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virgin dreamer


not sure if this the proper place for this thread, but i'm new to the site so this seems like a good place for it.

i've smoke pot ever since i was in the sixth grade, and i think it's safe to say that i havn't gone a single day without burning in over 5 years. just recently i had some troubles getting a hold of any bud what so ever, and i just thru my ladies into flower, so it should be about 10 weeks before i have some homegrown. so for the first time in god knows how long i went to bed without taking a single puff all day. let me tell you it was like i was dreaming for the first time. now don't get me wrong i had dreams after burning, but not as intense and meaningful as they have been the past couple nights. i wake up now and i'm usually soaked in sweat and my heart is racing. none of my dreams have been nice...in fact they have been the most intense nightmares i've ever had. even though they have all been frightning they have all been a deep look into the problems in my life that i'd rather ignor. i've been lucid dreaming to certain extent as well. with the ability to choose to fly away when ever i want. i have never had just amazing dreams in my life, and i know it becuase i haven't been smoking. i know it's tough, but i highly suggest taking a short break and enjoy some of the best dreams you will ever have.
its like ii'm dreaming for the first time again. i love it, and i actually look forward to what will come tonight.

anyone else ever experience this?


Really common - very lucid dreams after not smoking.

I've been having epic dreams pretty much every nite since I've gone dry.

Zen Master

I smoke all day every day, and on the rare occasions I have a day break or so, I absolutely notice an increase in the vividness of my dreams, and the fact I'm dreaming at all to begin with.


i think by not having a real dream for 5 years now has opened new doors into my mind. the dreams i'm having are real deep looks into the real inner thoughts of my brain. i know they say pot deminishes dreams, but imo it the opposite. for instance if i didn't burn ever then i'd be used to having vivid dreams every night, but becuase of my marijuana use it has opened a new appreciation for dreams. i love it. i think i'm gonna shoot for at least one no smoke night a month just so i can enjoy the dreams. even though the dreams are fightning and scary i still love how they effect my throught process the rest of the day.


i get a good nights sleep every night for work the next morning, usually 7-8 hours rest, most likely get into deep sleep, never dream anymore. ever. why dont we heavy smokers have dreams?


according to the cannabible-"when i first suspected that ganja smoking was either preventing dreams or clouding my memory of them, i conducted a few experiments. for three seperate three-day periods, i fasted from ganja smokeing. each night of these trials, i dreamt most of the night and was able to remember and even gain insight from some of my dreams. when i returned to smoking, my dreams were either greatly diminished or completely adsent."


i dream less when i'm smoking for sure... but most of my dreams are boring or tedious anyway - with notable exceptions of course.

waking up in a dream - i've done that! o and taunting the evil powers cause it's MY dream and i think i'll just quit dreaming this dream anyway. yeah.

maybe the affected mind does not recognize a dream... maybe it doesn't need it. or maybe in this case the dream reservoir got full.

maybe we have to endure each and every one and the cannabis mind just refuses to show up.


Now in technicolor
I've had these dreams but never on/after Cannabis. Google "Zoloft nightmares" or "SSRI dreams"

SSRIs cause this exactly as you've experienced. Very intense/vivid maybe lucid dream, feels like it lasts forever, wake up drenched in sweat and maybe out of breath, and the dream stays on your mind as being very bizarre and sometimes enlightening.

If you can get hold of it, "Remeron" (non SSRI antidepressant) causes this too but in a much, much more potent way!


I have similiar dreams after taking opiates. Very intense, real nightmares.. I know what your explaining.


I also have crazy ass dreams while on opiates, its like I'm in between waking and sleeping, with chaotic yet very vivid dreams. To answer the OP, I always have vivid and/or lucid dreams (and better dream recall) after taking a break from the herb.
I'm under the impression that I just dont remember my dreams. Smoking or not smoking. I know I dream. My wife tells me I mumbled in my sleep sometimes and twitch. I dont even smoke every day anymore, but I dont remember shit.

My entire life, 31 years, I've remembered maybe a dozen dreams the next day, only of which 3 have stuck with me. *shrug* Is just dreams. :ying:


Cannabis is widely known to suppress dreams, especially in heavy doses prior to sleeping. So are most other sleep-inducing substances e.g. benzo's. The rebound effect of stopping cold-turkey causes overall lighter sleep, increased dream activity (with lots of wild & disturbing dreams) and increased dream recall to remember them better.

It will fade in time, no worries. There is plenty of info on the net; Google 'cannabis dream rebound' to learn more.


Melatonin helps with my dream recall if I have been smoking, and tends to promote lucid dreaming when I'm not. It counteracts herb's dream suppressing qualities in my experience.
i have never had a problem dreaming or remembering my dreams, through about 10 years of heavy smoking. maybe i'm rare or something, but i doubt it. haha. just last night i had a dream that i was walking around in a forest, of cannabis. that's enlightening!


i have never had a problem dreaming or remembering my dreams, through about 10 years of heavy smoking. maybe i'm rare or something, but i doubt it. haha. just last night i had a dream that i was walking around in a forest, of cannabis. that's enlightening!

i think thats pretty rare. from what i understand cannabis can stop REM sleep or prevent a person from entering that very essential part f healthy sleep. imo i think it's the opposite i sleep sound and hard when stoned.

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