming murderers, rapist, serial killers and hard core drug abusers, because i grow a plant...A FUCKING PLANT! Harvey Morgan represents the small county i live in...When i was younger about 20 years ago, he did own a pharmacy.. Hes a cool dude, but nothing more threatening than an 80 year old pharmacist that wants to make some money for the state , while not ruining peoples lives for a VERY VERY minor offense... Then again...hes logical...and the word logical and politicians/government just dont mix...Its truly sad...maybe its that the word elitist and logical dont go together....either way.ITS BULLSHIT! I hate stupid mother fuckers but they find a way to get the amount of votes that is needed...Sooo im sure we will have many more years of this shit until we realize that these assholes are not looking out for us, but only themselves...The representative for Richmond came out and was making fun of people that smoke pot, and said this bill will never pass...even though the citizens want it to, it wont because the next elections, someone would run against that person and "beat them over the head" with the title of druggie supporter......Ummmm ....AHhhhh How bout if 80% of Virginians want this to pass...who gives a shit who will run against you and talk shit because you voted for it...Fuck..heres a way out for ya....Just say i voted for the people...HAHAH so easy and simple...besides...2nd grade math tells me, that if you have 80% percent of the vote, you are going to win....But once again.......thats logical thinking..and they dont want that in Washington....Ohhh to live in the land of the free...sorry for the rant, but fuck...this is fucking ridiculous..beyond ridiculous but this is shit hole VA..but hey...we got nice beaches!


New member
I agree with everything you said!rubbanutz420 and everyone else! (except the VA having nice beaches lol we have one really lol) But yeah I'm gonna do my research now and make sure I can do my part. I just moved back to VA in september and that was from California lol. VAl Cal. But Yeah we need to get some changes made if we want to take full advantage of our rights as Americans. We have many rights we never take advantage of yet complain when things don't go our way. It's time for some change!


Well-known member
is it possible to get a bill put to a vote in Virginia like they did in california ? bypass the nazi's in office & take it directly to the voters with petitions?:dunno:


is it possible to get a bill put to a vote in Virginia like they did in california ? bypass the nazi's in office & take it directly to the voters with petitions?:dunno:

Unfortunately, like most eastern states, Virginia doesn't have initiatives or referenda. No direct democracy here. Only "representative" government.

That's why it's even more important for you to contact your officials out east.


New member
Unfortunately, like most eastern states, Virginia doesn't have initiatives or referenda. No direct democracy here. Only "representative" government.

That's why it's even more important for you to contact your officials out east.

That's too bad because it's going to take the voters to legalize marijuana in my opinion. The lawmakers don't have the guts to do the right thing.


That's too bad because it's going to take the voters to legalize marijuana in my opinion. The lawmakers don't have the guts to do the right thing.

Actually, look up Jim Webb :)

Then again, he might be pulling an Obama and just saying shit without actually doing anything.

We can make it an important enough issue that the campaigns will be won on a candidate's marijuana stance. That is by far my most important issue on the poll. It would take a lot for me to vote against a pro-marijuana candidate. If we can get the word out that many of us feel the same way, then it'll become the hot topic.

So yeah, it's definitely tougher, but it's still possible.


Natalie J. Puffington
It's a bummer this didn't pass...But, I wasn't real hopefull having lived there. I recently left the commonwealth, (partly) to escape the harsh laws and to get a medical rec. My parent's still live there and since I have an apt. there, so I go back pretty regularly.

And though this is a drag; do not fret my pets!!

Despite this recent failure, in actuality, VA already had an mmj law on the books; it was one of the first and most progressive med laws, when it was passed in 1979. The law just needs to be tested and people need to find out about it! And it seems as though many lawyers are unaware of the law as well.
With the plethora of conservative judges in VA, I don't know how successful this path would be in practice, for the majority of 'outlaw med users'; but it just might be the is the most feasible route for progress and if no one tries we'll never know. :dunno:

§ 18.2-251.1. Possession or distribution of marijuana for medical purposes permitted.

A. No person shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-250 or § 18.2-250.1 for the possession of marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol when that possession occurs pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a medical doctor in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.

B. No medical doctor shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-248 or § 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol for medical purposes when such action occurs in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.

C. No pharmacist shall be prosecuted under §§ 18.2-248 to 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol to any person who holds a valid prescription of a medical doctor for such substance issued in the course of such doctor's professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.
(1979, c. 435.)

"Medical marijuana is now legal in Virginia. With President Obama directing the feds to adhere to state laws in enforcement of anti-marijuana laws, that presumably leaves doctors free to prescribe it under §18.2-251.1, which the General Assembly passed in 1979."


One of the bills was actually just an amendment, adding conditions for which it could be prescribed.

However, cancer and glaucoma aren't the only conditions which marijuana can treat. There are a plethora of other debilitating ailments that could be treated with it.


Well-known member
so what they need is a sick person with balls & a lawyer willing to test the limits to see if a judge will be willing to say "if it is ok for THESE diseases, how can it be illegal for THESE ?"


so what they need is a sick person with balls & a lawyer willing to test the limits to see if a judge will be willing to say "if it is ok for THESE diseases, how can it be illegal for THESE ?"

The medical necessity defense already has legal precedence in America. I want to know why this can happen, doctors can recommend marijuana as medical treatment, and it still be illegal.

I don't get this!



A. No person shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-250 or § 18.2-250.1 for the possession of marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol when that possession occurs pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a medical doctor in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.

B. No medical doctor shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-248 or § 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol for medical purposes when such action occurs in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.

C. No pharmacist shall be prosecuted under §§ 18.2-248 to 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol to any person who holds a valid prescription of a medical doctor for such substance issued in the course of such doctor's professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.
(1979, c. 435.)

"Medical marijuana is now legal in Virginia. With President Obama directing the feds to adhere to state laws in enforcement of anti-marijuana laws, that presumably leaves doctors free to prescribe it under §18.2-251.1, which the General Assembly passed in 1979."

the problem is, under Federal Law marijuana is a Schedule I substance and doctors simply cannot write a prescription for a Schedule I substance, nor would a pharmacy be able to distribute that Schedule I substance. You need a DEA license to do that, and guess what they're impossible to get. The medical law that they were trying to pass in VA didn't even address this issue; they can add all the qualifying conditions in the world and it doesn't mean jack shit if the doctor can't properly "recommend" it (rather than prescribe it) to his patient.


the problem is, under Federal Law marijuana is a Schedule I substance and doctors simply cannot write a prescription for a Schedule I substance, nor would a pharmacy be able to distribute that Schedule I substance. You need a DEA license to do that, and guess what they're impossible to get. The medical law that they were trying to pass in VA didn't even address this issue; they can add all the qualifying conditions in the world and it doesn't mean jack shit if the doctor can't properly "recommend" it (rather than prescribe it) to his patient.

However, Virginia Senator Jim Webb is trying to get marijuana's schedule I status reviewed by the senate. I hope to god he follows through. I already emailed him giving him support and plan to get a phone call or personal interview.


yea that commission he's trying to get set-up has the potential to do us a lot of good. hopefully the results are accurate/not ignored like every other pro-reform decision ever made by our government. until then we should do what we can on the local level and changing the laws is doing just that.. the politicians just have to get the message that theyre elected to serve our desires not theirs or their ideologies. When something with a supermajority of public support isn't getting that kind of support in the legislature then a serious message needs to be sent. Support it or get the fuck out the way.


This website should have a feature where you can email/write/etc your senators/reps/delegates/president, send a copy to the admin, and then you'd get into a certain user class and be able to access a forum or something.

I know it sounds menial but I've seen websites with rewards such as that work very well. It's like the little donor tags here... everyone wants a reward :D

I wonder how many of us would email our people then.

-Also, I'm not just applying this to Americans. I'm just using America because 1) we're talking about a USA state and 2) it's the most commonly talked about country on this site.-

Just rambling on...